THREE BILLY GOATS (visiting leader)

// tagging Howlingstar's patrol members, but you can post before them! @BLIZZARD FANG @Cloudyfur @lily pad
Looking for @CHILLEDSTAR.

When Wolfwind had brought news of what she'd found in the tunnel under the thunderpath, Howlingstar had been beyond confused. ShadowClan spending time as a whole in that mucky, dark stream? But why? It didn't seem their neighbors had given them any answers. Then, at the Gathering, Chilledstar had mentioned bears in their territory, and the puzzle pieces slowly came together in the tabby's head. If she had to guess, they were taking shelter, but she wanted to find out herself. After all, the tunnel lets out into her territory. ThunderClan should know what's going on.

"Chilledstar? ShadowClan?" Calls the leader, her warriors behind her as she stands outside the tunnel on the stream's bank. Patiently, she waits with ears pricked and tail flicking idly behind her, eyes trained expectantly on the dark tunnel's entrance. How ShadowClan travels through such a wet, dark place, she has no idea.
Frostbite had driven himself to exhaustion keeping watch of his own accord. He wouldn't admit that he was afraid. That bear could kill them all so easily, he needed to be aware of if it was nearby. He had been thinking of every method of attack he could, unwilling to accept that this was an unbeatable foe. He may not be able to kill it with fang and claw, but surely he could do something. Anything. He was one of the bigger cats in the clan and while it meant nothing compared to that monster he figured perhaps it could help him somehow.

Perhaps he could go for the eyes. A quick stab and run to leave it with a nasty infection and a blind side-



Probably a good thing, or else he'd be off to test his theory.

Tired eyes looked upon Howlingstar and her patrol. He supposed he couldn't blame her for being here, the entire clan was practically at her doorstep. He'd be nervous too if another clan was RIGHT there on his border.

"Howlingstar." He greeted her with a respectful nod. "And...." He looked to the patrol. Didn't know their names. "Company." Good enough.

"What do you want?" He asks. He's not the best cat at diplomacy. His tone isn't aggressive or unkind, but he's well aware he lacks the tact for these sort of things. He was just unfortunately nearby when they arrived.​
Cloudyfur was on edge.

The youngest warrior in the company by a wide margin, she felt ill equipped to be on this patrol. The whole Shadowclan hiding out near to their territory was terrifying. When Howlingstar had called upon her to join the patrol, she had felt sure that there had to be better options. It felt like only yesterday that her ceremony had happened.

Still, she wanted to do her part to protect her clan, and she didn't want to question her leader. Even though sometimes it was hard to have faith in herself, she had faith in Howlingstar.

From the her leader's side, Cloudyfur watched the Shadowclanner carefully. His demeanor put her a touch more at ease. Though he wasn't exactly warm toward their patrol, he wasn't rude, and he certainly wasn't hostile. She returned his greeting with a polite nod, but didn't say more. It would be best to let Howlingstar do the talking, she thought.​



Blizzard Fang takes the rear and pads behind his patrol. Emerging from the undergrowth and out on the border to ShadowClan burrs can be found tangled into his pelt. He hardly pays note of them as he moves to take a place at Howlingstar’s unaccompanied side as a ghostly warrior takes note of them. They’re as plain as day against the dark backdrop the bog, Blizzard Fang imagines they must be a strong hunter for their clan in the leaf-bare moons.

”Chilledstar.” Blizzard Fang repeats his leader’s request. Typically he would not speak for her, she was more than capable, but if the white ShadowClan warrior hadn’t heard her the first time he figures there was no harm in repeating.

Blue eyes gaze past the warrior and he tries to look in the tunnel, he remembers his moons spent on the marshland… ShadowClan was damp and muggy everywhere, but that tunnel had to be especially unpleasant… His nose wrinkles as he imagines it, hopefully they wouldn’t get too comfortable living so close to the border… Despite the code they had introduced two moons ago they were not above trespassing.

they were trying to rest but it wasn't going to happen any time soon. they got enough sleep, but their brain seemed to continue to go on and on. so, they got up. they walked around and eventually found themselves near frostbite. they figured they'd keep the white tom company and watch out for any signs of threat. it isn't until they hear the sound of paws approaching that they stand. their nose twitches at the scent of thunderclan becomes closer, and less stale. huh. frostbite greets and then some warrior from within thunderclan answers his question, and chilledstar cannot help but blink boredly.

"that's not very telling, now is it? how can i help you today, thunderclan?"

they ask, but they truly hope that they ask for nothing. they hadn't a single thing to spare. not one. their tail lashed almost anxiously, but the look on their face remains as stoic as it can get.
The patrol is greeted by snowy-furred warrior - Frostbite, she thinks his name is. Howlingstar dips her head to him respectfully, and nods along to Blizzard Fang’s affirmation of why they’re here. When Chilledstar does make their appearance, the tabby turns her attention onto them, head ducking slightly. Perhaps it’s an attempt to make herself appear less threatening - she’s here partially out of concern, after all.

“Chilledstar, my warriors reported a good number of ShadowClanners were in the tunnel. At the Gathering, you mentioned bears….please, don’t take this the wrong way, but…were you all forced out of your territory by the beasts?” There is worry in her voice, and an ear flicks as she hears the echoing sound of a kit’s shrill voice coming from the darkness followed by the pitter-patter of splashing paws in the murky water. She leans to the side to peer delicately around the ShadowClanners, into the darkness within with her brow creased. What an awful place for cats to have to stay…
siltcloud | 13 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold #905d5d
Cold green gaze glitters in the darkness, and siltcloud is the next to appear - pelt twitching irritably as she does her best to block howlingstars view. She'd only been within the tunnels to get her injuries checked over, something leaving her skin crawling and burning where her wounds still healed. But it seems a good thing she did, for she's present within the uncomfortable confines when frostbite and chilledstar leave, and she follows in quiet silence. She only watches, gaze lowered, glancing up through her lashes as she surveys the patrol. Who are they to ask such a thing? What business did thunderclan have sticking their noses where they don't belong? But she stays silent, pliant and submissive. She will only show her teeth should things go sour.


Looming amber pools, a lustre against the shadow of the dim-lit tunnels, mark the deputy's advance. The clawmarks Sootstar had so-generously inscribed into his physique stand out vividly as he staggers into the sunlight, and his eyes crunch into a wince as they adjust to the sudden brightness. He needn't his sense of sight to know the company hailed from lands distant, though—Frostbite provided ample coverage in that regard.

Black-capped ears heed the exchange of words between the neighbouring leaders, yet Howlingstar nor any of her guard dogs gave a discernable explanation for their presence. Lest the current state of inter-clan diplomacy had changed during the gathering prior, which the tom had been barred from attending, both ShadowClan and ThunderClan stood upon a fragile ice of neutrality. Neither were on speaking terms, hence Smogmaw remained on high alert, his muscles tensing with readiness.

"Beg your pardon, Howlingstar," Smogmaw meows, his cadence rough and bereft of any hint of esteem. "Is it just questions that've brought you to the border, or is there a more profound motive to this visit?" He does not speak on Chilledstar's behalf, but rather as a voice of merited skepticism. Here you had a throng of outsiders calling for answers, yet offering none in return. The weight of their unexplained presence bore down on his shoulders and fuelled his intrinsic wariness.

જ➶ His grinning face appears in the darkness that Howlingstar peers into. A grin pulling his face taunt but a curiousity lingers there. His gaze is stuck on the leader only for a moment as he steps forth to stand near the others of his clan. Though he is slightly amused by the words that have tumbled from the Thunderclan leader's maw. "Is it not obvious? Kehehe, we don't hang around these tunnels with queens and kits for the fun of it." The lilac tom mutters with slight sarcasm. His eyes linger on the forest beyond before he finally settles down. A wince pulls at his face, his shoulder protesting and covered in the herbs his sister had to be able to put on him. His face no longer hurts either but he doesn't much care about his wounds given the circumstances.

Though he is curious. Why does Thunderclan care? Do they believe that Shadowclan is trying to invade them again? Although he thinks it is smart to play it safe given the circumstances between the two groups previously. But he doubts the Shadows are hungry for Thunder blood right now.
Behind Howlingstar, Lily Pad does her best to show deference to the ShadowClan leader. While she's usually a rather calm cat, keeping her mouth shut is proving to be rather difficult as some of the ShadowClan cats give her mother sass. But Lily knows her place. She's here solely to stay by her mother's side and ensure that no harm comes to her, not to start fights with ShadowClan.

Plus, if she really thinks about it, would she react any differently in their paws? If her clan had been forced into hiding and another clan's leader appeared out of nowhere and started asked questions, she would probably be upset too. So instead, Lily offers the other clan a placating smile. "We don't mean any harm."
[ earth girl ]

chilledstar's gaze slowly moves to the cats who speak before them, yet after howlingstar. the twitched their ears in what could only be assumed to be boredom but it was far from. they'd been thinking. how were they to go about this? would shadowclan think them weak for speaking of this? would they hate chilledstar for accepting the possibility of help, if that was what howlingstar was offering? of course, there was the more dark parts of their mind that reminded them that this could all be a trick. a ploy to get at their weaknesses. they're weak right now, without the proper herbs, without the freshkill pile to feed from. they blink for a moment, thinking hard about what they're going to say, before they simply say it.

"if you truly mean no harm, then your leader will have no qualms and explaining her visit further."

they speak clearly, before turning their attention back to the molly they spoke of.

"so? you've asked a question, but I need to know that my answers are not going to be one to bite me in the tail. so, why are you here, howlingstar?"

they've lowered their voice so that only howlingstar can hear their words. they want a conversation away from everyone but it wasn't going to happen like that, was it? they wanted to accept help offered without the possibility of this turning back on them. they could just as easily spin their words, like a spider to a web, but they can't if everyone hears them.
Two more cats arrive from the tunnel and into ThunderClan territory, one she does not recognize and one the deputy. The latter offers biting words, skeptical in nature and she can’t help but lift her chin at the blatant disrespect her concern had been met with. Will ShadowClan ever be anything but their bitter reputation? A third approaches, a chittering cackle in his throat as he jokes. So that confirms it. The bears had driven the clan into this dark, muggy tunnel and despite some of the glares the ThunderClanners receive, she feels sympathy. Lily Pad speaks peaceful words, and she shows her appreciation by casting her daughter a small nod. Finally, it is Chilledstar that speaks up, wishing to know why they’re here.

Howlingstar twitches her whiskers, taking a small step forward with her head dipping slightly in respect. She was here on peaceful terms and wanted to show it. “If you had heard the entirety of ThunderClan were camped out just outside your border, wouldn’t you want to know what’s going on? It’s a leader’s duty,” The tabby explains, tone neutral. She scans the groups again, a frown pulling at her maw. This isn’t right. She knows it isn’t. Stars help her for what she’s about to do….she glances to her clanmates, jaw slack in preparation for their retaliation, before looking back at the dark-furred leader. “No cat should live in those conditions…please, get your clan out of there and come onto dry land. You have my word no ThunderClanner will retaliate. I can’t stand by and let any cat sleep in such a place.” Tensing her muscles, she awaits their response….and her clanmates’.
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they listen with a flick of their ears. they had too many cats to keep here and keep sane... they had a choice. they lashed their tail in thought, brain wracking back and forth with the pros and cons of this situation. they could be away from all this noise... the horrid smell and the dangers of the path... and the memories. they look back at the cats that have gathered and they make a decision. they can be hated for it later. they don't care. they don't care if they're hated for a decision that simply will benefit them.

"you're right about that. i would want to know what's going on."

they nod their head.

"thank you for the offer, howlingstar. i shall let the rest of my clan know of your... oh so generous offer."

they bite their tongue. i'd better not regret this. i am no fool. i know we need a better place to stay than this place. it will just be for a little bit... just until we find a way to rid of the bears. howlingstar, i truly do owe you one– even if i would rather not. they dip their head before turning to the lot.

"go on, then. go let the rest of the clan know that we will be able to use thunderclan's side of the thunderpath instead of the tunnel."