thunder only happens when it's raining - sorrelsong

Howlfire's eyes never left the mouse as it moved quickly along the forest floor. The little rodent was unaware of the predator watching it, stopping to wash its little face when it assumed it was safe to do so. The mouse never saw Howlfire lunging at it and a swift bite to the neck ensured it did not suffer any longer than necessary.

Gripping the mouse between her teeth, Howlfire carried it back near to where Sorrelsong had last been and placed it on the ground. She wasn't kept waiting long before the other warrior appeared. "Can't seem to find much today," Howlfire said, glancing down at her measly little mouse. "Everything must be hiding." Well, she hoped it was and not because of the other reason she had floating around in her head. It had been hard to ignore the strong ThunderClan scent wafting over the border. It didn't seem like they had trespassed and stolen prey again but with how brazen their previous attempt had been she wouldn't rule it out entirely. "The ThunderClan scent is strong again today. Maybe that put them off?"


Maw empty of nothing but teeth, pelt heavy with sweat, the huntress let out a small huff.
"Maybe?" Doubt laced her voice, but she was to tired to truly care. It had been a rare fruitless hunt, incredibly rare with a patrol consisting of both Howlfire and herself - not to toot her own horn or however the saying goes. She tests the air again, tail flicking more and more.
"Maybe." She says with more certantly, wrinkling her nose at the scent as if it could save her the trouble. She eyes the ground near the Thunder Clan border. "I don't blame them though. They smell worse then badgers." She then ducks her head slightly, afraid. Her tone had been peppered with uncharateristic anger. "Want to just head back? We could proably be more help else where." It's uttered akin to an apologie.
Didn't Howlfire used to live there? She'd heard whispers of the tabby's past passed between elders and kits, never to loud. Despite her fustration towards the few that stole prey, Sorrelsong was a bit takenaback by the strong division between clans. Really the other clans just smelled bad, but she did too when she was a kittypet.
"Did you..." the words didn't really come to her. She didn't want to be rude. "Do you know any Thunder Clanners?"

  • pagedoll-png.1774

    — A chocolate point tabby molly with icy blue eyes and a slightly uneven pelt. She has small scars on her back, her shoulders and a slightly crocked tail.

    — 44 moons old; ages the 1st of every month

    — aro/ace. ; currently not looking

    — child of NPC and NPC :: sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang

    — Mentoring Flora

    — Sky Clan; warrior since 3/11/24 ; loyal to Orangestar, Flora, and Duskpool

    — Not hard to befriend ; trusts easily

    "speech", thoughts, attacking

    — peaceful powerplay allowed

Howlfire shook her head in amusement at Sorrelsong's comment about them smelling worse than badgers. She noted the anger in the other she-cat's voice and so tried her best to lighten the mood a little. "And they say we smell bad!" She guffawed. When Sorrelsong, almost sheepishly suggests heading back, Howlfire considers the suggestion for a few moments before giving a heavy sigh. "It might be best if we head home," Howlfire conceded with a small sigh. "Like you said, we might be of more use back in camp. I'm sure Cherryblossom could find another task to give us." It still felt weird referring to the younger cat as deputy, though she couldn't really fault her thus far.

Howlfire was about to move and grab her small mouse when Sorrelsong spoke again, asking in a quiet voice if Howlfire knew any cats from ThunderClan. "I know several ThunderClan cats," Howlfire confirmed, keeping her initial answer quite brief and to the point. Realising that probably wasn't much of a satisfying answer for herself nor Sorrelsong, she is quick to elaborate. "As a young cat my littermates and I lived in both ThunderClan and SkyClan and we would often travel between both clans. When the warrior code was established, me and Fireflypaw chose to remain in SkyClan with Blazestar. Many of our family didn't really agree with the choice and made it quite clear how they felt." Howlifre pulled a face as she said that, still unable to hide her distaste for how she and Fireflypaw were treated.