————— ❁ —————
Lichenpaw's never been the most restful cat, sleep not coming easy when he feels so constantly on guard, always finding something to worry over. Tonight, and the nights since the half-moon, worry over his position fills his mind. Over his lie, serving ancestors long gone, stars with no life of their own. An allegiance to a fairy tale, a kit story. The other medicine cats had seemed so entranced by it.

He can't let that stop him now. He's happier than he has been since that day out at Sunningrocks, maybe since long before. He's able to be helpful now, useful. He can take care of his Clanmates, can heal cats like Sandpaw rather than feeling that same desperate helplessness, that ugly rage. It's better, it's worth it. But it can be a little lonely, sometimes.

Lichenpaw ventures, sleepless, from his nest. He doesn't quite know his goal, just that his paws itch to move, rather than stay cooped up in the stuffy medicine den. Surprisingly wakeful blue eyes dart around camp, up to the stars, and back down. No, he needs to distract himself. Keep his eyes to the camp, try to find someone to bother. He hopes he's not the only one up so late...
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  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 12 moons.
    — thunderclan medicine cat apprentice, mentored by berryheart.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • 66645992_9XglqEnKXn6q8TJ.png
Night-guard is one of her least favourite activities. It's too quiet in the camp, the eerie noises of perching owls occasionally making her shudder, and the absence of anything in between making little tricks play on Quailsong's mind. Twice now she's jerked her head towards the territory, trying to catch the hisses of voices that she swears she's heard approaching, but twice now nothing has come of it ... maybe she shouldn't volunteer to take the whole night watch next time and trade off at moonhigh.

Movement startles Quailsong from her sleepy daze for the third time, ears pricking upwards as she jerks her head around to face the camp - but it's only Lichenpaw, nervousness radiating from the fire-flecked tom as if he's wary of waking his sleeping Clanmates ... but she can hear snoring from the warriors' den (somewhere she'd really like to be right now, no doubt), so she's quite sure his worry is for naught.

"Lichenpaw," she sing-songs in a quiet breath, ears twitching up in a friendly way. "You're up late, soft-paws. Couldn't sleep?"

  • quailsong, tags.
    — she/her.
    — thunderclan warrior ; no apprentice.
    — attack in #C4B25E. low strength, high dexterity fighter.
    — penned by mercibun.

Seeing the flame hued Molly out and about in the camp during the night was not an uncommon sight to see. The only time she could recall ever getting a really good slumber was while she was in the nursery. Flycatcher's presence beside her in the warrior's den was a helpful distraction from her nightmares, but he wasn't a total cure. They still had grip on her, plaguing her dreams more often than not. Tonight, was one of those nights. Instead of keeping her den-mates awake with her constant tossing and turning, she had decided to sit outside the den.

When Lichenpaw had padded out into the clearing, she had been staring up at the sky. It was hard to see with the coverage of the trees, but she could still catch glimpses of their ancestors above. Well...maybe not her ancestors, but her kits and several friends were up there. Her attention is shifted when she hears whispers nearby. She spots Quailsong padding over to greet the Medicine Cat apprentice. Why was he awake right now? She didn't ask, knowing he had every right to ask her the same. The lead warrior dips her head in greeting, not wanting to speak too loud and risk irritating her denmates even more than she already had.


Berryheart lived barely upon a day-night cycle, and more within a series of vignettes, adrift between wakefulness and sleep. Night was a darker day- there was nothing inherently soporific about its arrival, he had found. The frequency of the medicine cat's naps would likely betray the reasoning for his odd sleeping schedule to anyone who dwelled upon it, but the tortoiseshell was largely unbothered.

It was, therefore, mere coincidence that he arose from his nest not long after his student; nothing about Freckles' movement had stirred him, and in fact Berryheart initially did not notice them as he exited the herb-incensed warmth of the medicine den, letting his joints click with a luxurious stretch. White-toed paws carried his lean, flecked form in a lap around camp, near-completed before he at last set eyes upon Sunset, Nettle-eyes and Freckles. A crooked maw curved in the slightest hint of a smile, nodding in acknowledgment as his pace slowed toward them.

A yawn moved his maw lopsided, and a long blink overshadowed his gaze before a concern came level and monotonous from his maw. "Is your nest uncomfortable?" he inquired- if that was indeed the reason Freckles was out during the night, it would be an easy issue to remedy. Easier than treating a wound, even.
The only reason Hawthornpaw was awake was because she had just been out to make dirt. As she slipped back in through the gorse tunnel, the sight- and noise- of cats awake and about that hadn't necessarily been there when she slipped out gave her pause. Three or four of them- two of which she was certain were not there before. Her ears flattened against her head, glancing at the cats saying something to Lichenpaw. Yellow eyes searched the situation, took note of just what exactly was going on. She fought the smirk trying to plaster itself on her face, and instead wore mock-concern.

With a quiet dip of her head, she padded back towards the apprentice den, and unless stopped, would slip back instead. After all, she wasn't the sleepless one here, and would revel in her soft and welcoming nest tonight. ​