throw your fears on the funeral pyre | patrol assignments

Set after this thread

The sun was slowly beginning to ascend into the sky when Flycatcher makes his way into the centre of camp. Although he takes the time to say a few polite greetings to cats he passes, his mind seems elsewhere, concerns over Roeflame and Burnpaw plaguing his thoughts. "ThunderClan, please gather for patrol assignments," He calls out as he takes a seat. A tail curls around his paws once he sits, and he waits for a few moments for the familiar faces of his clanmates to gather before pressing on.

"Howlingstar, I was hoping you would be amenable to leading the dawn patrol along the RiverClan and SkyClan border today?" His green eyes scan the crowd for the leader, meeting her gaze and waiting for a nod before continuing. "Batwing, Killdeercry, the two of you will accompany her."

"I am going to lead the dawn patrol along the ShadowClan and WindClan border today. Whitelion, Stagstrike, I want the two of you with me."

"Lily Pad, I am entrusting you with leading the dusk patrol along the RiverClan and SkyClan border. You may have Wolfwind and Finchcatcher to assist you."

"Flamewhisker, I want you to handle the dusk patrol along the ShadowClan and WindClan border. Take Silverlightning and Little Wolf with you."

"Leopardtongue, Sunnyday,"
Flycatcher calls out, his green gaze lingering on the sandy coloured tom for a few moments. "The two of you will be handling the hunting patrols today. Choose which cats you want to accompany you at your own discretion."

"Raccoonstripe, I was hoping you would host a training session today. I'm sure many of us would appreciate a refresher for our skills."

"As with all my recent patrol assignments, I ask that all of you leaving camp today are mindful of any boars. If you see them do not engage. Either move to somewhere safe or return to camp. Your lives are more valuable to the clan than an extra piece of prey or a stronger scent marker. That is all. Dismissed."

threads to make:
dawn sky: @HOWLINGSTAR @batwing @KILLDEERCRY ;
dawn: shadow: @WHITELION @Tybalt [Stagstrike]
dusk river: @lily pad @WOLFWIND @FINCHCATCHER
dusk wind: @Flamewhisker @Silverlightning @LITTLE WOLF
hunting: @Sunnyday @leopardtongue
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Sunnyday wouldn't lie that it felt strange being present for assignments in the camp again. The tom kept his head down as he shuffled his way over to the edge of the gathering crowd so he could hear what the deputy had to say. Naturally he hoped to either evade duties this time around or have himself assigned under someone else. But no, he was given the task of leading a hunting patrol. His heart sank and he found himself instantly worrying about whether anyone would actually go with him. "Understood." He meekly said as he kept his gaze lowered. "Um... I'll head for Sunningrocks, I guess." Maybe they would be lucky and evade the boars for the time being there.​
make peace with your broken pieces .
Whitelion hummed, standing beside the others waiting for their given assignments, ear flicking. A singular optic narrowed, nodding in acknowledgment. His gaze glided to his rambunctious apprentice with a tilt of his helm. “Very well.” He wondered if the patrol will be as uneventful as he hoped it would be, not too keen on the brewing trouble amongst the clans.

His gaze shifted to Sunnyday, offering the other a gentle crinkle of his optic, his smile optimistic, but otherwise said nothing as he wandered off to wait.
thought speech



Blizzard Fang hadn’t been assigned to any patrols today, it happens, but he’d have to get his paws busy elsewhere. He listens intently for any patrols that may need an extra cat yet, Flycatcher mentions Leopardtongue and Sunnyday would need to gather cats for their hunting patrols. There was his window of opportunity, getting up onto his paws he heads for Leopardtongue before he spots Sunnyday out of the corner of his eye. His gaze was lowered and his voice was meek, he wasn’t going to have an easy time getting cats to join a patrol he was leading.

He turns and approaches the pale Tom, ”Need some cats? I’m looking to busy my paws.” Sunningrocks sounded like a good pick anyhow, hopefully they didn’t catch any RiverClan scent.
Howlingstar idly stands by, having told Flycatcher earlier in the day she’d be looking to be placed on a patrol. She had to busy her paws, occupy her day with something besides her current stressors. Dead clanmates, ravaging boars, runaway cats…she could use the distraction. Thankfully, her deputy appeases her need to for a job today. Batwing and Killdeercry - she finds the two warriors and offers a tired smile, nodding to them. “Get something to eat, then we’ll be off. Killdeercry, feel free to grab Barleypaw and Sleekpaw if you wish.” Unless the warrior had put them on chores this morning, that is.

She listens to the other patrols as she wanders towards the camp exit, and she has to hide her surprise that Flycatcher placed Sunnyday in charge of a patrol. At least it was only a hunting patrol, but still…in her opinion, he has lost the right to lead any sort of patrol. She casts a small, brow-raised look at her deputy for the choice. What surprises her even more is when Blizzard Fang offers to go with him. Her stomach twists at the thought and without thinking she calls over to him, ears falling back, “I’d be happy to take Sandpaw with me to the border, if you’d like.” She wouldn’t want the poor girl on a patrol with her former mentor so soon after leaving the medicine den, especially not one led by him. She can’t help but question the senior warrior’s thought process, unless he hadn’t been planning on taking her at all.



Blizzard Fang notes Howlingstar’s folded ears, his heart falters. Had he made her doubt her choice in him? It’s blatant by the pure expression on his face that he realizes he’s made a mistake, embarrassment floods over him. He had not intended on bringing Sandpaw out this morning, there were apprentice chores needing to be done. They’d hunt for the elders together closer to sun-high. ”Thank you Howlingstar, but Sandpaw will be spending the dawn accomplishing chores. …Unless… you’d rather us both accompany Leopardtongue instead?” He blinks at her awkwardly not sure what answer she was most wanting to hear, but he hopes to try and appease her the best he can.

As much as he loved mentorship it was definitely a challenge thinking about more cats other than himself… Sandpaw’s needs came way before his desires to see Sunnyday succeed in being a proper ThunderClan cat again. StarClan knows the girl deserved the forest after what she had been through, he’d proceed more thoughtfully in the future. If Howlingstar doesn’t strip me of my mentoring rights first…. Mousebrain!
Partol assignments. Batwing was itching to do more then sit around and let some-cat's gaze bore into the back of his head. Friendly, like Spiderlily's, or untreaded ground, like Nightbird's. A sigh left him as he was assigned to a patrol- that was relatively unproblematic. He had neutral terms with both parties involved. He dipped his head towards Howlingstar as she spoke. "Will do." A sidelong glance was given to Blizzard and Howling before he was moving off to find a piece of prey for himself. ​

Sunnyday was honestly surprised that anyone was willing to volunteer, especially from the get go. He looked at Blizzard Fang in both surprise and thankfulness and it spurred him to offer up a small but genuine smile. "I would appreciate it if you joined, thank you." Maybe things wouldn't be so bad, but then he took notice of Howlingstar's presence and it spurred him to look down at the ground again as he stayed low. He didn't want to invite any trouble whatsoever. Though what he heard next caused his blood to run cold. "Wait... Blizzard Fang is mentoring Sandpaw?!" He genuinely hadn't known, but that was the nature of the beast when it came to missing so many meetings. He poised himself to make an excuse to free Blizzard Fang from the patrol entirely, but it seemed that things were already sorted out. The tom clenched his jaw shut as he decided to leave things be and up to the other warrior and the leader to figure out.​
sleekpaw | 05 months | genderfluid | he/she/they | physically easy | mentally hard | attack in bold mistyrose
With his mentors name called out, pale baby blues turn to look at her questioningly - he'll be going as well, right? Sleekpaw is not eager to be anywhere remotely near riverclan, not after what has happened, after what she has done, but skyclan is an unfamiliarity to her. Perhaps this patrol will not be too bad after all.

Blizzard Fang's response does make some sense, and she's relieved he never planned on taking her. Even still, she finds it strange Sandpaw's new mentor would offer to join her old mentor's patrol. She hopes Sandpaw isn't around to see it - the last thing she needs is the she-cat losing faith in Blizzard Fang, too. After a moment, with a brow still quirked quizzically, she nods back to him and waves her tail. "No, it's alright. Go ahead." If Sandpaw had been meant to go, she'd have a bigger problem with it.

She turns her attention back to her patrolmates, ears angling forward. "Right. I'll join you," She mews to Batwing, padding after him.