Blitz Krieg

alpha and omega moonlight howl
Jun 7, 2022
ThunderClan Deputy Interest Check

Hello ThunderClan! It's official, Emberstar will be joining StarClan, leaving Howling Wind to lead in her place. After she receives her nine lives and new name, she will be looking to name a deputy. If you would be interested in holding this position, please sign up here! However, before doing so, please read this entire post.

  • Howling Wind will pick a deputy who she can trust and respect. Therefore, a lawful cat is most likely to be chosen over one who breaks rules/shows disrespect. She is very big on responsibility, honor, and loyalty to the clan.
  • It is highly unlikely she will ever promote a brand new warrior; oftentimes, they'd need to be a warrior for at least one season (three moons) before being trusted to hold authority in the clan.
  • Likewise, due to IC realism it is highly unlikely queens or cats currently staying in the medicine cat's den will be promoted due to the fact she is looking for a cat who can immediately perform their duties. Cats that fall under these categories are still able to show interest and will be considered, but that IC factor is working against them! Permaqueens will never be promoted as they never complete warrior tasks.
  • Deputy is in charge of certain IC and OOC tasks. Please be sure to read the Rank Guide to know what is expected of this rank.
  • I will be selecting a deputy based on multiple factors:
    • Consistent IC activity. One month of ultra high activity is not enough to gauge whether you are capable of maintaining that activity - consistency is always more important than bursts of muse. You will be held to standards of high activity and are at risk of demotion of activity cannot be maintained. Of course, I'm very flexible and will be understanding if there is a reason for a time of inactivity - just let me know!
      • Please note that activity taking place prior to this interest check is all that will be considered! I know deputy interest checks can boost activity in the moment, so activity taking place from this day on will not be taken into account.
    • OOC activity and friendliness - someone who is present in the discord and is friendly and helpful with all of its members is a must. You will be required to be a familiar, friendly face in the discord. As you will essentially be my right-hand in the clan, I'll be looking to you as a trusted partner for help!
    • IC realism - see above for details
  • Please know that taking on the role of deputy means that you are signing up for the possibility to lead the clan someday, which is a large undertaking. Of course, it's not required to become leader, as deputies can retire from the role, step down, or even die. But you must know that signing up here does lead to the possibility in case Howling Wind's term ends early, even if I do not plan on it.

I will try to have deputy OOCly selected by the time Howling Wind gets her name and lives. They will be revealed ICly in a meeting. If you are not chosen, don't worry! I will always be on the lookout for lead warriors who follow the same above criteria!

Please fill out the below form to apply:

Character Name:
Why you would be interested in deputy for this character:
Any extra notes?

Hollow Tree
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Character Name: Flamewhisker
Why would you be interested in deputy for this character?: Thunderclan has always been my favorite clan, and the only clan I have really been connected to. I love the atmosphere, and I love helping out with the OOC behind the scenes stuff.
Flamewhisker really looks up to Howling Wind, and views her as a role model. Even though she is currently a queen, she would do as much as she possibly could to help her. Flamewhisker loves Thunderclan for taking her in when she needed it, and would pour her heart into the clan into making it the best it can be
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Character Name: Flycatcher
Why you would be interested in deputy for this character: ThunderClan is probably my most active clan and Fly by extension my most active character. I think stepping up to deputy would be a nice continuation of his journey in the clan, even if he outwardly has never expressed an interest in that sort of role. He considers Howling Wind a friend and respected her throughout her time as deputy. He would do his best to follow in Howling Wind's example as leader, upholding her laws and respecting her decisions (even if he personally doesn't always agree).
Any extra notes?: None that I can think of! Look forward to seeing who you choose!
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Character Name: Hollow Tree
Why you would be interested in deputy for this character: I've always been able to see Hollow Tree as some kind of leader or a cat you can go to. She's always been helping even if it's on the sidelines. icly she struggled with a couple of warrior laws but as learned it is for the best. She is super loyal to her home and would love to serve it for as long as she lives. Hollow as deputy would do everything she could to support Howling Wind, along with offering counter points to make sure all sides are heard.
Any extra notes? I know I just recently got active again but I know I can be more active going forward. Good luck to everyone who is interested, I think anyone of us would make a great deputy :3
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Character Name: Nightbird
Why you would be interested in deputy for this character: Thunderclan's wellbeing is always at the forefront of her mind, everything she does is to try and better it in some way. She's good at detaching emotionally for situations in order to remain level headed and will always provide honest feedback. She holds a lot of respect for Howling Wind as they have similar ideals, but still wouldn't be afraid to disagree if there was a difference of opinions. She likes to face all problems head on, so I think it would be interesting to see how she navigates more diplomatic issues.
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