pafp through the mists of the deep [curiosity]

Since RiverClan’s founding, Clayfur has seen a certain few of his clanmates looked down upon by other clanmates. He was once a drypaw, one of those who were looked down upon, and it’s been nearly a year now but he still doesn’t understand why. But he’d learned how to swim between then and now—and even Boneripple has figured out how to swim! What’s stopping the others from learning? Maybe… maybe he can help with it?

One of the cats who he’s never seen fully submerged is Poppysong—a good clanmate, if not a bit nervous. He recalls glistening to them sharing the day’s gossip a while back, and he grins as he spots them from across the camp. He’s been searching for an opening for a few days now, his curiosity piqued specifically by the warrior who seems only willing to put their paws in the water.

Trotting over to stand before them, the brown and white tom asks carefully, "Hey, do you wanna go swimming? Or… uh, I guess, why don’t you wanna go swimming?" His head tips to the side as he questions the other warrior, a cautious smile crossing his pale muzzle.

// @Poppysong

Poppysong hadn’t been minding her own business, not really. She’d been anxiously awaiting the return of a patrol in order to ask to be on the next one, but knew that she wouldn’t be able to stand the water enough to fish. Clayfur’s question was definitely out of the blue in her opinion, but she was used to odd characters considering her uncle was quite odd.

She decided that despite the out of the blue question she would answer it. What was the harm? "Ah, I— I nearly drowned when I was a kit. Honeystone wasn’t paying attention and when she did notice it was too late. That’s why I’m a Drypaw," she paused, glancing down with a twitch of her ear, "b-but I’m working on getting past it."
walk "talk." thought
penned by helly
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The question he poses is personal—perhaps a bit too personal for a cat who he doesn’t know terribly well, he thinks. But she answers anyway, responds to his invasive inquiry with grace. She says that she’d nearly drowned as a kit, and Clay’s brows furrow with concern. That’s terrifying, and he can understand why Poppysong would be put off of swimming from then on. "Ah, that makes sense. I thought you might’ve just been afraid of the monsters that live in the super deep water. But—either way, there’s nothing wrong with being a drypaw," he chirps, smiling his reassurance to the silvery warrior. He knows his opinion doesn’t align with much of RiverClan, but most of them are kinda hypocritical when it comes to the water so he doesn’t put too much weight on their viewpoints.

Flicking his tail, he continues. "I used to be a drypaw, and now I’m, like, the fastest swimmer ever." A lie, but who can prove that? It’s not like Poppysong is going to challenge him to a race. "If you ever want, I could try to help you out. But I’m not… the greatest teacher," he admits, thinking of Mosspaw and bird hunting and—what a disaster that had been!
A drypaw was only a step more acceptable than being a kittypet or outsider. Ravenpaw could remember a moment where Smokethroat humiliated him for his fear when Ravenpaw had given an unorthodox way of saying 'congratulations' to Fernpaw for his first catch. He felt a kinship, therefore, with other dry paws. He understood that they did not mean to make life difficult for the other RiverClan cats who loved to swim—it was not as simple as a choice to get wet or not. It was easier to sympathize with someone when both felt the brunt of Clan bullying.

He could not help but overhear Clayfur and Poppysong's conversation, large ears pricked to catch up on the words. Clayfur had never been unkind to dry paws like the majority of RiverClan. It was good to have him be the one to confront Poppysong about it.

"Clayfur is a good cat to help you get used to the water." Ravenpaw remarked. "I still have not felt comfortable in it." He admitted. The river was as dangerous as it was beautiful, and Ravenpaw could not appreciate what it had to offer. The feeling of weightlessness beneath his paws made his gut wrench.


LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
Lakemoon doesn’t acknowledge her title as a dry-paw, but the warrior was not ignorant to the stigma, either. She witnessed it from time to time, the silent looks- or not so silent remarks, though she had never been on the receiving end, the whole thing was enough to make her want to scoff.
She knew she was as good of a warrior as her peers that hunted in the river, if not more so, and therefore refused to even entertain the idea of feeling less-than. If there was one thing Lakemoon was not, it was sub-par.
She is drawn over by Poppysongs words, recounting her own tragic experience with the water.
Despite the silent rift that had been ripped between her and Clayfur, his warmth towards the other earns a flicker of a smile from Lakemoon, barely a quirk of her mouth before it was gone. "Theres several shallow pools along the river, you can get used to it while still being able to feel the ground under your paws." Lakemoon offers, though does not offer any context on why she knows of them. "Clayfur is an excellent swimmer though, with his help I’m sure you’ll be a hunting alongside him in no time." There is no change in her tone as she gives the tom praise, her focus still steadied on Poppysong.

Living at the riverside from such a young age, Hazecloud had known the river and its currents far longer than she had not. Its rolling tides had watched her grow on unsteady kitten legs, wading and splashing through its surface. Now she confidently kicked and pushed herself afloat, natural next to breathing. That being said, Hazecloud knew she was only so skilled because her parents would accept nothing less. Competing alongside both her siblings for their approval, she had fought for it once upon a time.

"That sounds like wonderful advice, Lakemoon." Her voice is genuine when she spoke. She agreed with Clayfur, holding no judgement for having an aversion to the water. "I've noticed, during leaf-bare, we mostly have our Dry-Paws to thank for still having a fresh-kill pile." The river only fed so much for so long. Even now with it drying up, she noticed more land prey available than fish recently.

Poppysong glanced at the two that padded up, smiling kindly. Were there really tidepools by the river? How had she not noticed them? She went and sat on the bed of it every night, just before she went to her nest. Poppy couldn't focus on near anything the two were saying, what with Lakemoon's steady gaze on her, and shyly dipped her head. "Is there really pools down there? I've not a clue how I missed them!" She paused before tacking on a, "Thank you for letting me know, Lakemoon, I'll be sure to take a look! And," a pause, once again, but this time because she's quietly flustered by the commendation from the other warrior. "Thank you, Hazecloud, that means quite a lot to me."
walk "talk." thought
penned by helly