private through the briars — evening & twinkle

Eveningpaw and Twinklepaw had been graduated to apprentices yesterday, along with their mother becoming deputy. It was of no surprise that Riverclan had another pair of mates leading just as Cicadastar and Smokestar had been leading together, then Smokestar and Lichenstar (who was family to him). Instead of instantly taking the two graduated kittens out after the meeting, she allowed for them to celebrate as a family together and spend time more with their family. Training and being out camp would start to be a more official thing for them which was different from what they've grown up to know, so it would be easy to start off with something easy. Her gaze flicks across the clearing as she strides towards the apprentice den, peeking her head in. Feeling guilty for Freckle and Magpie? A voice taunts in the back of her head as she purses her lips momentarily.

It wasn't real. ”Eveningpaw and Twinklepaw, you two ready? We're gonna go out and explore the territory after you get washed up and eat something.” Gladefrost would state as her chambray gaze focus on the two apprentices before stepping to the side to allow them to exit; it was best to get something in their stomach because their territory had a bunch of important landmarks. It was best to take it easy but who knew how well they would learn the territory? Lichenstar had gave her a challenge for the first life with her new name and she got two apprentices, and for once: she's glad that she was used to teaching because she taught Magpie and Freckle some on her free time.

The day of Eveningpaw's ceremony had gone by in such a flash that she barely acknowledges the sun rising, quick on yesterday's heels. Getting used to new names, herding her littermates into a new den, gossiping with her older siblings, and celebrating Hazecloud's promotion- a busy first day indeed. Tiredness had pulled her under before she even realized the lack of Gladefrost seeking her or Twinklepaw out to explore.

Perhaps if it wasn't for the joys of fresh apprenticehood, Eveningpaw would mind. At least Gladefrost makes up for it — in the same breath, she saves herself the trouble of scrutinizing yellow eyes.

"Ready! Let's go, Twinklepaw," she chirps, body a blur as she forces any stray debris off. The abrupt move from inside the den and into the clearing halts her movements, eyes needing a moment to narrow against the harsh light, but the momentary hindrance is over as soon as it began.

Fluff-adorned head tips to the side, attentive to her mentor's words — only StarClan knows if her focus will stay this sharp for the moons to come —, and Eveningpaw stifles the urge to say; I've already explored once. That adventure had been short-lived, terror replacing any bravery... the night's veil had turned every shadow into something dangerous for her untrained eyes. Today would be different. Today, she would rule RiverClan's land, not the other way around.

There is one thing she does not stop herself from doing. "Why not catch something on the way? If we go fishing, we'd clean ourselves too. Time efficient!" Words tumble out of her maw easily, akin to an unstoppable waterfall. Eveningpaw does not intend on talking back; she is merely asking, merely suggesting, too-swift paws already nearing the fresh-kill pile anyhow.
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