camp three little dinosaur babies!! // kit intro

Jan 5, 2023

-ˋˏ ༻❇༺ ˎˊ- Being a parent was hard.

Like- really hard.

Though it was to be expected but they hadn’t perceived just how much it took to care for three little ones. Granted they weren’t a handful by any means but it was just the adjustment to waking up in the middle of the night, eating more than usual to keep up milk supply and watching them grow. Though suppose they had a creditor to thank for more than their fair share of work put into them. Florabreeze had been such a big impact on their life and they didnt know were they would be if she hadn’t stepped up to help out. Probably way more exhausted and loosing their mind than they already were.

Still the last two months would’ve been impossible otherwise. Their kits were a lively bunch from start to current times. Honeysplash found they could quite the helicopter parent around her kittens and had to be reminded many times that it was okay for them to fall, to walk, to do things normally. Again, they had Florabreeze to thank for being her more logical stand point, one to see reason. Though the moments had gone by so fast as one minute they were little beans at their belly, crying away and squirming, to now they could walk and talk. Their first steps had been crazy to see and she had felt so proud each and every time. It had to the the cutest thing to see little Cloverkit waddle his way over to Florabreeze for his first long-walk. He’d been so determined!

Now the scary part came and they weren’t sure how to handle it. How was suppose to handle seeing their kits interact with the clan? They feared the worst, as always, as what if the clan didnt like them? What if no one came by to say hello? They wanted their kits to be accepted into their home so badly and it made them sick thinking othewise. Honeysplash though knew this was just her anxiety growing in her stomach and she shook the thoughts quickly. They knew Cloverkit was the most excited about leaving the nursery, and they hoped the rest would be okay too.

Bups! You need to sit still, you need to look less like a spikey ball of dust, mister” Honeysplash spoke to her son, Weaselkit, and lapped at ginger fur once more. This morning she had been worried and fretting like usual, and she sighed to herself before letting her child go do as he pleased. Then stood from their nest and gestured with their head, smiling warmly at her little ones, “Come on then, its time for you to say hello to your home” She purred sweetly and nuzzled the top of Adderkits’ head.

Though the cream warrior hesitated briefly at the entrance before stepping through, her heart racing and she glanced back for her kittens. Then around the camp for a familiar brown pelt, someone to comfort her in her time of panic but that seemed to be more often than usual. Maybe she should speak to Fireflyglow or Dawnglare about it, maybe they could help? She didnt know. Still, she stepped aside and beckoned with a front paw, encouraging her kittens forward.


(Song title paradox the YouTube video ‘Ten little dinosaur babies’)

  • Speech
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  • Honeysplash she/they/it, Warrior of Skyclan, 29 moons.
    a lithe, short haired cream tabby and white patched cat with mossy green eyes
    sister to Orangestar, Applefrost, Apricotflower and Cloudberrythorn // aunt to; Cherryblossom, Eggbounce, Tawnyclaw, Glimmersun // crushing on; Florabreeze & Chrysaliswing // mother to; Cloverkit, TBD
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by wolf@wolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


It wasn't like Florabreeze hadn't seen the kits before, that couldn't be further from the truth. She made an effort to stop by everyday at any point she could squeeze in between her duties at SkyClan. The daylight warrior would even push how late she could stay back just so she made sure she could properly say goodbye to them each night. She had never properly spoken to Honeysplash about being an official parental role for them; it just fell into routine for her.

The maine coon knew that this day was coming, Honeysplash had been stressing over it for a while. Well and truly before they were even ready to be introduced to the rest of the clan. This matter of tradition within clan culture was confusing, she didn't really understand the process of how to introduce the kits but she wanted to be supportive regardless. She waited by the nursery entrance, purring in greeting at the kits and their mother leaving. “My my who are these cool little kittens who I've never met before?” She teased with a grin, brushing her tail by each of the kits sides as she approached.

“Excited to see the rest of camp?” She had a feeling that they would be but hey, you never know. Florabreeze decided to remain by Honeysplash's side, her tail tapping the warriors side like she just did with the kits. She was concerned that they may be fretting over this moment still and she wanted to provide some kind of comfort.


  • SkyClan Daylight Warrior⏐ She / Her ⏐ Info
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    33 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    Mentored by Sorrelsong
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}


It was strange to think Honeysplash and Chrysaliswing were now parents. Honeysplash would make a fine parent, she was sure, though she remained uncertain of Chrysaliswing. By all accounts, he hadn't visited Honeysplash much, nor did he seem to mention his upcoming arrivals.

Well regardless, of Cricketwing's apparent lack of interest in fatherhood, the arrival of these kits was a happy occasion for SkyClan and Honeysplash. Howlfire hadn't known Honeysplash intended to introduce them that day, so was pleasantly surprised when they little family emerged, and Florabreeze was there to greet them. Howlfire would let the five of them have a little private moment together, before venturing over to greet them herself. "Oh, are these the kits?" She cooed, peering down at the kits with an affectionate gaze. "They're so sweet!"
Leaving the nursery wasn't something Adderkit had particularly been looking forward to. Her family is perfect just the way it is. Why does she need to branch out? Can't she just stay in the nursery with Honeysplash and Florabreeze forever?

She's sitting next to Honeysplash as they introduce her and her littermates to SkyClan, feeling slightly comforted by their rumbling purr. When Florabreeze asks if she's excited, she simply shrugs. What is there to be excited about?

A strange cat approaches and Adderkit takes a step back, ears twitching. She needs to be brave. She can't just run away because she met a stranger. Taking in a deep breath, she gives the new cat a small nod in attempted greeting before slowly- calmly- moving to stand behind her brothers. Let them take the social interactions. She isn't sure she's built for it.
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Reactions: Honeysplash
Orangestar remembers when the kits had been born. How could she not? It had been difficult to listen to Honeysplash bringing them into the world, though the leader had stood well clear and let the nursery-dwellers do their thing. And now, as if time had flown past without any of them noticing, Honeysplash emerges from the nursery with three red-patterned kits close by her side.

"They've grown up so quickly." Orangestar meows to Honeysplash once the trio are engaged with their Clanmates. Florabreeze lingers, but Orangestar doesn't pay her any mind. Her tone is laid heavy with awkwardness, lingering a step away from her younger sister and not quite looking at the cream-and-white tabby. Her gaze lingers on Adderkit in particular, with a detached thoughtfulness: there's no doubt in any SkyClanner's mind - at least, in Orangestar's own - who sired these kits. It's a shame Chrysaliswing couldn't be bothered to take responsibility for them.

Finally, she turns her gaze upon Honeysplash. A mother herself, she knows that the adjustment isn't an easy one. "Are you recovering well?"

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    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | eight lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — single ; mentoring springpaw & ashpaw
    — speech is in #F18C47
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.

Hollywhisper has watched Honeysplash's kits grow up alongside his own, and he can relate to how hard it is. Duststorm, bless his soul, has been there for him the whole way, and he's glad that Florabreeze has been there for Honeysplash and her kittens. He hadn't had the chance to introduce Oriolekit to SkyClan himself, as soon as she could walk she made her presence known - and absolutely scared him half to death. It's a bit funny, looking back now. Raring to go from the start. Whoever became her mentor as an apprentice would certainly have their paws full.

But this is Honeysplash's moment, Florabreeze's moment, Weaselkit, Adderkit, and Cloverkit's moment. He flashes his fellow queen a smile, a knowing copper gaze looking their way for a moment as he comes to observe the gathering crowd. "Is outside the nursery everything you'd hoped it be?" he asked the kittens softly.​


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Fluffypaw had been too old to sit near Honeysplash during her kitting, but she'd eagerly visited the ginger queen and their kits as soon as they were old enough. Now she gets to see them totter about on unsteady paws, blinking big shiny blue eyes into the sunlight. She squeals and runs next to Hollywhisper, bumping her flank against his. "Aren't they adorable?" she mews to the tom. To Howlfire, she flashes a quick smile that dissipates as soon as she twists her face away. Orangestar is there to inquire after her sibling's health, and for good reason—even at her young age, Fluffypaw knows queenhood to be exhausting.

She watches Florabreeze tease the kits, and her smile returns, soft and warm. These are the moments that make being a SkyClanner worth all the suffering, she thinks. These are the moments that band them together.

  • ooc:
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  • Fluffykit . Fluffypaw, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 7 moons old, ages realistically on the 8th.
    — mentored by Greeneyes ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan apprentice. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.
    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.

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Reactions: wolfie

This was dumb. This had to be the dumbest thing they had ever done in this whole life. And that had only been before about two months! Still, what was the point? The nursery was warm, welcoming and somewhere they never wanted to leave ever. There was just too much outside of it that terrified the young kitten and yet here they were, being pushed to the forefront by their mother. Her coaxing and words were soft, and he looked up at her but ultimately lashed his tail in annoyance and looked down. Though it wasnt long before a voice spoke up, greeting them cheerily and he looked up with round eyes.

Cloverkit almost instantly left Honeysplashs’ side for that of Florabreezes’ and had to push past his siblings to do so. The young chimera tomkit had a very strong attachment to Florabreeze, in a sense of a child who never wanted to leave their parents side ever. She was always gone! It felt like he never got to see her cause she was always doing something like duties, or leaving to go back to her ‘home’ or whatever that was. This was her home, didn’t she see that?

Florabreeze asks if theyre excited to see the rest of camp, and he give a small shake of his head in response of ‘no im not ready’. Was he ever ready for anything? He didnt know and he didnt wanna know. Cloverkit then bristled slightly as this brown warrior came over to them, cooing at them and calling them sweet. Cloverkit puffed out his chest at this warrior as if to deny the claims of being ‘sweet’ or something. Though Adderkit seemed to have the same idea of avoiding the situation entirely, she was moving behind him and Weaselkit. He sighed heavily in annoyance at her and gave a small dual-colored gaze glare at his sister.

Then Cloverkit watched his mother grow tense as this large, white molly approached them and commented they had grown so quickly. He blinked a bit, what was wrong? Though he didnt have time to react to as as Hollywhisper, another nursery resident, came over to them and the ginger and cream tomkit further pressed himself into Florabreeze. As if he could disappear into her fur at any given moment and live there.

Not cute” He muttered as this younger cat approached, she was dappled with color and he vaguely recalled them. Though names never stuck for the young tomkit, at least not yet, as he further slunk in hopes to just disappear into the nursery. Though his mother had other plans when her tail wrapped around his siblings, blocking the entrance to the nursery. Great.


-ˋˏ ༻❇༺ ˎˊ- They tried to appear proud, tried to appear less worried than they felt inside, and they felt like they were failing so epically. How as introducing kits suppose to go? They didnt know really and they were just following in steps of fellow queens before them, and they hoped they were doing it right. Thankfully, Florabreeze came into view and they purred in relief. The Maine coon tapped their shoulder with her tail and they happily leaned into the touch without a second thought. Though couldnt help but chuckle at her words of never seeing them before and if they were excited to see camp. Hopefully they were, but from the looks of them- Honeysplash doubted it. They truly all did take after their father in terms of being more reclusive individuals, but hopefully they’d grow out of it once they adjusted to camp.

Howlfire is the first to approach and she smiled at the warrior upon her approach. The cream and white queen puffed up her chest a little in pride, “Sure is them! This is Cloverkit, Adderkit, and Weaselkit” She mused to the warrior and tapped each kit on the head with her tail tip in turn with their names. Though Adderkit seemed to have other ideas as she tried to hide behind her brothers, which makes Honeysplash sigh inwardly to themselves. It was super scary they supposed but they had hoped their kits would want more interactions than just hiding away. Cloverkit had the same idea, but in Florabreezes fur instead as his dual colored eyes stared at the collecting group.

What they hadn’t prepared for was seeing their sister. Orangestar and them have not had much of a relationship since returning to Skyclan. Sometimes it even felt as if her once best friend was avoiding her at all costs. The leaders tone is awkward and it makes the warrior tense their shoulders slightly. Honeysplash wanted to snap, be terse, maybe even take her kits away from the Skyclan leader but she knew she couldnt do that. Orangestar was leader until maybe even their own last breath, so they couldnt be avoided forever even if they so wanted to. Honeysplash twitches an ear slightly and glances at Florabreeze for a moment, as if asking something but she didnt know what at the time.

I’m doing well, thanks, Orangestar” Honeysplash finally responded to her sister, though her tone was uncharacteristically terse and chilled. They had given up on ever being close to their sister again. They had given up on any sort of relationship with her besides formal ones that required between a leader and their clan. She didnt even know why Orangestar approached anyway, didnt she have a black cat to pad after instead of doing anything else?

Hollywhisper comes up to join the group and their smile returns as if nothing happened. The coppered eyed cat had been in the nursery alongside them, and it was nice too see him outside of the nursery too. Honeysplash looked down at her kits as Hollywhisper asked them if it was everything they’d hoped it’d be. Though they knew her kits weren’t going to answer in front of all these cats.

Thank you, i made them myself” Honeysplash jokes to Fluffypaw when the young apprentice approaches and comments how cute they were. Sure they were cute now, but when the three fought or bickered it was definitely not cute. Still, they felt pride blossom in their chest. Skyclan was accepting their kits, and that’s all they could ask for.

  • Speech
  • Honeysplash she/they/it, Warrior of Skyclan, 29 moons.
    a lithe, short haired cream tabby and white patched cat with mossy green eyes
    sister to Orangestar, Applefrost, Apricotflower and Cloudberrythorn // aunt to; Cherryblossom, Eggbounce, Tawnyclaw, Glimmersun // crushing on; Florabreeze & Chrysaliswing // mother to; Cloverkit, Adderkit, Weaselkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by wolf@wolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


( ) she remembers her first venture into the great outdoors like it was yesterday. of course, it'd been four whole moons ago, but she can remember the anxiety chewing up her insides, and the excited shouts from her siblings that had paralleled her absolute silence in the moment. watching as honeysplash emerges from the nursery, there's a similar anxiety brewing, but not for her. instead, it's some sort of sympathetic nervousness for the kits about to be introduced. odd eyes watch as one by one, the new members of skyclan slip out of the den, adderkit halting behind her brothers, cloverkit abandoning his family for the comfort of florabreeze, until weaselkit is the only remaining one in front. soft snow powdered paws carry the curly-furred she-kit over to the scene, weaving in and out between older warrior's legs to approach the quieter of her denmates. "welcome outside," she'll murmur to cloverkit. they've not conversed much inside of the den- both tend to keep to themselves and their families, but she hopes she offers some comfort as a familiar face. "the first time out can be kinda overwhelming."

she finds adderkit's gaze too, hoping to soothe the sunshine eyed she-kit. "pretty soon, you three will run the nursery, i bet. your momma's a strong warrior, she'll teach you everything about camp." stormkit blinks up at honeysplash, who seems as anxious as her children. she notes some tension between the golden queen and her pale leader of a sister. tucking that bit of information away for later, stormkit offers a smile to those surrounding.

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    blue tabby with low white and blue/green heterochromia a long-furred blue feline with darker blue curling stripes that splash across her chest, flanks and tail. white floods the fur around her neck, the tip of her tail, her stomach, and paws. dual hued eyes of sky and forest make her pretty in an innocent way, and her body is small and lithe, although her fluffy fur makes her look larger.
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Reactions: wolfie

Since he first begun to toddle Weaselkit had been eager to get past the nursery's walls and explore the bright world outside, his legs had always been to uncooperative and his scruff to dang grabbable. He'd never gotten far before being ushered back to the nest by momma or Florabreeze the only residents he'd allow to pick him up with a fight (as much of a fight as a writhing hissing little fluffball could give). Today was the day finally, no one would stop him and they'd all know his name finally. He wasn't a mewling drooling newborn anymore and he deserved respect! Cloverkit still reminded him of one though, so he relents on being beautied up cuz' he wanted to make a better impression then his brother did. Still he wiggles beneath Honeysplash's rasping tongue before long "mooooommmmm" he whines until she finally lets him go. His fur despite many many baths still stood up from where it ran down his back, regardless he looks as presentable as a two moon old rascal could look.

He does not hesitate to pad after her when she leads them out of the nursery and he quickly comes to force his way confidently in front of her, plopping himself down right in front of her as if guarding her from the frightening new world outside. His chin is raised up, eyes narrowed both from the brightness of the sun and because he was dubious on who'd be the first to greet them. Those amber eyes of his brighten seeing Florasky lumber over, when he was a mewling little baby (he's older now!) he'd been confused what to call her he saw that some of the other kits had another mom or a dad he was told he had one of those too and he remembers his name well now but not back then. And sometimes he'd almost call Florabreeze just that, cuz' a dad visited and cared for their kits and she must be his true dad that just made sense. He understands now how silly the idea was and she of course wasn't his dad and that wouldn't have been the right title anyway but apart of him still wishes he'd been right. Florabreeze was always around like a second mom and his supposed dad wasn't!

He snorts at her teasing words and refuses to let the corners of his maw crawl into a smile he's not fully successful. "Duh of course" he meows like it was the most obvious thing in the world. He sees a smaller tabby padding up behind her and his eyes go back to being narrowed, this warrior looked down at them cooing words like they were still fluffy little babies which they weren't. His ears fold down "I'm not sweet" he argues, because he was tough and he would be a strong warrior one day not a sweet warrior. His tail flicks behind him, thwapping against the ground and occasionally against Adderkit who had snuck behind him. He faintly sees another cat approach but he's unaware of who she was and the importance she had to the clan, he flicks his glare over to her and makes sure she wasn't bein' rude to his mom or anything. He'd he heard her name many times, knew that Orangestar was Skyclan's leader and he'd have to be nicer to her cuz' of that and he figures he'd have to earn her respect and trust even if she was family. If he wanted to be a powerful and respected warrior anyway.

Before he can stomp between the two and make sure his momma was "safe" more attention comes and he faces it bravely. He relaxes slightly when he recognizes it was just Hollywhisper, he thinks for a moment "Kinda but I gotta explore more. Momma was gonna show us but now she's distracted" he shoots another glare at the stranger he'd learn soon enough was his leader. Then comes Fluffypaw, another familiar face and he meets his aunt's chirping with a scowl. He holds much the same distaste as his brother does at being fawned over and called all matter of cutesy words. His mothers tail tickles against his head, he hears her meow "Orangestar" and yet he's too distracted to soak it in, he glares up at Fluffypaw "Am not!" he snaps "I'm intim- intimin" he growls in frustration "whatever! I'm scary!" smaller words were better for a boy like him, his tail lashes in frustration.

Stormkit comes up to them and he snorts at the older kit lip curling up "Overwhelming? Yeah maybe for someone like you" he finds it hard to like any of his denmates, Stormkit was trying to be nice but Weaselkit sadly wasn't. "Who says im not already running it" he says boldly a challenge in his tone, he softens slightly however at the mention of his mom and her strength and he'd nod. "Momma is the strongest in the nursery, stronger then your mom" he says matter of factly "but yeah you're right we'll learn everything, this camp will be ours like the nursery is" he passes a look to his littermates trying to get them to agree or nod.

"Well, what do we have here?" A deep voice rumbles, heavy with sleep as he lumbers over on large paws. In comparison to the kits that had been born two moons prior, Fireflyglow is a massive statue standing in hulking size. He crouches low, slouching ever so slightly so he comes off as less intimidating to the kits. Dawnglare had been the one to deliver these kits, but Fireflyglow had watched outside of the nursery as they came into the world. He was close to Honeysplash, had given them the news of their pregnancy. Despite Chrysaliswing's failure to step up as a father (a decision Fi couldn't stand), he knew that Florabreeze would rise to the occasion and help raise the kits alongside Honeysplash with splendid effort. His fluffy ears twitch as he levels the gaze of Weaselkit, Cloverkit, and Adderkit with a wave of kindness. There is no coldness in his eyes, no distance or disgust. He feels lucky to have welcomed them into the Clan, and as he soon raises his scarred gaze to Honeysplash and Florabreeze, he shines a princely smile towards them.

"You will all become strong warriors one day." He praises the kits, his tail tapping the ground behind him. He rises to sit himself up, the wind rustling his long, cream-colored fur. His shape casts a large shadow behind him, his head tilting. "Ah, excuse my rudeness. I am Fireflyglow." He introduces himself to the kits, smiling warmly. "I'm one of the medicine cats here. That's like.. A healer, I make sure all the pain goes away if you get hurt or sick." He tries to find a good way to explain his job to kits as young as these, who could probably not understand it well. "Dawnglare is the other medicine cat, he helped deliver all of you. If you feel unwell, or if something hurts, be sure to have your mama bring you to us." He nods towards the three kits, stepping away to allow the other cats to welcome the new additions to their massive family.​
  • WHAT
Reactions: Cloverkit