private THUNDER ECHOES // weaselclaw


As another roar shakes the earth, a rain-soaked molly barrels into her stone chambers. It was dry, and most importantly concealed her from the stars. With trembling limbs she shakes her fur out to send droplets flying all over the walls of the den. Moving further into the shadows for her nest she makes out a tabby pelt already attempting to slumber, the rise and falling of his belly quickening as he stirs. The blue she-cats presence had awoken him.

His yellow eyes blink away sleep as she looks to him, petrified. "...They don't stop screaming at me, @WEASELCLAW ."
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The thunderstorm outside Sootstar's den is nothing but irritating background noise for Weaselclaw. He'd finally fallen asleep, slipping into untroubled dreams, but her entrance is sudden and unpredicted. Droplets fly into his face from her dark fur, and he blinks into wakefulness with bleary blue eyes.

The look on his mate's face is enough to startle him out of his dreaminess. "They don't stop screaming at me, Weaselclaw." There's a troubling look in her green eyes -- as though she's being hunted by some predator thirsting for her blood.

The tabby scrabbles in their nest, pushing himself to his paws with alarm. "Who is screaming at you?" He demands. He could not imagine she's talking about the stars themselves, could not imagine she is implying StarClan uses the lightning as their voice. His teeth bared, Weaselclaw prepares to fight whoever it is that has stricken terror into his mate and leader.



"StarClan!" She yowls back at her mate's demands, Did he really not know? Did he really not pretend? It was so obvious despite all of her attempts to cover it up! Even the other clans knew it! StarClan was infuriated with her, and there was no saving Sootstar from their ire. "They've not stopped Weaselclaw... The last I spoke with them was many moons ago- they told me my reign is of dishonor!" Sootstar wails to him, her body shaking as another crash of thunder sounds from outside of the den.

With claws outstretched into the rock she growls, "They said- if I continue down a path of "senseless" violence I will fail!" Speaking the words out loud again causes her to go through disbelief once more, did they not see her struggles? Did they not understand? Everything she's done was needed, these cats have forced her paw! "How can StarClan see us so clearly- with not a tree blocking their path- yet be so... so... blind! Blind to my efforts and tireless work to keep this clan afloat! Those met with violence deserved it, if not worse!" Inconsolable, it doesn't seem like she's any closer to calming down.
Weaselclaw's body stiffens, the hair rising along his spine as Sootstar yowls, "StarClan!" He looks past her, into the black tempest sweeping through their territory, and a chill snakes its way inside his body and coils around his heart. Slowly, slowly, he turns his gaze back to his mate, staring, for the first time perhaps in moons, properly into her eyes. He searches their haunted green depths for the truth, and he finds it. He finds it, and he hates that he does.

"You've been lying to me? To the Clan?" He does not focus on this, though. This is surely not the matter at paw. Sootstar continues, "They've not stopped Weaselclaw... the last I spoke with them was many moons ago -- they told me my reign is of dishonor!" Her wail causes him to flinch as though she is a badger striking him with claws. "No," he whispers, and at last his gaze breaks away from hers.

He stares at his own paws, which are numb from shock. "If I continue down a path of 'senseless' violence I will fail." "Fail?" He repeats stupidly. Her hysteria rises, she's clawing the earth and pacing as though she sees starry warriors peering around the shadows, judging her now.

Weaselclaw's world has changed in a matter of moments. He remembers a day, long ago, when Soot of the marsh group had returned Sootstar, leader of WindClan, blessed with nine lives. How his own eyes had been opened to what he had before been blind to. A she-cat with the power of the dead in her paws, blessed by unseeable forces -- Weaselclaw had already been attracted to her, but his love and devotion had intensified fiercely.

The day they'd raided the chicken coop, and she had died right in front of him, choking on her own blood -- and then days after, when she'd stumbled home, exhausted and hungry, but alive.

Sootstar had been his StarClan.

Weaselclaw's ears lower. "StarClan has turned their back on you," he mutters. He still can't believe this is happening. He can't conceive of a world where Sootstar does not have StarClan's blessing. Where WindClan doesn't. His own claws unsheathe and scrape against the stone floor of their den.

And is what she is saying -- has he ever disagreed before? Weaselclaw considers it now. Kestreltalon's eye, the cats fleeing at the claws of their exilers, blood congealing between his paws after taking Smokethroat's eye.

Had that been alright because it was for StarClan? Or had it been right because it was for Sootstar?

There didn't use to be a difference, he thinks bleakly, eyes seeing nothing, seeing everything. And now that there is a difference -- now that his mate's actions are condemned by the gods -- what will he do?

Perhaps she is afraid of that herself. Weaselclaw exhales, long and slow. "StarClan can't take back the nine lives they gave you, can they?" Perhaps she doesn't know. Perhaps even Vulturemask would not know. Weaselclaw lashes his tail. "StarClan condemns violence, but the other leaders have blood on their paws, too." It's not fair, not fair to him at all, but since when is the world fair?

He straightens, swiftly crossing the den so that he can press his muzzle to hers. He does not know how she will react in this moment, but he does not flinch from his mate, from his leader. He has come too far to do that now, and he made a vow. He's made many vows to her. And he will not break them on the word of anyone.

Not even StarClan themselves.

"You are the one here in the moors leading this Clan," he says slowly, deliberately. "They sit above and judge us, but they know nothing! You are not dishonorable." He's convincing himself now as well as her, slipping into a delusion, but he does not even realize it. His conviction has returned.

"I told you long ago that I would be by your side no matter what. I still mean that." His blue eyes gleam fiercely as lightning cracks the sky outside. He bares his teeth, a challenge to the stars he cannot see through the storm they wage. "If StarClan will not see that you are a just and honorable leader, then forget them! We don't need them." He rests his white muzzle on the top of her head, willing her to feel the solid warmth of his chest and calm herself. "We fought without StarClan before. We can do it again. And we will."

Thunder rumbles outside. He ignores it, defying the thrill of terror that runs through him despite his courageous words.

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StarClan has turned their back on you.

Sootstar welcomes the touch of his muzzle, despite her hysterics she even leans into it. It felt like they stood there in silence for an eternity, with every second taking its sweet time, in reality it was only a couple of heart-beats. As the Tom begins to speak she pulls away and looks at him reluctantly, unsure on how to answer his question. She had began to be honest and brush away her path of lies, but if she told him everything would she lose whatever loyalty he still managed to foster? It’s a gamble, but Sootstar doesn’t know if she can live out the rest of her seven lives keeping quiet, someone must be there to help carry her secrets. If it was going to be anyone, she wanted it to be him. ”…I do not know.” She’s never even thought about it before- had they taken her lives away? Could she only have one life remaining? If I die will I not awake? The thought chills her to her bones.

Adamantly Weaselclaw declares that StarClan knows nothing, that his mate does not lead with dishonor. The lead warrior assures her that his vows still stand true, even without StarClan at her side Weaselclaw would remain. He rests his muzzle atop her head and she licks the fur of his chest in both a sign of appreciation and affection. Though dazed as thunder continues to sound outside of the den, having her mate’s loyalty remain brings on a wave of peace and clarity. For now she can breathe.

”The thought of telling the clan frightens me.” Her ears droop, ”Your loyalty to me is strong but I fear that won’t be the case for the rest of WindClan. You do not think that I should tell them…?” The blue smoke lies to them, yes, but what other choice did she have? What would her council do? It is why she invites the opinion of Weaselclaw.
She leans into his touch, and for a moment, he is comforted by this. They are still one force, even if they can no longer rely on StarClan to guide them. Weaselclaw feels her body still, tremors gone as she takes control of her fear.

"I do not know." Weaselclaw blinks at her, but he says nothing. He does not want to have to find out. He will die without her, and he knows this. "Perhaps Vulturemask will know," he murmurs. He does not know if they can trust the medicine cat with this information, but could StarClan have already warned him?

"The thought of telling the Clan frightens me." Weaselclaw's heartbeat quickens at the thought. Their Clan is the most pious of the five, carved that way by Sootstar's own guiding paw. If they knew StarClan had turned their back on her, would they still follow her?

With pain in his heart, he thinks of their kits, raised to believe they are blessed by StarClan. Weaselclaw hopes it is still true -- hopes that they will not be punished because their parents have fallen out of favor. He realizes he does not want them at war with their warrior ancestors, even if it is the path he has to walk with Sootstar now.

"...I hate lying to them," he replies after several heartbeats. "But I don't think you have a choice. I fear you will lose their loyalty if they know the truth." Would Badgermoon, Sunstride, Wolfsong, Tigerfrost, Scorchstreak, and Bluepool follow her after knowing the truth, or would they fear a similar fate? He shakes his head. "I don't know if anyone would still follow you... except for me." A cold truth, one he does not want to swallow.



Vulturemask? The idea of going to the long-nosed medicine cat fills her with unease. They had a silent agreement when StarClan had struck, they’d never discuss what had happened that night for what it truly was. Sootstar doesn’t want to confess, she didn’t want to feel vulnerable… but how would she rest easily until she knew? Had StarClan plucked all her lives away?

Weaselclaw’s answer seems to disgruntle her for a moment, not because it isn’t true, but because it is hard to swallow. Did WindClan only look to her because of StarClan? Was she truly not even a rabbits-tail to them without the will of StarClan? Her eyes narrow and she snarls at the imaginary traitors in her head, ”Loyalty is fickle.” But Sootstar has known that all along. It’s why she’s used every piece of StarClan validation and power she could to her advantage. It’s why she boasted her lives to the rogues, it’s why losing just one out of nine to Gin wasn’t a bit deal. It’s why she’s lied and carefully selected information. Sootstar has always known this.

”We won’t tell them. Not ever. Vulturemask, though it was unspoken, already knows of this all. He lied for me when I gathered the clan after that gathering.”
Weaselclaw can see Sootstar is not pleased with his suggestion, or perhaps it's the implication her Clan would fall apart without her ties to StarClan? He understands, and he hates the position she is in now, but he did not misspeak. He has taken up arms against the warrior ancestors who would judge her for being a strong and efficient leader, and he would not put them down again.

"Loyalty is fickle." He says nothing, his agreement written all over his face and slouching posture. He is surprised at her admission that Vulturemask had already known and had lied for Sootstar about the lightning strike.

A tiny spark of respect, kindled initially after Vulturemask had saved Cottonpaw's life, begins to warm again. Weaselclaw nods. "The Clan does not need to know," he agrees dully. "I will tell no one. You will continue to lead WindClan for many moons. We will make sure of it." One last time, he presses his nose into her shoulder fur.