thumbtack jupiter to this storm-angry sky / tigerfang



LIU-LIU LIUA TIGERFANG: she / her; transgender female, lesbian – broad-shouldered, squared-off, and somewhat scarred seal sepia and red tabby chimera with low white. A pitbull of a feline. Visibly muscular though on the taller end of average. Narrowed, storm-colored eyes above fanged, crooked grin. 10" at the shoulder and 12 lbs.

─ 30 moons: NPC x NPC; older sister to three unknown siblings, mate to Meadowsong, stepmother to Chamomilepaw, Daffodilpaw, and Hyacinthpaw. Born a barn cat, former rogue; warrior of ThunderClan.

✦ boisterous, dedicated, ignorant: despite being an outsider for most of her life, Tigerfang embodies many qualities of the typical ThunderClanner. She's unyielding yet friendly, loyal to what is now her home but eager to throw her strength around elsewhere. Competent and confident in her skills, Tigerfang is relatively incurious about others and less concerned about the wellbeing of strangers than the stereotypical ThunderClanner. She has what's hers and is willing to pull up the ladder after herself and her kin. Usually well-meaning when playful, but may unintentionally bully or bulldoze others.

─ casual character: 1/5 posts, July; mainly just in ThunderClan to live out her life with a family after her unstable childhood and young adulthood.
─ has a subtle and strange accent, a drawling Chinese-like with bits and pieces lopped off of words
─ somehow smells like salt, along with petrichor, stripped oak bark, and leaf litter​
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  • 0 - 9 moons:
    — born to a family of barn cats kept around to hunt rats, the only surviving kitten of her litter
    — she's nicknamed "liu-liu" for her tendency to pace around and follow her twolegs as soon as she was old enough to walk
    — her mother is adopted by friends of her twoleg family after having a second litter of kittens, as the twolegs know they can't support any more cats
    — her father is a large moggy with maine coon ancestry who leaves as soon as her mother is adopted
    — liu-liu takes it upon herself to take care of her younger siblings, teaching them to hunt the smaller rats and fight off the bigger ones. she's not particularly good at taking care of them, often yelling and training too harshly due to her own lack of maturity.
    — obtains a few small scars from numerous rat fights and sparring with her siblings

    10 - 20 moons:
    — one day, she has a disastrous argument with one of her younger brothers, esclating into a no-holds-barred fight and leaving her with a prominent facial scar. she leaves that night and crawls under a bush on the outskirts of the farm to lick her wounds.
    — hating her family yet missing them, she renames herself "liua"
    — liua wanders from farm to farm. she steals baby chicks and narrowly escapes the talons of their mothers. she scraps with some barn cats, stays the night with others, under the conditions that she feeds herself and goes by morning. she runs from hawks, dogs, and coyotes. eventually, she wanders into the suburbs.

    meeting meadowsong:
    — on another auspicious day, she's hunting something, something, she doesn't quite remember. all she remembers is bowling over a fluff of fawn-colored fur, and in another moment hearing a yelp and claws digging into her stomach. the molly she slammed into looks so desperate for food that she simply leaves, for some reason stammering a quick apology before she goes.
    — liua, wondering about the molly and the look on her face, decides to track her down. she finds her hiding underneath a bush, nursing three kittens. the molly introduces herself as "maggie", a kittypet displaced after her house burned down. on a whim, liua stays and helps them, catching food for maggie to fill herself up with for once and watching the kittens while she takes a break.
    — she ends up staying the night with them under that bush. maggie offers to give liua some warmth, feeling pity for her relatively short fur and the chilly breeze outside. they cuddle and talk, about anything and everything, including maggie's plans to find the fabled cats of the wild, before falling asleep together.
    — liua leaves before maggie wakes up, discomfited by the intimacy after several moons alone, and continues to survive on her own.

    21 - 30 moons:
    — still thinking about the molly, she makes up her mind two weeks later and joins the newly-formed thunderclan with meadowsong's, previously maggie's, advocation. she takes on the name "tigerfang".
    — through the course of the year tigerfang falls in love with maggie, now called meadowsong, and they become mates while learning to adapt to life as clan cats and raising three kits.

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