ThunderClan adopts - Wildpaw's Parents

Parents to Wildpaw, ThunderClan's wild child
— I've decided to open up Wildpaw's parents up for adoption. This is for a couple of reasons; firstly being that ThunderClan could benefit from having more warrior aged characters at the moment, so by having Wildpaw's current IC establishment and reputation it would offer up something to play on in terms of family connection and how the clan may perceive them. Secondly, I would like the parents to eventually have a litter at some point so Wildpaw faces the predicament of no longer being an only child, and how he addresses feelings towards his new younger siblings.
— Because Wildpaw is inspired by Katsuki Bakugo from My Hero Academia, it is encouraged (but not strictly) that the parents take on some similar traits as his parents (Mitsuki and Masaru) from the series. Such as the mother being very similar in explosive temperament as Wildpaw with a greater level of control over him, whereas the father is more patient and polite but gets hen-pecked a fair bit, but is ultimately very supportive of the family and helps to keep the peace.​

- desired age range: 36-38 moons
- desired coat colouration options: red tabby, or tortoiseshell, with low white
- name prefix ideas (just suggestions)): thorn, talon, fox, rose, thunder, goose, spiny, nettle, thistle, cleaver (as in the clinging/sticky plant)
- desired age range: 38-42 moons
- desired coat colouration options: black, optional of high or low white
- name prefix ideas (just suggestions): mallow, soot, bunny, fern, rain, pheasant, moss, cotton, shadow, quail

As reference, Wildpaw is a shortfur male calico (sterile) with low white markings and amber eyes.​

— This won't have a closing date, so no rush
- I will be making this fcfs
- The parents are sweethearts from youth and continue to adore each other
- sad plots allowed further down the line
- backstory is fairly open, but it would be preferred if they hold roots in either the Pine or Marsh group, or as former loners. Unfortunately no kittypet connections
- the design of the parents is open to discussion, don't hesitate to message me or ask
- To the lucky folks playing the parents expect a free headshot drawn by me​