private THUNDER BRINGER;; lichen, howling, gentle

‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. The healer in her knew that she needed help with training and that Lichenstar needed rest. The RiverClanner in her was apprehensive about asking for help from ThunderClan, and was even more-so apprehensive about telling her leader to rest, telling her that she was confined to the medicine den until she was better, essentially ordering her around. She knew, deep down, that walking around - especially to ThunderClan of all places - would not be easy for the star-blessed feline, but she couldn't say no. Maybe one day the pale moggie would have the mental strength to order her leader around, but that day would not be today. The journey here had been a little slower, watching Lichenstar carefully as they both walked to the border, one slower than the other.

When paws made it to the river she'd step upon stepping stones as she had only a moon ago, eyes scanning the forest from her spot in the river as she waited for movement, for a patrol. When one finally did come through she'd ask them to get Gentlestorm and Howlingstar, watching as two broke off from the patrol and went to get them. Cats sat in silence for what felt like forever soon after the medicine cat moved back so that she wasn't as close to the ThunderClan border as she had been before underbrush parted and leaves rustled once more, the familiar pelts of the medicine cat and leader breaking through alongside the two warriors that had gone to get them.

"Thank you for coming," she'd speak to the two of them, eyes looking to Gentlestorm for a moment. Hopefully he had talked with Howlingstar, hopefully she would be fine with the idea of her medicine cat training a RiverClanner. "I'm not sure how much Gentlestorm told you but last moon I came to ask for help with healing one of our queens with an injury I didn't know how to heal, and I've realized that there is more I need to learn. I was hoping the four of us could discuss and figure out if Gentlestorm - if he's willing - could help finish my training." Few words were said before Moonbeam closed her maw, looking at each cat in turn before waiting for others to speak. She did not like politics, and was not sure what else she could say in the moment.


  • -- @lichenstar @HOWLINGSTAR @GENTLESTORM
    random npc's used to get howling and gentle!
  • flesh wounds
    ꕥꕥ infections
    aches & pains
    ꕥꕥꕥ illness
    ꕥꕥꕥ breathing
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ traveling
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ broken bones
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ poisons
  • SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    14 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; mated to beefang
    currently mentoring none
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
With her medicine cat at her side, Howlingstar follows Lightflower and Emberface back to the river where they’d left the RiverClanners. As soon as her skull breaches the ferns of her home, she is met with the sight of Lichenstar and Moonbeam on the opposite side of the river. It isn’t a surprise - she’d been warned in advance by the pair of warriors what awaited them here, but the confusion of why they’re here still persists. She approaches curiously until her toes brush the water’s edge, and she gives a respectful nod to the opposing leader and healer. “It’s no problem…is something wrong?” She asks, round gaze switching between the two she-cats.

She brings up Gentlestorm’s little trip from the previous moon, something she had indeed talked with him about. While she is glad her medicine cat has such a generous heart, she expressed her frustration to him that he had not come to her personally to talk about it. In doing what he’d done, he’d left their clan without a medicine cat for a day, left them in confusion on his whereabouts. It’s in the past though, and they’ve since come to an understanding. There is no anger there. But Moonbeam asks if Gentlestorm would be willing to finish her training and suddenly she feels like she’s been brought back in time, standing at the SkyClan border while she and Gentlestorm asked the same of Orangestar and Dawnglare.

At first, she feels a surge of pride. How respected and skilled ThunderClan’s medicine cat must be for others to seek his training, and she looks to him with a glimmer of delight in her eyes. This pride is paired with a caution, however. RiverClan is not their friend and they’ve never pretended to be, not for quite some time. Why would they ask ThunderClan, of all clans? Ultimately, though, Howlingstar can see the opportunity here. If she can handle this with diplomacy, it could help to mend the tension between their two clans. She could help foster goodwill here and now. She remembers Berryheart’s dream then, of the vine, of ThunderClan’s duty to keep peace in the forest, and she dips her head.

“I understand what it’s like to not have a fully trained medicine cat. ThunderClan has been in that position too many times. It’s because of another clan’s kindness that Gentlestorm now has all of the knowledge he needs. So, I’m of course open to helping…but I need to know how this would work. I must consider ThunderClan’s wellbeing first.” She can’t afford to send off her medicine cat for a moon like SkyClan had sent Dawnglare. They have no medicine cat apprentice to cover for his absence. She then looks to Gentlestorm, a question in her eyes. “And you have to want to do this, too,” She utters to him softly, unwilling to make him do anything he may be uncomfortable with.


✦˚.✦˚✦˚✦˚ ✧ ˚✦˚✦˚✦.˚✦
  • For every lagging step that Moonbeam is forced to wait, the lynx point is made more aware of just how tedious this trip must be- What could be made twice as quick is hindered by her persistent stubbornness, overseen with wary eyes that linger on tender, pink skin as if it might unravel into loose ribbons. If she protests this idea, the medicine cat doesn't say so out loud... content to simply abide their insistence to attend her to the border in seeking out help. ThunderClan's warriors make haste in summoning their leader and Gentlestorm in tow, each given a measured glance of acknowledgement from where they depart from the brush.

    Moonbeam trails the stepping stones to near them, so they might be more easily heard over the booming of the summer river's swell and she is ginger in her efforts to follow. Tension still clings to the fresh scars at her flank and though not entirely useless, a mangled foreleg still squeals its weakness in pulsing pain when weight leans against it. Lichenstar sits just behind Moonbeam, a literal stone's throw away, content to rest here on the slippery rocks while the conversation might continue.

    The plea for aid comes at a great cost to her pride, just as aware as Howlingstar surely is that they are not allies across the rapids that divide them. Sunningrocks still stands testament to that, a sore thorn gouged into RiverClan's side. But... when round, sun-born eyes had begged of her this simple request, the blue she-cat had found it hard to say 'no'.... Even though she'd tried to escape that round, pleading face by looking away, the keening of her voice and the truth of her plight did not fall on deaf ears. When the brown tabby molly offers a small bow of understanding, relief trickles down her back like it has suddenly been sat beneath a waterfall. Chilling and comfortable in the hot sun... unexpected as it may be.

    "Either way... we go about this," comes in a small sigh of effort, "Someone's medicine cat... won't be home..." Which is a risk, undoubtedly, given how unpredictable the whims of fate tended to be. As if to remind her of a life abruptly shorn off, the breeze tickles furless skin in a way that feels alike pins and needles. "It's an... uncomfortable situation." Neither of them had apprentices to cater to sudden, smaller needs as necessary, though there were few clans that ever seemed able to retain their healers. Even ShadowClan had lost their long-standing medicine cat apprentice recently, hadn't they? Which only left WindClan... and SkyClan. Whatever aversion Moonbeam had for SkyClan, they didn't pretend to understand and wouldn't press at. WindClan remained out of the question, as is typical.

    "I'd like this... to be as painless... for both of us... as possible." Whatever compromise that meant however, could prove to be a tight negotiation.
  • about

    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5

    ooc notes ✦
    tagging ✶
    penned by tieirlys
  • ˚  ★⋆. ࿐࿔  ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     .

       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .   ✦   .  .   ˚       ੈ✧˳·˖✶ ✦  ˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ ★⋆. ࿐࿔

       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .             ✦  
Only when Gentlestorm gives her a nod of confirmation does she return her gaze to the RiverClanners, verdant eyes shifting between the two of them. She nods thoughtfully as Lichenstar speaks, understanding quite well how uncomfortable it will be. There are many potential complications that would be inherent in this sort of request, complications she does not wish to take on for the sake of her clan. She is all too keenly aware of the diplomatic delicacies involved, but at first, she does not consider the possibility of her clan taking on the risk of being without a medicine cat. After all, they are the ones giving the favor.

"Indeed, it's crucial we approach this with care," Howlingstar agrees firmly, yet her tone is lightened with consideration. "I appreciate your open-mindedness, Lichenstar. The last thing we want is for either clan to suffer due to our decisions." She looks to Gentlestorm again, who has remained quiet, attentive. "Gentlestorm's expertise is invaluable to ThunderClan, and I must consider how we might best balance this with the needs of RiverClan." Looking back at the ivory medicine cat across the way, she finally adds, "Moonbeam will be welcomed in our camp. My clan knows well to respect medicine cats, and she'd be treated well there. More importantly, she would be safe, that I can assure you." They both know that Gentlestorm was a trained warrior before he was a medicine cat, and as long as she's with him, she won't need to fear.