Jul 9, 2022


After the slaughtering of ThunderClan's founder, Emberstar, and the unknown murder of her ShadowClan mate, Flickerfire, the three dogs disappear from Snakerocks. The late leader did her duty; the young apprentice Ragwortpaw is safe, but the clan does not rest for long. A tracking patrol is sent out to find out where the dogs ran off to, and the trail leads them straight to Sunningrocks, where they lie licking their wounds. Though it isn't their territory, the basking rocks are on their side of the river, and within their oak forest. Every cat is warned to stay away from Sunningrocks on hunts and patrols, while scouts are sent periodically to check on them. Until the issue is dealt with, Howling Wind refuses to leave and receive her nine lives and name. On top of all of this, ThunderClan is barely scraping by. They are starving; ShadowClan is stealing prey, the forest is partially still recovering from the fire, the clan is training far more apprentices than they have capable warriors, and now the dogs are scaring away most of the prey by the river, when they're not hunting it themselves.

You are now free to interact with the dogs if you'd like, or have your character be a scout checking on them/reporting back to camp. Please note, these are large dogs; the cats will be unable to kill them. If you choose to have them engage with your character, it will be dangerous! Scouts are limited to being cats that are particularly skilled in stealth and/or climbing. Avoid having your character be a scout if they are not skilled in one of these areas, as they would never realistically be assigned to be one. The dogs will stick around Sunningrocks, but are not restrained there; they may wander into the nearby oak forest and are a major threat to ThunderClan. Avoid powerplaying them far away from Sunningrocks! Cats are forbidden to leave camp without a patrol of at least three warriors; Howling Wind does not want to risk anyone being endangered.

The dogs have begun to encroach further into the oak forest, the opposite of what ThunderClan had hoped for. RiverClan makes it obvious they do not intend to drive the dogs off their territory, so the forest-dwellers accept this is their problem to deal with. After patrols encounter the dogs, one even being attacked by them, the danger they pose becomes all to clear. Persuaded by her warriors, Howling Wind agrees to make the journey to the Moonstone to receive her nine lives, leaving one of her lead warriors in charge and assigning her clanmates to the task of figuring out how to go about attacking the dogs to drive them out.

Battle Party
Howling Wind, bringing Sloepaw, Burnpaw
Raccoonstripe, bringing Moonpaw
Rabbitnose, bringing Patchpaw
Hollow Tree
Silverlightning, bringing Mousepaw

The moment has arrived. ThunderClan sets their plan by Silverlightning and Nightbird into action as three separate patrols surround Sunningrocks. As soon as they descend upon the dogs, they come to the wretched realization that there are only two dogs present. Howlingstar sends Flycatcher and his battle party back to camp to defend them from the third dog that has made its way there. The cats at Sunningrocks fight valiantly and are able to eventually drive the two canines up the rocks and send them into the current down below, washing them away (along with Silverlightning!). Back at camp, the apprentices, queens, and wounded are left to defend themselves from the third dog before Flycatcher's reinforcements arrive. Together, they send the beast off yelping. ThunderClan has won and the dogs are no longer a thread!

As ThunderClan recovers from the ferocious battle with the dogs, it becomes all too obvious that their leaf-bare prey struggle isn't improving even with newleaf. At the Gathering, Howlingstar informs the clans that ThunderClan had taken care of the dog problem on RiverClan's territory, and asks Cicadastar for hunting rights to the rocks because RiverClan isn't currently able to use them and ThunderClan had defended them well. When Cicadastar refuses, Howlingstar's council brings up the idea of simply taking the rocks altogether. They're in the oak forest, right? Why shouldn't they belong to ThunderClan? So, the clan decides to take a stand.

ThunderClan awaits the RiverClan dawn patrol in hiding while a single patrol perches on Sunningrocks. They inform the RiverClan patrol that they intend to claim the strip of territory for ThunderClan and tell their neighbors to just surrender their sunbathing spot. They refuse and call in reinforcements, who swiftly swim to the other side to fight for their land. ThunderClan warriors and apprentices burst from their hiding spots in the undergrowth and battle follows. Many are wounded in the fight, and Howlingstar loses her first life to a furious RiverClan warrior. Ultimately, ThunderClan prevails and drives off the RiverClanners. Sunningrocks is theirs!

Please post below with at least one link of your character participating in any of the above plot points. You will receive a badge made by our wonderul moderator Floppie!

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credit to pin for formatting
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Hello everyone! Now accepting sign-ups for the battle party that will be put up today. There is NO limit! There are three giant dogs to drive off, after all! However, there are obviously cats that will not be allowed to go: queens, elders, kits, and any cat who is injured or sick. Additionally, any apprentice without battle training is not allowed to go, but if they've begun to learn from their mentor they are welcome to come as well as ThunderClan will need all the power they can get! Please post with any characters you wish to sign up!
signing up patchpaw and spotflare!! cherrypaw can also b available for helping berryheart prepare his den and the herb storage if needed
(and of course! that's only if rabbitnose feels like she's ready)
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With the Sunningrocks plot officially wrapped up, I will now ask everyone who participated in this plot to post at least one link of your character participating in a plot thread. Please refer to the first post of this thread for a plot summary and if your character was involved in any of those plot points, you will get a badge made by Floppie! To help us out, please also tag the character's sub!