camp THROUGH THE IRIS — inept

Blazestar had watched the apprentices' combat training with a thoughtful expression. One of his warriors had made an off-hand comment to Fireflypaw -- "your mentor should learn, too!" It hasn't left his mind since. There's always a possibility of WindClan stomping their way into their camp again, isn't there? Or if not WindClan, who knows what sorts of threats could impede their territory? Blazestar remembers the fox he'd lost a life too, the one Sheepcurl had chased away with her patrol.

The forest is full of dangers, and only some of them are other cats.

The cream-colored tom seems thoughtful for a moment; his eyes dance from the apprentices scrapping to the mouth of the medicine cat den. Dawnglare is inside, rummaging through ill-kept piles of herbs and seeds. "Dawnglare, come here," he says with a thoughtful smile. "And... Silversmoke."

This would be his newest lead warrior's first mission... though he isn't sure how receptive either will be to the task. He can only imagine how draining it would be to teach Dawnglare anything.

// no need to wait for @DAWNGLARE or @SILVERSMOKE :3


Keeping on the outskirts of the apprentice's tussle in fear that Chrysalis would go too far, the silver tabby's attention began to waver the more and more it appeared that his unruly trainee was behaving themselves. He'd been more critical than usual of the chimera, the words said to Figpaw still nestled in Silversmoke's mind for better or for worse, but with a brief show of maturity, they felt their opinions shifting closer to neutrality than before. A green eye was kept on a pale figure moving past the crowd toward the medicine den, focusing fully on Blazestar with the uncertain twitch of a bushy tail. The leader and medicine cat were close, as to be expected in a clan structure, yet Silver still felt his mind wander to the worst when a seemingly healthy cat needed to make their way toward the medicine den. Blazestar never entered properly though, instead calling the mad cat's name and then turning to... him. He looked between Blazestar and Dawnglare, his ears tilted unevenly in confusion. "What is it?" His mind raced with possibilities, a number of them pessimistic owing to the growing impression they had of their medicine cat - strange but harmless, at least until now. The spotted feline moved closer to the pair, regarding Dawnglare with a formal nod as he waited for Blazestar to explain himself.
It is the only call he would ever answer with an ounce of quickness (Or at least, once it had been). Not that he always did, for his time was not something to be monopolized. He held his own whims and wishes, his own daydreams carved into the edges of his mind. The way he works is never so straightforward, never so stiff as it may be for any other. It is a song and dance, thing to keep him engaged, as much as it was for the weak-bodied things blazing outside his den. If he must be damned to such a fate, he would enjoy it.

Today is one such time he would turn with a quickness, ears pricking to the sound of that warm-bodied voice. He is slipping into the sun's rays before he can fully process that lesser name that follows him, and unbidden, his gaze would cross into one of mild contempt, with the silvery pelt that comes into view. He knew not what to think of this one, just yet, but Blaise's council tended to be full of nothing, nothing good. An ear flicks, and he pointedly turns to Blaise. "What?" Simple question seeped with whatever impression he may glean... Unimpressed, he sounds.
Silversmoke approaches almost warily, gaze flicking from Blazestar to Dawnglare. "What?" The medicine cat asks in return, his own voice flat and unimpressed, uninterested. The leader ignores the suspicion they both exhibit, chooses a winsome smile instead. "I've been thinking," he begins airily, "about the WindClan raid. I know medicine cats have a different purpose than warriors, but that day could have gone very differently." What would SkyClan have done if Dawnglare had been irreparably injured? What would he have done?

He turns to Silversmoke, a touch of sympathy in his blue gaze. "I'm enlisting you to help Dawnglare learn combat. He needs to know how to defend himself, if we are to be raided or attacked again." StarClan knew with the way their forest is currently, it would only be a matter of time.

  • Angry
Reactions: DAWNGLARE
Watching Blazestar and Silversmoke move toward Dawnglare’s den, was a sight that naturally enlisted his attention. He worked his way with long slow steps toward them, nearing enough to catch words with an internal twitch of amusement. You couldn’t dare claim that their leader didn’t have himself a sense of humor.

He settles on his haunches, as it was not bad news nor council-duty. This was merely, a wakeup call for the potion-spitter.

" you couldn’t have picked a more impatient pair " Thistleback idles, light humor strumming his hoarse tone as he spectates comfortably despite the ache in his muscled shoulders. " bloody genius " he rumbled, approval written into the flick of his white tipped tail.

Thistleback would rather lose teeth than the chance to see this shit. Had he ever seen Dawnglare battle? He tries to recall and fails, he’d seen him ramble angrily like a madman. Hopefully his claws are just as unpredictable as his words.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-three moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png

"You want me to help Dawnglare learn.... 'combat'," he repeated, blinking slowly as if to accentuate each painful word. It made sense, a medic shouldn't be exempt from combat when predators and other clans wouldn't give them the liberty of avoiding it. But... why him? Why did Silversmoke have to be the one to train him? His experiences with Chrysalispaw told him that he was not a patient mentor, he didn't know how to explain the way he moved and fought he just did it as if it were second instinct. Judging eyes settled upon Dawnglare and made him wonder if the sepia tom had any instinct besides... nothing, actually. Nothing Dawnglare did made sense to the silver tabby, he was an amalgamation of traits and ideas that should've been subject to natural selection a long time ago and yet, the older tom was still standing. He heard Thistleback in the background and the Lead Warrior's ears twitched, his tail swaying as he fought back unkind words for the other's observations. The spiky tom would've been better suited for this task, he didn't know if it was 'genius' from Blazestar moreso than a test of loyalty. Inhaling deeply, he caught the remnants of sympathy in Blazestar's eyes and allowed his ruffled fur to settle.

Holding back his disappointment, the tabby sharply mewed a, "Very well." 'For my clan...' It wasn't like he could protest, even if he wanted to. The large warrior took a few paces back, finding balance on his haunches as he squared his paws. "You haven't been a medicine cat all your life, I expect you know something about defending yourself." He searched the other's expression, his frown not as hopeful as his words - Dawnglare had fought before, hadn't he? There was doubt in his gut that threatened to reach his tongue in a chastising display, but before Blazestar, he tried his best not to jump to conclusions. "I am a WindClan warrior rummaging through your herbs. Show me what you would do." White whiskers angled forwards whilst his ears angled back, his limbs steadily rocking, prepared for take-off at any moment. The sooner he could teach Dawnglare combat, the sooner the pair could go back to blissfully ignoring the others' existence - he got the feeling that Dawnglare wanted such a reality too.