through my eyes — family

make peace with your broken pieces .
A rare chance of serenity for the family, soon after their treacherous walk through the marshes, unable to see his mate and kits, nervous until Oakfang steered the white-furred tom’s attention to other things. He breathed through the mouthful of flowers he delicately picked with enormous paws.

It was nice, spending time with his family despite the rumble of the unknown. He sighed, golden hues crinkling. He had worried his mate, showing up with fresh wounds and newly obtained skin graphs Whitelion laughed, reassuring the tom with a gentle rasp of his helm. It would take everything to kill the white-furred warrior, even now that he has a family to protect.

Closer to the nursery, Whitelion let out a rumbling purr, placing the flowers in front of his paws, tucking his tail around his paws as he sat, calling out to his mate and kits. “My love! I have brought what you requested.” His tone was light and soothing, nudging the flowers closer. “Your father had wanted it to be a surprise.” He hummed, gesturing toward the freshly picked flowers. “Come see, little ones.”

/ @SPIDERLILY @Vixenkit. @Softkit
thought speech

Vixenkit relished the warmth of the sun's rays, her short white and silver fur adorned with speckles of brownish-black, an icey gaze covered by half closed lids, and furrowed brows. the complexity of the world was unknown to the kitten, ignored and pushed back as not to be ridden by the memories of that scene. that specific scene riddled with screams in the air and blood across the ground. she could not say that it hadn't woke her up before, causing her to fill the quiet air with a gasp and unable to get comfortable until she could press those flashbacks away.

for now, the she cat would seem to be at peace, her flank giving the signs of a soft pattern of breathing. but at the sight of whom she called daddy, and a voice of content would wrap her attention to him. "Daddy!" she squealed, at first tumbling forward on short limbs cursed with the fact she was well, only a child. she would quickly stop asin front of large white paws were colors of beauty. their petals were bright, yet looked so delicate that she felt a touch could break them. her chunky head would lean down, sniffing at the sweet fragrance that wafted the air, and made her breathe out an air of relaxation.

"what are these?" she asked innocently, her cerulean gaze unwavering on them.

to be reborn , you have to die first .
He emerged shortly after hearing Whitelion’s voice, kits in tow to view the freshly picked flowers with a critical eye, paw sliding beneath to inspect them. He gave a silent hum of approval, head butting Whitelion’s chest affectionately in a silent ‘thank you’ for collecting them. “Flowers, my dear.” He rumbled, lowering his helm to rasp a tongue over Vixenkit’s helm, smoothing down her fur. “We’ll be making something with them.” He added with a slow tail flick, coming to sit beside the other warrior.

It had been a while since he had woven something together, taught by an old friend that remained some lengths beneath the dirt and mind far away from his original body. Spiderlily would have scoffed at the silly idea, especially for someone like himself, curious about thoughts of the afterlife, no doubt with the collection of skulls tucked away in the nursery from curious kits. It was a slight comfort for the tom trapped in walls that were still unfamiliar to them, troubled by sleepless nights without his mate, but the rising fear of watching his cats become apprentices outweighed his own.

He sighed, ignoring the look of concern to purr, holding a bloom within tender paws, showing the girls with a curious twitch of his whiskers. “Pretty, are they not?” He commented with a ghostly grin.

The queen settled, shuffling them closer until he strategically weaved steams together, showing Vixenkit and Softkit. “See?” He reached forward, placing it upon Vixenkit’s helm with narrowed hues. A little bigger, I think. He pulled away wordlessly, finishing with a satisfied hum, Spiderlily settled the crown on Vixenkit’s helm.
thought speech
make peace with your broken pieces .

He laughed, reaching down to nudge Vixenkit's cheek gently. “Careful, little one.” He rumbled, glancing up to watch Spiderlily with crinkled hues, nodding in acknowledgment of his success. “They require the gentlest of touches.” He rumbled, returning the affectionate bump with his own. The other added to Spiderlily’s vague answer, laughing softly.

“Pleasant smelling, aren’t they? If careful enough, one can wear these in their fur as accessories.” He murmured, picking up one flower for the two to inspect. Even the most delicate are far stronger than what we realize. He smiled tenderly. He hoped that would carry on within his kits, even after he could no longer be there to protect them. A bittersweet thought, Whitelion will admit, but even bittersweet thoughts can turn sweet. Hope was fickle, but even it could prevail against odds greater than itself.

Whitelion remained silent, watching Spiderlily steadily weave stems, despite the look of concern he gave the other. He breathed. When will you realize you are not alone, my love? He thought with crinkled hues, tearing his gaze away to the finished product sitting proudly on Vixenkit’s helm. “My! It suits you well, little one.” He spoke, purring softly. “How do you like it?” He added, his helm tilted with a slow sweep of his tail curling around massive paws.
thought speech

they were delicate, just as she thought. she would pull away from them as they spoke softly of exactly how fragile they were. flowers. she liked them, quite a lot actually. shed lean into spiderlilys lick on her head, nuzzling into her father's face momentarily before pulling away. "I already thought they looked fragile," she commented, gaze full of wonder of what else could be out there. outside of camp, maybe there were hundreds of different flowers she could gather for them.

one day.

"they're very pretty. and smell really good." she agreed. she didn't ask what they would be making, watching as her father seemed to tie and weave them together with gentle claws. she wanted to do that, but she was scared of breaking them. how did he manage to be so gentle with them?

soon enough, a crown was formed, set gently on top of her head. she couldn't help but purr. "oh, it's absolutely stunning! you did so well, thank you," she purred, a soft smile forming on her head while imagining herself and how she looked with it on.

"and we can put these in our fur too? can I put them in yours? then, you guys can be the prettiest cats in all of thunderclan."