pafp THUNDER, LIGHTNING, STRIKE \ rogue attack

It was nice to finally feel useful. With his warrior name now, his success laid bare on his chest and brandished like a badge every time he introduced himself. And, and- he was a real fisher now! Like- completely and utterly successful. Sure, it wasn't a constant, uninterrupted sort of success- but Ferngill had within him the consistency he'd thrived for all of his life. That was all he'd wanted, really. To be useful, consistently.

Grinning jaws were clamped around a fish, a strong scent- and with the leafbare chill beginning to set in, Ferngill streaked across the wetland as fast as he could, like a line of fire. The only thing that would halt him would be the sight of his destination- or, it turned out, someone barrelling right into his side.

Too far from camp to be noticed, Ferngill's initial cry as he was thrown against the ground wouldn't be heard by any patrol, lying in wait- it would be dusk soon, and most cats had retired to wind down for the day. A bewildered eye of green settled upon his assailant- a rogue, one who had ran into his blind spot and knocked his fish out of his mouth. Slack-jawed features soon turned to a crumpled kindle of annoyance. "That's mine!" he snarled, a taunt that probably hadn't been the best idea.

This rogue was fast, nearly if not equally as fast as Ferngill himself. They tussled for a little while, Ferngill's claws slashing across his attacker's face- but he was not built for this sort of combat. His opponent was stronger, bigger than him- he was knocked against the riverland slush, face contorted in a ferocious growl.

He dug his claws desperately into his attacker's shoulders, making purchase but not strong enough to throw them off of him. They were locked, but- but he wouldn't lose, not again.

\ please wait for @DARKWHISKER !
penned by pin
ੈ♡˳ . ° ✦ The yowl cuts through the tranquility of evening. Birds take to the pink-tinted clouds with warning cries, and Darkwhisker’s head snaps up to watch the frantic beating of wings as they retreat with eyes blown wide. A bad omen. His ears flatten, his tail brushing the frostbitten ground with a nervous twitch.

He’s moving before his mind could catch up with his body. The thrumming of his paws fall into a desperate rhythm with his hammering heart as he sprints in the direction of the yowl.

A familiar orange tabby grapples with an unknown attacker. Darkwhisker halts, gasping. Too familiar. There’s a distant memory of his siblings tussling in the nursery — yet this is no game. Claws and teeth glint in the fading light of the sun. Blood mats the dark fur of the rogue where Ferngill’s blows have struck… but his brother couldn’t seem to throw the rogue off.

Ferngill’s never been an exceptional fighter. Even Darkwhisker, clumsy and hesitant in battle, had bested him in his warrior assessment.

Darkwhisker’s paws turn to ice, frozen to the ground. He doesn’t want to fight; he’s had his fill of violence in his lifetime, and he’s sick of it. But, all of a sudden, Ferngill is Cicadastar. Caught beneath a swarm of rogues, claws tearing into him until his body stops writhing and his flanks stop rising. He’s going to die. He doesn’t want to fight, but if he doesn’t, Ferngill could become just another body growing cold in the ground.

Ferngill could die if you don’t do anything.

Ferngill!” He should’ve stayed quiet, taken the rogue by surprise to give himself the advantage. But the cry is ripping from his throat before he could even think about strategizing. Darkwhisker lurches forward. You can’t let him die. His lips curl into a frightened snarl, his teeth enclosing around the rogue’s tail. Don’t let him die. The nauseating taste of blood burns his tongue as he bites down with as much strength as he could muster. I won’t let him die.

Darkwhisker yanks, and the rogue is thrown off balance with a yowl that’s somewhere between startled and pained. He shouldn’t have let go, he knows deep down. It’s a foolish decision to make in the midst of battle. But his heart screams at him to give the rogue a chance to flee, hoping beyond hope that they see they’re outnumbered and tuck their tail so that he wouldn’t have to sully himself with more bloodshed. His teeth release the rogue. “Leave!” Darkwhisker spits out blood and fur, his stomach twisting into knots.

The rogue turns to him with a hiss, claws flashing out before Darkwhisker could even blink. They snag the cartilage of his ear, and pain sears through him. He recoils, yelping. His claws scrape the dirt in preparation for the fight to continue, cursing the rogue in a lapse of judgment for the neverending violence. But, by some blessing from above, the rogue glances between the two warriors and thinks better of the situation.

Darkwhisker heaves a sigh of relief when the rogue flees, his attention immediately turning onto his brother. The frazzled warrior rushes to Ferngill’s side, looking over his fiery fur with wide eyes. The throbbing of his ear is forgotten in favor of worrying over his littermate. “Are you alright?!

 ° .  . ° 
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    tall, lithe dusky brown tom with splashes of white. a cheerful tom who tries to put a smile on the face of everyone he talks to, darkwhisker's life is devoted to spreading positivity in a world full of negativity. though his words may be fanciful— and coated in the sugar of white lies, at times— he is a well-intentioned, albeit overly idealistic, young warrior.
Bristling fur can't seem to lie flat as rushed ahead of his mentor. The lingering scent, the sound of Darkwhiskers shouts and hissing, had his heart pattering like a bird trapped in a cage. His claws dug into the icy, hard mud to kick him off through the brittle patches of reeds and tussocks. He's left to find only the aftermath, Darkwhisker and Ferngill recovering from their attack. Otterpaw's chest heaved with big gulps of air as he paused to catch his breath.

"You didn't let them... get the fish." He huffed between breaths as he looked down at the prey Ferngill had dropped from the surprise attack. He padded closer to where they had fallen to pick them up between his teeth, to allow Ferngill the ability to get into camp as quick as possible to get himself looked at.

"Are we gonna go after it? We should kill it." A cold green stare narrowed in the direction the rogues scent had drifted to, flexing his claws against the dirt. He hated rogues. ​
Bumblepaw had been absorbed in her hunting venture, the crisp winter air filling her senses as she tracked her prey through the icy terrain. The sudden yowl pierced the tranquility, sending a jolt of urgency through her. Instinctively, she veered toward the source of the commotion, her agile movements carrying her swiftly. Racing past the surprised call of her mentor as she went. As she arrived on the scene, the aftermath of the skirmish unfolded before her with the stench of an outsider present. Darkwhisker and Ferngill were recovering from the rogue's attack, and Otterpaw, breathing heavily, stood nearby. Bumblepaw noticed Otterpaw's cold stare and heard his brutal demand to kill the rogue. A furrow creased her brow as she stopped beside them her gaze shifting between the recovering cats.

"Is everyone alright?" Bumblepaw asked, her voice a mix of concern and heavy panting. Their eyes fell on Ferngill, assessing his condition. "Did that rogue hurt you? Should I-uh go get the Medicine cat?" Hesitation befell her as the youth watched her former denmate recover from his tussle. Bumblepaw cast a glance toward Otterpaw, her worry evident. "Otterpaw, I understand it's frustrating, but rushing after the rogue might lead to more trouble." She had no real clue what the best course of action was but her main priority was confirming the status of her clanmates.

// @ROOKFANG mentor ping