no angst three men in a tub // bathtime

✧ Snailcurl.

Aug 28, 2022
snailcurl | 32 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally medium | attack in bold pink
Snailcurl once hear her mother say that time heals all wounds. She's not so sure that's true, but ti certainly helps. A gentle smile on her maw, the tiny queen is looking more and more like herself everyday. Today she is enjoying the sunlight filtering down through the trees, settled near the nursery, a whole hoard of kits at her paws. "Bathtime little ones," she says gentry, smiling as grumbles and groans ensue. "come one now, how're you supposed to grow to be strong warriors if we can't even tell you apart form the mud and the muck?" she teases, tongue rasping across Mothkits dirty brown fur as he sits there - a still as he can manage, only a little head wobble here and there disturbing his mothers efforts. There is little he loves more than spending time with snailcurl after all - even if it means dealing with boring things like baths. Maggotkit isn't far off, her own pelt of snowy white and silky blue now perfectly pristine, a dark glare in jaded teal optics at the indignity of having to suffer through 'faminly time'. Finishing her efforts, she nudges her biggest kit to the side with a gentle flick of her tail, glancing about. "Who's next-?" she says lightly, a hint of amusement coloring her tone.

// @Mallowkit @petalkit @comet family pings but really no need to wait; she'll groom any kits that allow her to <3 (actually she'd share tongues with anyone not just kits)


Rainechos own mother had not been nearly as attentive, nearly as caring, as some of the queens here in ShadowClan. Aster could not be found wasting her time bathing the creatures she had never wanted in the first place, could not be bothered to care much for them past when they were weaned. Snailcurl was a better mother than she had ever had. Still, she does not envy those kits. She remembers what it was like when she was younger, the older cats always poking and prodding insisting that they let them groom her when all she wanted to do was toss a ball of moss around the camp or wrestle her sister.

"Maybe you could do Pitchstar when you’re done with these guys, that is if he doesn’t claw ya first!" she suggests, her nose crinkling in a smile. Their dark leader was not known for his cleanliness that was for sure. If Snailcurl offered to bathe her though she would be running faster than anyone could say 'toad'

Regardless of how much she groomed her fur, Ferndance didn't think she'd ever be easily told apart from the mud and much that Snailcurl mentioned. Her fur was an array of browns and gingers, with only a white paw and large green eyes to truly differentiate her from her surroundings. With little else to do that day, she watched the mother with a smile on her wedge-shaped muzzle, quietly reminiscing about her own time spent with her family. In the grand scheme of things, it hadn't been very long. They'd hopped from place to place, stealing from rogues and twolegs alike, causing little bits of mischief and mayhem when their bellies were full. It was a lifestyle she missed, and Ferndance wondered if she saw her own mother again, if she'd offer her the same grooming treatment that Snailcurl gave her own children. A tender chuckle escaped beneath the tabby's breath at Rainecho's words. Pitchstar wasn't an animal she was close to, but judging by the state of his coat, he wasn't particularly accustomed to anyone either. "He's the leader. He's allowed to be a little stinky if he wants to be." Large ears flick with her comment, uncertain how much much she truly believed in it.

Ferndance gave her agouti coat a once over, her dark nostrils flaring at the leaves and grime that clung to it for dear life. Goodness, she wasn't making a very good impression on the kittens, then again, had she ever been a good influence? Tilting her head in thought as she whirled it back around to face Snailcurl, Ferndance cleared her throat to try and get her attention. Full of sincerity, the tabby offered a soft mew. "You can bathe me if you want."

If you don't like me, that's your problem
Tornado watches quietly as Snailcurl grooms her little ones. For a moment her thoughts pull her into a time were her mother did the same. Salmon pink tongue rasping over luscious ebony curls. Now she hardly cared for hear appearance, although the urge to care even just a little does begin to creep its way back into the forefront of her mind. Perhaps now would be a good time for her own bath. Perhaps. Golden eyes raise, focusing on Ferndance as she suggests the queen could groom her instead. Tornadopaw blinks incredulously. "You don't want to do it yourself?" She asks rehtorically, voice carrying its typical guttural gruffness, though there are no notes of ill intent behind them. Craning her neck she begins to work on a dusty patch marring her own shoulder.
When I let it bother me, that's my problem
( ) a soft yawn stretches the jaws of the man as he rolls his neck, focused heavily on the strained muscles in his body. leaf-bare sends a dull ache through his bones, and has for a moon or so now. it's odd- he's not old, in fact he's barely of the average age of his clanmates, but there is that gnawing in his bones, the muddied ice of the marsh's leaf bare soaking into his very body. dark amber eyes, a set of embers amongst the coal of his fur, flicker from the busy mother to the rest of his clanmates, and a small smile ghosts on his face. "pitchstar's needed a bath since we were kits at our mother's belly," he comments, blinking with amusement at rainecho's commnt. "he'll never let anyone sneak in to wash him though. sometimes i've let the idea cross my mind to do it while he's asleep, but i don't think our brotherly bond would save me from his ire."