through the cracks that we share ➺ doepaw

doepath ࿔

the poison stains my mouth
Jan 4, 2024
  • ( name )
    ⚘ also known as . . .

    ( age )
    8 moons
    virgo zodiac

    ( gender )
    ⚘ female
    ⚘ prefers she/her pronouns, uses they/them
    ⚘ prefers female honorifics

    ( sexuality )
    ⚘ attracted to "bad boys" / "baddies"

    ( work )
    ⚘ thunderclan
  • ( basic )
    ⚘ longhair fawn sepia with low white and golden eyes
    ⚘ marred by mirrored scratches down both eyes
    ⚘ easily identifiable from the white marking near her lips and under the base of her tail

    [[ image ]]

    Doepaw considers herself to be a conventionally pretty girl, adorned in soft shades and delicate, round features. Her paws are generally small with feathered ankles and elbows that give her form a lot of illusionary volume. Underneath a heavy coat is a rather thin, frail girl who has endured much hardship despite her youth. Delicately cared for are the soft, curling sweeps of her long coat- its softness is not natural and comes with a lot of dedication and idle habits to tend to it. Odd small white markings adorn the corners of her lips, trailing under the chin to run a pale flag down her belly to where it ends beyond the base of her tail.

    Her eyes gleam like sunflowers in the brightest day of summer, surrounded by pale white markings that accentuate their round, doe-like stare.

  • ( positive )
    ⚘ devoted, smart [ still growing ]

    ( neutral )
    ⚘ shy, daydreamer [ still growing ]

    ( negative )
    ⚘ inattentive, complacent [ still growing ]

    Though a generally intelligent girl that strives to use her wits to her advantage, Doepaw doesn't make the most of her affinity for strategy due to her general avoidance for change. Instead, she tends to actively hinder her own growth opting to keep things as 'the same' as possible... what she already knows isn't scary and is easier to cope with than the infinite potentials of the future. She is dedicated to the things she has skill for, absorbing them into habits like rituals that must be tended to rather than being optionally applicable. Generally she struggles to find focus outside of her very particular set of interests, lost in the clouds of her own fantasizing and wonderings- her lack of attention is a great vulnerability of hers that she doesn't seem to recognize the danger of. While desperately wanting to fit into the world around her, she struggles to take the initiative to let go of her own concerns and finds social interaction agonizing- she would rather just sit in the corner and smile politely than be spoken to.

    ( motivations )
    ⚘ doe's goals are largely at the beck and call of her family.. their safety is her priority.
    ⚘ she looks for role models in those who have a lot of personal confidence but are not overly prideful, those who are unwavering in the face of critique but not equally inflated by their own egos.
    ⚘ her biggest motivation is to survive... she will do anything to keep herself alive, even at the risk of others.

    RELATED TO . . .

    ( friendship )
    Doe is hard to gain any traction with, she struggles to be open with others and often only gives as much as a friendly outer shell. Friendships are complicated and as someone who loathes change, developing them is a form of change she isn't often willing to grapple with.

    ( romance )
    If friendship wasn't already off putting enough, love is even more horrifying a concept. To devote yourself so sincerely and wholly to someone else seems like a death sentence, an end by a thousand tiny cuts that Doepaw is unwilling to suffer.

    ( clan )
    The Clan is a tool for survival.. and while she recognizes her part to play, she doesn't seek to do much more than the minimum required to keep herself breathing.

  • ( plots )

  • ( pinterest )
    ( character archetype )
    ( playlist )

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