ThunderClan Lead Warrior Kit Rehome [Closed]


You know, like, NYA ❤︎
Aug 9, 2022

  • dg1kqdx-a1311d47-7eb4-4e5b-9d8a-91d3a277977b.png

    Sunfreckle x Rabbitnose

    This is a rehome of a previous litter slot that was dropped!
    This apprentice-aged cat is six moons old now! This will end 12/04/23! In ONE week!

    Sunfreckle was born Sunny and was a shelter cat his entire life, when he escaped he nearly died alone in the wilderness until Rabbitnose (then Rabbit) came across him and saved his life. The two immediately grew close, living together and helping one another and eventually joining ThunderClan as it was newly forming; without any real discussion they became mates and are extremely devoted to one another.

    After Little Wolf's own, they brought in one of ThunderClan's first litters that sadly started with tragedy, losing a kit early to sickness and then later a newly apprenticed one to two-legs, but despite this the small family continued to perserver and thrive in their home. Sunfreckle was eventually made a lead warrior, joining Howlingstar's council much to his surprise and despite his hesitance has offered whatever aid and assistance he can with his clan; his apprehension on holding the role soothed by Rabbitnose's encouragement. Their first litter is warrior aged already.

    This was the last litter Sunfreckle and Rabbitnose would ever have.

    [G2] First Litter:
    Two deceased Older Littermates: Mossypaw & Dovekit

    Current Litter Mates: @emberpaw! & @sunshinepaw & @Pigeonpaw

    Aunts on Rabbitnose's Side: @Badgerstrike (ThunderClan Warrior) & @Sweetybee (SkyClan Warrior)

  • Sire: LH blue w/ high white and vitiligo
    Dam: LH red tabby w/ low white (masking black tabby; carrying dilute)
    Toms can be red tabby or cream tabby
    She-cats can be tortoiseshell, blue tortoiseshell, torbie, or blue torbie
    - kits will be longhaired
    - kits can have low white or high white
    - kits can have any realistic eye color
    - kits may or may not have vitiligo, which will develop in adulthood
    - red tabbies will mask black or black tabby; cream tabbies will mask blue or blue tabby
    - non-dilute kits will carry dilute

    Names the two would choose for their kits:
    • Comforting/Soft things: Robinkit, Thrushkit, Joykit, Songkit, Cloudkit, Dropletkit, Dewkit, Honeykit, Fuzzykit, Rainbowkit
    • After/About Rabbitnose: Bunnykit, Harekit, Dapplekit, Specklekit, Spottedkit, Snailkit, Mushroomkit, Morelkit
    • After/About Sunfreckle: Daykit, Eveningkit, Barkkit, Oakkit, Cedarkit, Birchkit, Brackenkit, Glowkit, Brightkit
    • Other Themes: ThunderClan Related, Fruits, Flowers...
    Names referencing cats they both consider practically family:
    Tinykit, Smallkit, Roaringkit, Boldkit (In honor of Howlingstar & Little Wolf)
    Flarekit, Firekit, Fierykit (In honor of Flamewhisker, practically their aunt)

    Rabbitnose's cursed names that will upset his husband: Worm, Algae, Slug, Beetle, Pear, Blob, Weed, Caterpillar, Squish, Crunch (After Badgerstrike) Slime, Swirly, Newt, Eel, Crab, Millipede, Celery, Parsley, Root

    Notes: Feel free to be creative and pick names with similar 'vibes' as the above if none of them suit you but keep in mind neither parent would choose any dark or depressing names.
    Names not to use: Morningkit, Trufflekit, Sunnykit, Mossykit, Pigeonkit, Dovekit...Any on the census currently! Any that are in use by prominent characters on the site already! (Sunrabbit would not name a kit after some other clans medicine cat or leader for example...)

    • This is not First Come, First Serve!
      • Since I am so picky I hold the right to cancel this litter entirely if none of the applicants fit what I'm looking for! This is not a judgement on the app or me saying they aren't 'good' because ya'll are all amazing writers and character designers! This is just an important litter for me and I'm looking for something that fits it perfectly.
    • Genetics are supplied as well as a namelist, please follow both!
    • These kittens will be ThunderClanners and raised in ThunderClan by loving parents who are especially doting and affectionate.
      • Loyalty to ThunderClan and traditional mindsets are recommended!
    • Sunfreckle was born with a malformed leg that was amputated at a shelter as a kit but despite this we would prefer the kits not be born with any physical disabilities. Things that develop as they grow, however, are fine but be respectful please.
    • I require you to be in the ThunderClan Discord and on discord in general so I can also add you to the family chat!
    • Please keep your kit semi-active! At least 2-4 posts per month at the minimum!
      • Casual characters are fine so long as they aren't fully abandoned without discussing with us you're dropping them!
      • Active enough to stay on the census is all we ask!

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ideas: boldkit, songkit

(alt names: boldpaw, spottedpaw, birchpaw)

once i had a child, she was smiling like sunshine
she could see it all, like she's been here before


carrying dilute

use this to describe appearance in more depth. if you need help, you can follow my mental description map: pelt color -> eye color -> body shape -> facial features -> how they talk -> typical walking/running gait -> scent. make sure this is longer than your picture, otherwise it may mess up the tabs!
songpaw's pelt is a dull blue, akin to a cold winter morning, dotted with various pastel oranges, representing a soft summer evening. her eyes are round and bright, a light hue of green with pupils always round with compassion and curiosity. her fur is long and wispy, but her frame underneath is thin: she makes up half her size in fur alone. consequently, she doesn't hold much physical strength - WIP

  • I use this as the attention-grabbing paragraph to draw readers into your application! should be short and wholistic, easy to grab at-a-glance what sort of character you are making.

    CON ●●○○○○○○○○
    DEX ●●●●●●●●○○
    INT ●●●●●○○○○○
    WIS ●●●●●●●●●○
    CHA ●●●●●○○○○○

    use this to expand on the deeper character of your application! adjust the circles as necessary to show off the DnD style stats of your character! (Can also be changed).

  • PLOT TITLE: Insert fun plot here

    PLOT TITLE: Insert fun plot here

    [COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)PLOT TITLE:[/COLOR] Insert fun plot here

    PLOT TITLE: Insert fun plot here





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Interested track <3 Im hoping warmkit still fits the vibe enough to be Sunfreckles son otherwise runner up name will be Daykit!



Warmpaw / "Warm" "flaming hot cheeto"
— male [he/him] / sexuality unknown
✦ 6 moons
✦ thunderclan / apprentice

✦ SUNFRECKLE X RABBITNOSE [gen 2] / Siblings
✦ single / not crushing / ½ of nothing
✦ mentored by no one / mentored no one

✦ Fiery red tabby tom with blue eyes and low white with splatterings of vitiligo / domestic cat / health: 100%
Warmpaw is a loving mix of both his fathers, with a ruby pelt like his pa, Sunfreckle, splashed with white like his dad Rabbitnose. He holds bright blue eyes like Rabbitnose, but his size is fated to contend with Sunfreckle, though in his young body that mainly results in too-big paws that he often trips over between growth spurts. His fur is long, and often unkempt, and more often than that covered in leaves and debris he keeps "forgetting" to groom out. If left to his own devices, he'd most likely be a ball of matts with a bird's nest hidden somewhere in that fluff! Despite his loving blue gaze, Warmkit is predisposed to be quite a frightening-looking kid with his broad shoulders and heavy steps, but for the most part he's a gentle giant who would be devastated to know you didn't come to talk to him because of his looks. Still, one facet of his vitiligo that makes him a bit of an oddball are bright white markings above his eyes like streaks of paint, giving him downturned "eyebrows" that contrast his kind eyes. Poor guy is physically stuck with a resting bitch face!

— No scars

✦ goofy / observant / friendly
✦ short tempered / reckless / naive
— Warmkit is most certainly his fathers' son. He was born and continues to be a bright source of light for his family, his one truest goal being to pump up spirits and bring about smiles!
Growing up in a family as loving as his own, Warmpaw has been predisposed to be peaceable and complacent. For that, it’s easy for him to be kind and outgoing with anyone he meets, always smiling and ready to befriend the next creature to walk in front of him. Luckily for Crowpaw whose curiosity is insatiable, his friendliness helps him bond very easily with others, which helps him learn as much as he can from those around him. On that note, everything he learns is retained as sacred information, making him an astute student who doesn’t often need more than one lesson. He has an impressive talent when it comes to noticing little things and small changes in those around him or the layout of the world. That being said, he needs to be focused in order to be properly observant, which is not something he can often be relied upon to do.
As any child would be, Warmpaw is curious about everything within the world around him. But for Warm, that curiosity reaches all new heights as he learns all about this massive world of his! With so much more to learn and explore - you bet your cow licks that he’s going to learn it all! For that, he tends to ask a lot of questions...a ...a lot of them, to an extremely annoying extent - but more than that, he is almost always babbling. Whether it be about the new things he’s discovered or what he’s excited to learn about tomorrow, it’s very rare that you’ll catch this tom with his mouth shut for more than a few moments. Thankfully, sometimes the annoyance of it all can be replaced with moments of his goofy and playful personality breaking through into jokes, teases and, yes, puns. Lots and lots of puns. He adores telling and hearing jokes, and won’t hesitate to share or laugh at his own if he must.
Despite his kindly nature, it’s surprisingly not that hard to get under the young man's skin. The tabby doesn’t have just a few buttons to press, and when all the right ones are slapped he can sometimes fly into a rage. Never having been in an environment where his feelings could be personally hurt or his pride damaged, Warmpaw has little idea how to control his temper and runs a constant risk of not only getting himself and others hurt, but also burning bridges he adores. Yes, nothing hurts more to Warm than losing his friends, as Warm is an extremely dependent person. He can’t stand being alone for long, partly for the need of attention and validation and partly because he simply can’t survive very well on his lonesome. It doesn’t help matters that he’s so easily distracted that he’d surely walk off a cliff chasing a butterfly or looking at a weird cloud if no one’s there to stop him!

✦ physically easy / mentally easy
— may start fights / won't end fights / no kill/maim
— no medical knowledge / will run if he must
✦ can powerplay peaceful or nonviolent actions, can powerplay minor violent actions


— strength: ★★★★☆☆
— agility: ★☆☆☆☆☆
— medicine: ☆☆☆☆☆☆
— intelligence: ★★★☆☆☆
— charisma: ★★☆☆☆☆
— perception: ★★★★☆☆

✦ Hot head, warm eyes
— Definitely, Warmpaw's biggest struggle is going to be his fiery temper. For the most part, he's going to be and stay a peaceable, sweet gremlin, but I'd love to explore what happens when he's pushed to his breaking point. Warmpaw is very naive and sweet and takes things to heart quickly and personally and he doesn't cope well with that.
— With strangers, he can be tempted to impulsively attack so a little plot of border squabbling with another apprentice would be interesting to kick off this "hm..Warm I think you have a problem here buddy" that he stubbornly refuses to take seriously because 'enemies deserve it!'
— With Friends / Family I imagine him getting into some verbal squabbles that he'll try immediately to rectify, but maybe result in some tension that brews into an actual physical fight that will leave Warmpaw very shaken and ashamed. He'll begin his lil redemption arc by practicing how to control his strength and keep his temper in check

✦ Too many crushes
— Warmpaw is gonna be naive, like *very* naive this sweet little guy and with a massive heart like his I'd like to explore some very immature paths this silly boy might take. Because I'm a sucker for romance, I think Warmpaw will struggle big time figuring things out romantically with some cats, and one of the plots that'd be fun for him to juggle is having too many crushes! Warmpaw is definitely going to be that guy in sitcoms who asks multiple people out on the same date and then has to juggle hiding one from the other until it blows up in his face! He'll definitely be extremely remorseful for his actions though
— cute end-of-plot chat with dads about romance and commitment <3
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" let the valleys awake, let them rattle and shake "

Mushroompaw is a larger than life cat who's appearance reflects that. She is best described as round, and while some of that may be attributed to her thick fur it can't be said that she is a slim and petite cat. Her broad shoulders are designed for strenuous efforts and her stocky legs are the same, though she understands that her build also makes her the perfect pillow and welcomes the snuggles. The patterns in her fur itself are rather simple and she wouldn't be one to take much pride in them, although she does sport some freckles reminiscent of Sunfreckle's and maybe in future she may gain more white freckles.

Mushroompaw could never be accused of not having the right intentions, her heart is always in the right place. Whether in trying to support friends or give advice Mushroompaw will never not try to think of some sort of way to help. Sadly, not everyone wants help all the time. Some might find her over-eagerness to do "the right thing" as tasking and a little much. Thankfully she doesn't take mind to this, always sharing the same smile with every single cat. She very easily convinces herself that the world is on her shoulders, often on accident and can quickly become overwhelmed, though she would never admit it. She strives to be the cat that other's can turn to, looking up to her fathers for inspiration and all the other warriors of the clan.

It's easy to tell when she gets back to camp after a patrol since you'll hear her a mile away. She is always giggling and chortling at some sort of antidote. She also can't help but brush up against other cats and playfully whack other's in the face when needed, she loves snuggling up against another cat as she falls asleep or as she eats a meal.
  • Golden of heart, dumb of ass
  • Always willing to take a dare
  • "You don't have to be perfect, BUT I DO"
BUNNYKIT BUNNYPAW: he / him; AMAB, sexuality unlabeled – sunshiny and sensitive.

─ 6 moons: SUNFRECKLE xx RABBITNOSE; Sibling to Emberpaw, Sunshinepaw, Pigeonpaw: ThunderClan

sensitive, outgoing, approachable, oversensitive, toxic positivity, pushover,

persona ─ Steadfast in his philosophy of maintaining a positive outlook, Bunnypaw is a sunshiny presence, sometimes to the detriment of a situation. Any negativity clams him up, and he may not have he most thoughtful or sensible replies, ultimately rendering him useless as far as advice goes. Hugely soft, Bunnypaw wears his heart all over his body. He's easily bruised and will take a number of things personally. Criticism is something he has to wrestle with, this may ultimately have have an impact on his training. He's easily swayed to the opinions and ideas of others, oftentimes repeating what has been said or told to him. Unable to keep a secret to save his life, Bunnypaw is not someone who is to be shared anything that the person in question doesn't want the rest of the clan knowing. Bunnypaw holds a great deal of fondness for anyone that is not rude to him, and always has a smile to share. Devout believer in StarClan and unwavering in his loyalty to ThunderClan.
likes Absolutely adores sunflowers, any kind of flowers for that matter, natural sights such as fireflies, pink and yellow.
dislikes Unkindness, any negativity, these will draw a negative or unusual reaction from him.

looks ─ A shockingly fangy, open mouthed smile is often offered, representative of his attitude. This is also presented through every imagninable avenue, the good natured sway of his tail and the way his head tips upwards to greet the sun. With a weighty coat, his fluff makes up most of his profile. Bunnypaw is armed with disarming green eyes that are often glinting with good humor. Red tabby with a big coat.

--Word gets out about something scandalous, turns out, to no one's surprise that the source of everyone being informed is Bunnypaw, this may get him in some hot water.
--Bunnypaw being very sensitive to criticism is at at taking advice on board, this may cause some issues between him and his mentor or clanmates, a talk may sort help dissuade this, but it may be an area which appears as an issue for Bunnypaw, not in being rebellious but having hurt feelings.
--Will specifically go looking for flowers to show off, tries to rope in others towards this endeavor.
(alt names: millipedepaw, glowpaw)



masking n/a, carrying n/a, has vitiligo

with long fur cascading over their form, rainbowpaw’s appearance is what one would describe as graceful or elegant. the long pelt they carry is painted in shades of pale grayish-blues, stripes and shifting shades making a canvas not unlike clouds on their body. mixed in amongst this cloudy palette would be shades of cream, golden sun rays shining through the clouds. only one small spot differs from this backdrop of sky-like markings, a plain white paw on their back left leg. eyes, meanwhile, are a warm hue of brown, soft and honey-shaded. it’s only as they reach warrior age and beyond that small specks of white, flakes of snow, begin to mix in with their stormy colors.

beneath the fur, their body is long and lanky, though is carried with the same grace their outer appearance suggests. a bit of muscle, but not very pronounced, hidden away beneath the thick layer of fluff. their paws suit their size, large enough to carry them but not so large as to make them clumsy. they lean on the thinner side, not underweight but balancing on the edge of it at all times, not quite the type to easily put on weight.

their face is on the smaller side, a shorter, delicate snout paired with medium, almond-shaped eyes and a small nose. it’s their ears that are most pronounced, large triangles with long tufts of fur on the ends of them. their fur falls in waves down their cheeks, around their neck, chest, shoulders, making what seems not unlike a mane of fur. long white whiskers stretch from their muzzle and brows, pale and easily visible.

their voice is light and airy, gentle no matter who it is directed at. anger and rough tones do not come naturally to them, sounding wrong in the few situations they might spill from their mouth. their tone of voice matches the way they move, flowy, graceful, elegant. gentle and pretty, making sure to carry themself with ease, with pride. they rarely, if ever, run; when they do, though, they try to keep this gait; keeping up the image they present of themself.

  • I use this as the attention-grabbing paragraph to draw readers into your application! should be short and wholistic, easy to grab at-a-glance what sort of character you are making.

    CON ●●●●●●○○○○
    DEX ●●●●●●●●○○
    INT ●●●●●○○○○○
    WIS ●●●○○○○○○○
    CHA ●●●●●●○○○○

    rainbowpaw is well-known to be the type to always have his head in the clouds, more floaty than grounded. his mind wanders easily and often, never quite focused on the present moment, instead playing over past events or future possibilities, over things that have never happened, ideas of things he hopes will one day happen. he’s constantly going through life slightly in his own mind, preferring to focus on his own imagination rather than day-to-day life.

    despite this, he actually is rather doubtful. even with the way his mind works, rainbowpaw doesn’t have strong beliefs in starclan, finding the idea of ancestors looking down on him and everyone else a bit far-fetched. he actually finds the thought rather unsettling–the idea of continuing to exist after death, to have to see everything without being able to interact himself. he chooses not to believe in starclan. however, he does often keep these doubts to himself, along with his doubts about other things.

    he does his best to be kind to those around him, even those he doesn’t necessarily like or care for in any way. he doesn’t want to be seen as a rude or mean individual, and so instead does his best to be helpful and to treat others around him well despite his own opinion on them. he’s highly aware of how other view him and is always doing his best to keep in everyone’s good graces, whether that’s by offering a friendly conversation, a shoulder to cry on, or doing deeds for them.

    it’s this heightened awareness of others' opinions that leads to a slight timidness. he does his best not to show it to others, but he’s rather nervous fairly often. his timid nature is something he keeps to himself to the best of his ability as he would rather be seen as the image he puts forth of himself. kind, helpful, graceful. even if he’d rather take a step back and be cautious, rainbowpaw will push himself outside of his comfort zone in order to hide this about himself.

  • ALIENATION: many cats in all of the clans believe in starclan. her doubts, her lack of belief, will likely lead to her feeling set apart from those around her. she doesn’t believe in starclan and doesn’t want to, but the fact that she is one of few that feel that way makes her feel isolated and alienated from her clanmates. perhaps she’ll try to find things to make her believe; perhaps it will set her in her ways further; haven’t quite decided which way it will go yet.

    UNMASKED: as a result of trying to hide her fear of something and keep up her mask, rainbowpaw receives an injury that is both permanent as well as being something that affects her. possibly losing an eye, or having something happen to a leg that never fully heals right; specifics are undecided still. as a result, her facade falls apart. she can’t hide behind who she wants to look like anymore and must instead just learn to be herself.

    FEAR: her timidness and doubt will eventually lead her to have a fear of death; not just minor, but one that affects her a decent amount, to the point that she would avoid dangerous situations whenever possible. possibly an additional result of whatever happens that causes the injury mentioned in the previous plot.

  • blue lips - regina spektor

    i am not a robot - marina

    dear fellow traveller - sea wolf

    be calm - fun.

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General.--(--sweet daisy chain--)
--Flarekit / Flarepaw / Flare-?
--Six moons old / Ages on the 25th
--Cis male / He/him
--Apprentice of ThunderClan / Former kit

Appearance.--(--around your neck--)
--LH red tabby with low white and heterochromia
--At just a glance, Flarepaw shares some remarkable similarities to Sunfreckle - an impressive height, sun-kissed red fur, smatterings of white. If not for the more lean frame, inherited from Rabbitnose, the placement of his white, the mismatched eyes, he'd practically be a dead-ringer for his father, and by extension his older brother. Despite his rather lanky frame, it's rare to find him drawn up to his full height, Flarepaw instead preferring to slouch casually and to slink about more than anything. His pelt is almost always in disarray, scraps of marbled orange flying about in every which way, giving him a sort of scruffy charm that's only accentuated by the lazy grin often twisting his muzzle. A ruff of white swallows up his blaze, running down and his chest and across his belly, and his tail is entirely cloaked as well. All the toes on his front paws are dipped in white, and a few dots of it are found on his face, as well, most notably covering his chin and brows. As though he inherited one from each father, his left eye is a clear blue, and his right a sharp green. Eventually, he might find himself with a few new sprinkles of white, another blessing from his white-dappled father.
--( Injuries )--N/A
--( Genetics )--Masking black tabby, carrying dilute

persona.--(--through your hair--)
--Passive, friendly, mischievous, well-intentioned, observant, adaptable
--Lazing about in a sunbeam is where you'll find Flarepaw at his happiest - no work and no worries, if only for a short while. Always searching for clever distractions and chasing whatever seems the most fun in the moment, he's not exactly the most diligent of cats, though he likes to think he makes up for it in heart. Generally, he's content to go with the flow and see where life takes him, though he's also not above a little meddling; after all, if he's going out of his way to get a few laughs, that's hardly what he'd consider a hard day's work. Even if Flarepaw enjoys a good prank or two, he doesn't ever mean any harm by it - after all, at the end of the day, it's not any fun for anyone after going too far. Especially in casual settings, he can be pretty chatty, usually accompanied by a sweep of his tail or tail, though even at his most relaxed and unassuming he's always taking careful stock of the situation at paw. Nothing if not resilient, Flarepaw is pretty well equipped to rising to meet his circumstances when it suits, petty complaints and jests aside.
--( Tropes )--TBD

Relationships.--(--in the sun--)
--Sunfreckle x Rabbitnose
--Littermate to Emberpaw, Sunshinepaw, and Pigionpaw / Younger brother to Mousenose, Sparkwing, and Freckleflame
--Sexuality TBD / Single, not quite looking
--Trusts most ThunderClanners implicitly

Interaction.--(--slow down let it all slow,--)
--Physically easy / Psychologically medium
--Mentored by TBD
--Hunting [6/10] / Combat [5/10] / Stealth [7/10]
--Attack in underline / Peaceful powerplay allowed

Miscellaneous.--(--slow down let it all--)
--Penned by Hijinks / Last updated 12/03/2023
--Pinterest (WIP) / Playlist (WIP)​


LH RED TABBY TOM WITH GREEN-BLUE EYES masks black, carries dilute
Morelpaw is already shaping up to be a large tom; his paws are big and clumsy, his fur is long and sometimes dragging behind him as he struggles to keep it nice and tidy, and his eyes are even wider as he blinks owlishly at his peers. His fur is a dark, reddish color, stripes neatly crossing his body this way and that way. The one thing bigger than him is his heart, though.

  • With such an affectionate and out-going family to surround him, it is no surprise that Morelpaw takes after all their bright smiles and friendly mannerisms - although he is rather shy when compared to them. He tries to make himself small as he gets to know the world around him, perfectly content to stay in his protective little bubble unless shoved outside of it.


  • Morelpaw trudges behind his long line of siblings slowly but surely; he intends to take life at his own pace, never hurrying and rarely pushing himself past his limits. Some might view this as a bit lazy, and they might not exactly be wrong - Morelpaw enjoys his apprentices duties as long as they don't tire him out too much, because at that point, he'd rather sunbathe with a full belly to get all his energy back. He runs out of it so fast, after all... what good is it for an apprentice to bounce after an escaping prey if he cannot quite keep up?

    Surprisingly, he doesn't tend to beat himself up over this. Thanks to the loving and doting side of his parents, Morelpaw has a great amount of self-love and self-acceptance that only ever bruises if someone rudely calls him out for his shortcomings. He's learning! He's growing! He'll get better.

    The one thing he differs from when compared to his brothers and siblings is his lack of love for socializing. Well- it's not that he doesn't enjoy others' company and in fact will get lonely if left by himself for too long, but... he doesn't find it as easy to be a boundless bit of joy who can make small talk left and right. He often stumbles over his words and struggles to say what he really means. It makes him self-conscious and drives him to shy away from others in order to avoid embarrassing himself.

    Morelpaw hopes to grow into a strong warrior full of courage and drive. It takes more than just daydreaming about it though - it requires hard work and dedication, something the young Morelpaw has yet to learn. At the very least, his devotion to ThunderClan as a whole is no secret, and his heart flutters every time he thinks about how lucky he is to have been born here, under the sunlit canopy and above the blossom-kissed green fields. There's no place he'd rather be - aside from maybe his parents' protective flanks.

  • OOC
    — Intending to use this design, I would make sure to consult with the geneticists to make sure it works.