Blitz Krieg

alpha and omega moonlight howl
Jun 7, 2022

As you all know, Flycatcher has stepped down as deputy, and soon Howlingstar will be announcing his step-down to the clan. The code for choosing a deputy before moonhigh has not been implemented yet so our leader is in no rush to select her next successor. She will be thinking hard about her choice, and so will I! If you are interested in holding this position, sign up below after reading everything.


There are several factors that will help me to determine the next deputy of ThunderClan.
  • IC Realism. Howlingstar is a cat that puts a lot of emphasis on tradition, honor, respect, and loyalty. It is most likely she would select a deputy that has shown her they value these things, too, at least outwardly. A cat who follows the Warrior Code and StarClan is more likely to be selected over a cat who breaks rules and shows disrespect to their superiors and clanmates. In addition, it is unlikely she would promote a brand new warrior who lacks experience; like mentors, a cat would need to be a warrior for at least a season to be considered.
  • IC Activity. Consistent, high activity is definitely something I'm looking for. A deputy should be someone who can be trusted to be present month over month, so I'll be looking at activity that has spanned over several months. Only activity prior to this interest check will be noted, as it is well-known interest checks can boost muse.
  • OOC Activity and Friendliness. The deputy is next in line to be leader and will be one of four HPs in the clan. This person should be someone who is active in the discord, talks to others in their channels, plots with the community, and above all is approachable and welcoming.

The deputy will be expected to take on several IC and OOC tasks and will be held to high standards.
  • IC Duties. See the Rank Guide for a description of this rank and all IC duties this character will be expected to undertake. I will teach the new deputy how patrols are done in ThunderClan, so don't stress about that!
  • OOC Duties. See the above guide for this list, too. The deputy will be in charge of helping out around the discord and helping with clanwide plots.
  • Remain Active. Slacking in activity won't fly with this rank. I totally understand IRL comes first, and I promise I'm super flexible - just communicate with me! If you can't remain active ICly or OOCly, you are at risk of demotion. Applying for deputy means you understand that.
  • Be Prepared for Leadership. The deputy does not always become the next leader. You are open to many plots, such as stepping down, demotion, retiring, or even death - applying does not restrict you! However, if you hold the rank of deputy by the time Howlingstar dies/I step down, you are to be the next leader and you must be ready for that.

Please apply using this form:
Character Name: 
Why do you want to be deputy?: 
What kind of deputy would your character be?: (this will not impact my choice, it's only for funsies. a bad/flawed deputy is just as fun and valid as a fantastic deputy, i don't discriminate <3)

Credit to Floppie for formatting <3
Username: @HaggisBeast
Character Name: @SHININGSUN
Why do you want to be deputy?: I would like to be deputy as I would like to play my part in helping with ThunderClan as a whole, both ICly and OOCly. Since joining TT I have thoroughly loved ThunderClan and I have become rather invested in its story within the roleplay as a whole. I feel that I am rather active onsite, visiting it daily, as well as being on the discord rather often (albeit not being the most chatty, though I intend to work on that). Shiningsun is a character that I have maintained a constant level of muse for so I'm not worried that he'll ever be dropped, and having him step into a new role (mixed with his potential forbidden love plot) would only open further developments for him to grow as a character.
What kind of deputy would your character be?: If picked, Shiningsun would likely be somewhat nervous in his new role, often making mistakes as he begins his new journey. Though he would maintain a confident display all the same. He would eventually grow into what I hope to be a fair deputy who strives to work hard for the sake of the clan by hearing both sides in arguments before making decisions, conducting his tasks orderly, maintaining a bright and fun atmosphere for his peers, and being the shoulder that others can lean on for support during their lower days. Ultimately he aims for peace and he would intend to make himself a shining example of what he expects from others.
Username: Tasmagoric

Character Name: @honeydapple

Why do you want to be deputy?:
Stepping into the role of deputy presents a thrilling opportunity for me to break away from my comfort zone of casual roleplay. I'm always around on the main server and several other clan servers and would love to be at forefront of clan affairs, both ICLY and OOCLY. The prospect of actively participating in the dynamics of Thunderclan, contributing to its ongoing narratives, and influencing its development is a prospect that excites me as well. With abundant free time, I'm eager to immerse myself in the challenges of portraying a character in a high-ranking position. Honeydapple is a very beloved character to me, and I see this as a chance to explore her potential and creatively enhance her in a new and exciting way.

What kind of deputy would your character be?:
Initially, Honeydapple would grapple with the challenges of authority, finding herself easily influenced and pushed around. Her inclination to let others slack off and her shyness when it comes to speaking up will hinder her effectiveness. In her self-doubt, she could fall into the belief that she lacks the right to assert herself. Despite her age and the hardships she's faced, she remains susceptible to more assertive characters, compounded by her lack of physical strength and loner background which could cast her in a negative light to clanmates. An interesting idea would be facing her first task of figuring out how to approach someone for being disorderly or having to set a fine line between her own personal emotions and what's in the best interest of the clan.

With these hiccups could lead to excellent growth of character and a harder exterior when interacting with other clans. However, Honeydapple is strongly characterized by her caring, determined, and soft demeanor. Even if others looked down on the molly she would press on with faith in herself and Thunderclan. Her emotional resilience and ability to weather life's blows are notable strengths. Having been with the clan for several moons, she is well-versed in Thunderclan's traditions and wholeheartedly embraces the beliefs of Starclan. Though her OOC tenure is relatively short since September, her genuine dedication compensates for the lack of an extensive track record.

Over time, she would learn to navigate her position more effectively, gradually shedding her struggles with authority. Her commitment to setting an example of firmness and resilience for her clanmates would become more pronounced. Duty-wise, Honeydapple would shine in organization, conflict resolution, patrolling, and assisting others, aligning seamlessly with her passion for being useful, teaching, and actively participating in clan life, evident in her frequent contributions around the nursery and on border patrols.
Username: @Icey !
Character Name: @Flamewhisker
Why do you want to be deputy?: Thunderclan has been my home since I made Flamewhisker a couple months after the site started. Everyone is so friendly, the plots are always fun and impactful, and I would love to continue to contribute. I love keeping up with what is going on in all of the clans on site as well as on discord. Overall my activity has been consistent for over a year now, and I always communicate when an irl issue comes up. I still have tons of character development plans for her, so I do not plan on dropping her any time soon. Becoming deputy is something I have always wanted for Flamewhisker's character, as she has always cared deeply for the clan that took her in and would do anything to keep it safe.
What kind of deputy would your character be?: If Flamewhisker were picked, she would probably feel a little awkward at first since she would be taking over her mate's former job, but she would likely fall into the role pretty easily. She has been a Lead Warrior for over a year, and has filled in for both Howling Wind and Flycatcher several times. Her experience with co-leading the Thunderclan group on the journey would help her adjust to the every day duties as a deputy.
Username: Jay
Character Name: Burnstorm

Why do you want to be deputy?: I’ve always really enjoyed the environment and roleplaying in ThunderClan and I feel like this would be an excellent opportunity for me to further develop Burnstorm as a character and get myself more involved in the clans ooc affairs. I have been really wanting to put to use the new patrol system as I’ve found from prior experience that I really enjoy putting together patrols and events like prompts etc. I have prior experience leading on CC but admittedly it was not for a very long period of time and I would really like to give it another shot. (Plus I think he would be a really good fit with certain secret plot things) ICly I think he would be a good fit for the role despite being young as he has proven himself more than capable of handling a leadership position and on multiple accounts has proven that he is willing to protect his clan at all costs.

What kind of deputy would your character be?: like how he is as a mentor, he would eventually settle into the role as a very stern but fair deputy. I can easily see him being the type of deputy that thinks that ThunderClan is above all the other clans, that they have to protect their allies in the forest because he views Thunder as the strongest. Because of his strong hero complex, I can envision him becoming even more of a stereotypical ThunderClanner than he currently is if he took over this position. At first, he would probably be extremely awkward, especially when it comes to holding a position of power over cats who have more seniority over him. I would love it if there were a couple of cats who he butts heads with, cats who have been lead warriors for longer than him or warriors who are older. In time though, he would grow into his role and accept the fact that even though he is young he is more than capable.

Good luck to everyone else who is applying! I can’t wait to see who the next deputy of ThunderClan will be.
Username: @dallas
Character Name: @batwing

Why do you want to be deputy?: While I really would love to have some IC character development, it's also going to give some OOC character development as well. I have a deep love and appreciation of keeping things running while working in tandem with a team, and coming up with some deep and well-woven plots to keep everyone engaged. I believe truly over the last three years (thanks to Home Depot/Covid) my teamwork and communication skills have shot up. Patrols will be fun to organize, and I think ICly Batwing will have time to grow and strengthen himself mentally in his role, while also falling into it. I'll have plenty of time coming with the new semester, as well.

What kind of deputy would your character be?: Batwing would be fun loving, but well in-tune with his clan. He isn't afraid to get his paws dirty, and step in as a role model. (Proof of this happened during the journey: He was intent on keeping everyone fed during the forest section, leading the group of cats back from the fox, going ahead with the herbs.) He's falling into the proven-father role, where he's still struggling to feel 100% worthy of his mate and his children, but he's intent on making himself a better cat, and for it, the clan a better place for everycat to live.

I would be super interested in plotting moments where he'd fail- similar to Chilledstar in Shadowclan- and having to rework his trust from the ground up. Where he can be held accountable for a little too much fun and a little not serious enough. I think by the time he becomes fully confident in his role, he'd be able to almost solidly grasp he needs to be a leader and a role-model at all times- not just Howlingstar's second. I'm drawing somewhat from the Hamilton Musical representation of Aaron Burr and Washington combined, maybe just a tad.

Good luck to all! I know this will be super fun regardless of who gets it (and once again a big thank you to thorny/fly!!)
Username: Noor <3
Character Name: Roeflame
Why do you want to be deputy?:
While the role is a large one to take on, both for its demanding job and the effort required to put in, it is also a privilege and exciting opportunity that I am extremely interested in! Outside of Roeflame’s character, my reasoning for applying lies mostly in the experience of it all. While I haven’t played a role like this before, it is a learning curve I am more than willing to work through, and would be ecstatic to do so. I have been a part of this wonderful community since the beginning, and would love to be able to help contribute as much as I can OOCly and ICly to this creative, rich, and rooted universe we have created from the ground up!
With Roeflame as a character, I am more than confident that I can keep consistent activity with her. I have been writing her for just over a year and a half, and consistently have been able to make 20+ posts a month with her since September, and even beyond that with one or two off-months in between, and it’s because I simply love her character and the development I’ve been able to create with her! Thunderclan has always been such a wonderful and welcoming space, being able to play her and create a well-rounded, thoughtfully made character with the community I love so much has been such an amazing experience that I plan to continue for a very long time. I’ve written Roeflame from kithood and she is a character I hold very dear to my heart, and I would absolutely love to be able to step outside of my comfort zone and step into a whole new journey with her.

What kind of deputy would your character be?:
In the beginning, I imagine her time as deputy will be set off with a rocky start. While it would be an honor beyond her wildest dreams that she would be ecstatic to accept, I entirely plan on any backlash for her being chosen to be incorporated into a short-term plot I have for her development! It’s no secret that her past has cast a shadow so looming it still effects her in adulthood, and while the whispers and side-long gazes have long since come to a halt, Roeflame still finds herself incredibly insecure about her former reputation as Cinderfrost’s adoptive daughter, swept away to the medicine den for the entirety of her kithood. With these insecurities coupled with her rather young age that is liable to cause a few quirked eye-brows, Roeflame will at first feel an immense amount of pressure on her shoulders.
While attempting to balance her anxiety with her new role, her plate will be overflowing. This may result in misunderstandings, a struggle to find voice in her new authority, and overall spark some questionable murmurings around camp.
I would aim for this rough transition to be short-lived, as Roeflame is canonically a confident character with a natural tact for authority & leadership in social settings. Eventually, she will find her footing (perhaps over a minor event that calls her to action.) From there, I can see her keeping steady with her up-beat attitude and fiery persona while gradually becoming more and more stern as she begins to settle into her new role.
These are just ramblings at the moment, but overall I would plan on this being a large development to her that takes some time to acclimate to!
I am extremely excited to see who all applies and who is chosen! There are already so many wonderful applicants here, and I wish everyone so much luck! <3​

Username: Halimede
Character Name: Coyotebite
Why do you want to be deputy?: I would love to be considered for deputy of Thunderclan because I feel that I am friendly and welcoming to new members and current members alike! I do my very best not to leave others out and plot alongside everyone, not just a select few people. Thunderclan has been a welcoming and fun place to be since I joined a few months ago and would love to pay it forward! Although I don't have a ton of leadership experience I would love the opportunity to repay Thunderclan for everything they've done for me so far! I do recognize that I haven't been here as long as others have (and do feel that makes them more deserving) but am dedicated to doing my best to make the clan a fun and welcoming environment! If picked I do have some ideas that could be future plots/things to help the clan run more smoothly

What kind of deputy would your character be?: Coyotebite would be the kind of deputy who expects her warriors to always follow the rules. She would have flaws in potentially expecting too much of the clan/working herself too hard but would strive to do her best for the good of the clan. Additionally, she would do her best to act as Howlingstar's wing-woman and ensure that she is helping the clan to live and breathe by the warrior code. There may be times when she is not the best choice for the job, but that's what makes her feline (human lol). She will work to recognize that everyone makes mistakes and that things don't always have to be perfect all the time.