pafp through your hollow bones // welcoming to nursery

// please wait for @lovage to post!

News spreads fast around here. A queen, injured and exhausted, arrived at their borders with three young kits, barely off the teat. Oh, how her heart breaks for the family. She had watched them get settled, longing to go and introduce herself but holding back. You see, even if she has come out of her shell quite a bit...well, she's still just shy Butterflytuft. But as soon as the queen is introduced to the nursery, where she'll be staying with her kits, the tortoiseshell is quick to stand and offer her support. "Hello, welcome to SkyClan," She mews softly, yellow gaze flicking from her, to her kits, to the ground and back to her. Her voice is mellow, warm - she's working extra hard to come off as reassuring as possible. She approaches on gentle steps and tries and fails to keep the sympathy from her eyes. "You poor things, you must be so tired! Come with me, we'll get you some rest. I've already got a nest half-started." She looks to the nearest apprentice, her expression pleading. "Could you please bring some fresh-kill for them? They must be starving!" Oh, how in need of rest the little family must be!

She leads them inside the serene den, tucked away under a holly bush and fallen tree. Inside, it smells like moss and milk, a peaceful sanctuary for queens and their young. The tortoiseshell gets to work quickly, gathering soft moss, feathers, and pine needles and arranging them into a cozy nest. "There you go," She murmurs soothingly as she finishes preparing the bedding. "You and your kits can rest here safely. If you need anything - food, water - just let me know. Oh, and I'm Butterflytuft." She glances up at the other queen, smiling politely. She wants to make sure the kits and their mother have as smooth a transition as possible into SkyClan.
Lovage, after being inspected by the... medicine cats (she believes they're called?) finds her way to the nursery. It's neatly kept with a fallen tree, and the scents inside are almost as welcoming as the vibrant she-cat that greets her. Her tired blue gaze must've brightened upon being invited in, for there's tremors of energy still spouting through her exhausted limbs. Her children tail her, she hopes - though Oleander is one to explore and grow too-curious, and her siblings much of the same.

"Oh, you're too kind. The whole Clan is, really," she purrs, sweeping her tail low to try and gather little bodies closer to her. She hardly has the chance to do a head check when Butterflytuft finishes what she must with the nest to make it more comfortable. Again Lovage thinks of how she would've happily slept on the pine litter they walked in on, and that this is more than enough. "Heavens above, you lot must take in plenty of outcasts with how quickly you work," she muses with no malice in her tone.

Her paws move to join with the nest, and though she has the urge to fidget with it, she reclines and decides that as it is is more than enough. She would not want to let the other queen even think that her work isn't appreciated. "I'm Lovage. My kits -" her gaze lifts to search for them, briefly, before turning towards the she-cat again, "Oleander, Birch, and Mercury. Though... I suppose if we stay, their names would have to change, yeah?" A pause, and she rests her head on her paws, "How do you decide what your name will be? Or is... is that only for mothers? Leaders?" The details of Clanlife clearly elude her.​
don't raise your voice . improve your argument .
It ain’t too unfamiliar to see the bulky warrior slippin’ in and out of the nursery, either babysittin’ the little ones or helpin’ Pineberry with whatever tasks she wanted him to do. It hadn’t been all that bad, Duskpool would admit, enjoyin’ spendin’ time with the youngsters before they went off to bein’ apprentices followin’ their mentors. He fought back the wince threatenin’ to swallow him whole, already dreadin’ the day his grandkids reach the ripe age of six. Time sure flies by past, eh?

Shakin’ the rest of his wooly fur, Duskpool angled mangled ears toward Butterflytuft and their newbie, Lovage. “Afraid SkyClan is the only clan willin’ to take a few stragglers into our merry bunch.” He mused, timbre a dry, rumbled grunt. “Though don’t think ya gotta be worried about changin’ their names, just gotta add the ‘kit’ then yer rearin’ to go, kid.” He grunted, wooly plumage sweepin’ a pile of leaves into a messy pile near Pineberry’s nest, intendin’ on usin’ ‘em as toys the kits can chase to their hearts’ content. Energetic buggers, ain’t they?

“If ya need anythin’ kiddo, just give me a holler. I ain’t usually too far from the nursery babysittin’ the grandkits, but best be headin’ off now.” He dipped his helm in goodbye, not before pausin’, helm tiltin’ slightly, “Names Duskpool.” With that, the smokey obsidian warrior slipped out.

/ out !
thought speech
She giggles softly at the praise and gives a small shrug of her shoulders. “Lots of practice. I like to weave.” She steps back to give the queen room to try out her new nest. Butterflytuft's eyes soften as she listens to Lovage, her heart aching for the new queen and her kits. "Welcome, Lovage," She replies gently, correcting her earlier welcome to include the she-cat’s name this time. "SkyClan can be a place of refuge for many cats. They took me in when I was just a child, you know. We’re happy you’re here.” Tilting her head, she nods thoughtfully as Lovage asks about names. "Duskpool’s right, you can give them clan names if you want. Queens name the kits - Orangestar will take over when they’re older. It's a way of marking their journey and growth.” She smiles reassuringly and looks to the three kits at the queen’s side. “But for now, your kits can be lovingly called by their current names. You don’t have to change them if you don’t want to. Your name, too."

Sitting up straighter, she nods in Duskpool’s direction. "If you need anything - more fresh-kill, herbs, or just a friendly chat - please don't hesitate to ask. We're all here to help you settle in. We do our best to make every cat feel at home." Her gaze shifts to her older clanmate as he leaves, grateful for his support. She looks back at Lovage with a warm, comforting expression. "Please, rest. You and your kits have been through so much. We'll take care of everything."