camp thriving or dying? | prompt




Her eyes gleam in the morning sun, turned towards the temporary camp and the nursery where her kits are. She has been pushing her luck with going on small patrols. Attempting to work here and there to alleviate some of her pent up energy, to do something instead of sitting around all day. Her kits are well behaved and making the journey without a scratch she is all the more happy about. Still as the days trickle on she finds herself becoming more and more tense. More aware of how things are proceeding. Perhaps it began with Cindershade's words or maybe with Iciclepaw. She isn't sure but the detaste she can sense coming from those she had hiped would be her clanmates is almost too strong now. Her hopes for a new future seem to crack and display something horrid. Really she thinks on why she came here. Why did she try to escape a path that even now crushes her? Perhaps she is doomed to always be wrong and what hurts the most is that she dragged all of them with her. Wolverinefang, Fogpaw, the kits. All of them would still be in Shadowclan if it weren't for her. Those burning eyes close as she thinks, gaze pensive before she decides to get something to eat.

Paws so silent shift to take her to the pile and there upon it is a frog. Her gaze is steady as she stares and her mind goes through many things. Why is a frog here? Are they testing her? Normally fish are the norm with the occasional mouse or vole but she has never seen a frog grace this pile before. Something Shadowclanners delight in. Her maw clenches and she takes in a slow breath. No, no, she can't be that paranoid. It makes little sense. Prey is prey. And one clan is not forced to stick to certain food. If one can catch it then it's nothing more than another piece for the pile. So then why does she falter? Her tail tip twitches back and forth, her ears pulled forward and then she finds herself not caring. She's hungry. It food. Just that. Nothing more. With a small shift she picks up the frog and takes it to a secluded spot.

Keeping the prey between her paws she begins to tear at it. Trying to cut off her over thinking. Soon she will be learning how to swim. Soon she will be fishing and hunting upon the land. Soon she will be able to watch her kits become true Riverclanners with no stigma attached to them and that is all she can hope for. "It's all I want..." All she needs.
He himself, finds himself sick as of late. Frozen, and frostbitten, his brother had risen from frigid waters, and his stomach has churned ever since.

There is little keeping him from absolute isolation. Any hints of sickness, even if he knew it not to be true, often drove his thoughts to mild madness. Condemned to the den, he finds that he should be. Acrid tang on his tongue. His throat is pitifully dry, despite the water they are constantly surrounded by. His chest gnaws at the thought of seeing others, but, he should not give up what he's worked for.

Huddled in a corner within camp, the man sits, hunched in a manor that halfs his size. He has no justification for his presence or his posture. He is skinny, and no prey sits at his feet. He has no explanation, no excuse. Fix yourself; of course. Once Boneripple enters his vision, he straightens. And she too, seems so strangely pensive. Speaking to herself, it seems. In moments like these, he is not so much one to pry, but he makes himself pry, nonetheless. He wanders over, steps heavy. Golden fur brushes against the cold ground.

"Pardon," ...And he loses his words, near-immediately. For a moment, he only stands still, his gaze blank toward the ground. A pink tongue swipes across his lips, dry. He hardly remembers... "...How are you?"


Truthfully the woman hasn't expected anyone to come over and talk to her. It's always less likely that someone will so when she hears the approaching pawsteps she just expects them to continue one. But they don't. Instead they stop and she pulls her bright eyes up from the frog to look upon the feline that speaks to her. His frame and look is a familiar one and for a moment she thinks, a pause in her meal before his question registers in her mind. "Oh....." No one has asked her how she was. Rather it is out of kindness or not its different and her chest clenches. But she can't afford to soften, to let these words make cracks in her armor. She's been dealing with it all for a long time and she needs to keep going. So she can lie. She isn't good at lying but she can enough.

Her maw shifts, upturning into a small smile. "Well, I'm doing well. That's all I can ask for. How about yourself, Wasprattle? Everything alright?" The words roll from her tongue with slight ease and she pulls white limbs in case he would like to lay down with the former Shadowclanner now Riverclan queen. Then her mind goes back to the frog and she looks at it before nudging it towards him. "Wanna try?"
The brown-furred warrior doesn’t hesitate when he spots Boneripple and Wasprattle from across the camp. He plods his way over with a grin, white-splashed paws coming to a stop only a tail-length away from his clanmates. It takes him a moment to realize what exactly the former healer holds, at first thinking that it’s some sort of weird featherless bird. But then it hits him—that’s a frog!

He’s tried frog a couple times before, never deterred by strangeness in his food, and he flicks an ear in greeting. "You caught a frog?" He tilts his head, inspecting the other warrior’s catch. She offers the frog to Wasprattle, and boy does Clay hope that the other tom takes a bite. "Cool! Frogs are good, especially the legs." Or at least, the legs are the part that tastes most similar to fish, so of course they’re his favorite.
In such a harsh season, Ravenpaw thought it stupid for any cat to turn their nose up at any kind of prey. He understood that birds were not typical RiverClan taste, but he hoped even the most uppity of fish-eaters would eat a robin before starving.

He was sure this was a general truth.

The dark apprentice watched Bonejaw, Wasprattle, and Clayfur interact. There is no hostility being made here, despite Bonejaw's choice. Frogs were typical in ShadowClan, weren't they? But it was not quite unusual to find them near the river, Ravenpaw figures. "Do you think it's better than fish?" He asked curiously, rather innocently too.

Pike wouldn't say he hated frog, but it's not something he would go for. He loved fish and would rather choose different ones, but he wasn't exactly going to leap for joy when being presented with something that wasn't fish. All other foods paled in comparison to his beloved fish, yet he knew times were hard, and as much as he wanted fish... Some things aren't meant to be. He was not fish-brained enough to starve himself until fish was presented to him. That would only cause trouble for the others in many ways and he didn't want to be a burden to them. He would eat anything the clan could find, granted, only if it was something they could eat. If there was nothing to eat then he would have to hold on because he was not going to consume rocks as a replacement.

His ears flicked at Ravenpaw's question. He turned to the apprentice and tilted his head. Nothing tastes better than fish! Although, hmmm... Some fish taste better than other fish. They are still fish though! So! Fish for sure is the best food! I wonder how Fogpaw is doing. He shakes his head, perhaps confusing Ravenpaw. The warrior looked like he was staring at the poor apprentice. "I dunno? I've never had it, but I know Shadowclanners eat frogs. I think nothing beats fish but looks like we'll have to try new foods!" For better and for worse. I hope none of us get sick from trying new stuff, I don't know if Beesong or Gloompaw will be happy to have a bunch of sick cats from trying other foods. Yeah... Let's not think about that.
In every situation you give me peace
Spotting her mother settling down within a group of various ages caused the long limbed girl to wander closer. Bright blue eyes fixate upon the amphibian Boneripple picked with a note of curiosity in her gaze. She'd never tried frogs before, always sticking to whatever happened to be plucked from the river. But if her mother liked it then surely it must have been somewhat enjoyable, right? "Can I try a small nibble?" Sablekit asks, blinking up at Boneripple with a small tender smile, completely unaware of the molly's prior internal dilemma.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead