Twitchbolt was beginning to wonder whether he would ever break out of fight-or-flight. Of course, he always shook- but he'd now been shivering in his sleep, eyelids twitching more and more when he was awake, accusatory glances paid to everyone who dared look at him for longer than a few seconds. None of them, not one of them, thought he could do it- Orangestar would realise her lapse in judgement soon enough, and rescind her announcement, and apologise for the embarrassment of it all. That day never came, though- the inevitable was approaching, but for now, he had duties to do. And, well- well, he'd seen his mentor do it enough. Seen Orangestar do it enough.

In the night he'd gone through everything in his head tenfold- he was sure Quillstrike had been kept awake by his muttering. "Guh..." His words disappeared into nothing. False start. "SkyClan, please- please gather for patrol assignments!"

There was no reason to be afraid, and yet, and yet- in this moment, the Clanmates he'd known for so long all looked like beasts, waiting for a weakness... waiting to pounce the minute anything went wrong. Twitchbolt squeezed his eyes shut, summoning his concentration and his stillness. He managed the former, and... halfway with the latter. "Dawn patrols are- are going to Twolegplace and... and the RiverClan and ThunderClan border." He swallowed again. "I- I will take Silversmoke and Bear to Twolegplace with me." Silversmoke would be good backup- and the both of them hated Twolegplace. He could trust the stormy tom not to run off somewhere unseen and throw himself into a trap.

"Howlfire," he found his friend's speckled face in the crowd. "Please take- take, um... Tatteredlight and- and Hazelbeam to RiverClan." Right- and Hazelbeam would be taking Edenpaw, hopefully. He trusted that daylight warrior to keep her apprentice in check.

"And, and- for the dusk patrols..." Paws pitter-pattered a pattern on the ground. Everything just-about began to fall into place. "Duskpool, can you... take, take Figfeather and Chrysaliswing to the ThunderClan and RiverClan border? I mean- do that, yeah..." Asking. He shouldn't be asking. "And Slate, I'd like you to- to take Zemo and Dogbite with you to the loner lands border." He hoped they were done with the rogues, but if anyone could deck them, give them the slap they deserved, it was Slate.

"Dawnglare, I'm lending you... Drizzlepelt and, and... Mallowlark..." Was that a nice gesture? "To, to help you gather herbs." His body seized for a moment, allowing him a moment to think, and to embarrass himself.

"Orange- Orangestar and Dandelionwish, you guys- have the hunting patrols. And Johnnyflame, if you could lead a training session..." He let an awkward grin shudder across his face, "That would be great."

An exhale.

DAWN PATROL (RIVERCLAN BOARD): @Howlfire (lead), @TATTEREDLIGHT , @Hazelbeam (@edenpaw ?!)
DUSK PATROL (LONER LANDS BOARD): @SLATE (lead) (@Cherrypaw), @ZEMO , @Dogbite
HERB PATROL: @DAWNGLARE (@Fireflypaw), @Drizzlepelt , @MALLOWLARK
HUNTING PATROL 1: @Orangestar
PROMPT - Your patrol encounters a non-aggressive dog, that just seems to be watching from a distance.
HUNTING PATROL 2: @Dandelionwish
PROMPT - One bird is being particularly difficult to catch; it seems to hve you outsmarted, somehow.
TRAINING: @Johnnyflame
penned by pin ✧
Orangestar lingers nearby, unease prickling at the edges of her fur. It's strange to see Twitchbolt take up the chore of assigning patrols; she'd done the job for a very long time, and she has to bite her tongue to avoid jumping in and giving her opinion on the way their Clanmates had been sorted. An ear flicks as odd eyes turn towards her. She hasn't led a hunting patrol in some time. It seems like her moons of avoiding them has finally caught up to her.

"Understood." She nods at him. If he looked her way, she'd incline her chin a second time, just so; a small acknowledgement. A job well done. It's a shame, however, that she can't take Springpaw on this outing.

  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | nine lives
    " a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."

    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #E3B2A9
    tags | art by pin
It's strange, seeing another cat take the place of SkyClan's longtime deputy. It is instinctive for the lead warrior to observe Twitchbolt like a hawk, searching for signs of weakness and mediocrity in the newly-promoted second in command. Slate still does not believe that the younger warrior is fit to assist Orangestar; selfishly, he would much rather prefer himself in the patchwork tom's position. Never mind the daunting aspect of assuming the throne one day; at least Slate would be able to keep her safe.

It's almost painful to witness Twitchbolt issue out patrols for the first time. He is not assertive like Orangestar is and can barely get a few words out without stumbling over them. Why had Orangestar chosen him to be her successor, again? At least Twitchbolt didn't have to address all of the clans at the gathering... yet. There was no doubt that SkyClan would become the laughing stock of the forest when the time came.

For reasons unknown to him, Orangestar had a preference for assigning Slate to the Loner Lands patrols. It seemed that Twitchbolt was no different in his thinking. Not that Slate was particularly mad; these patrols were boring and uneventful at best, but at least they didn't have to interact with anyone ( aside from the occasional clueless kittypet ). Whatever. Makes sense. I know how to handle any rogues that cross our path. As if the scars that marred his shoulder and underbelly weren't evidence of that fact.

He took mental note of his patrol members so that he could gather them when dusk fell. Dogbite was fine enough, but Zemo? Urgh, one of the newer additions to SkyClan. Hopefully he wouldn't be asking too many questions.

  • once again. ic opinions LMAO
  • *
    he/him; lead warrior of skyclan
    a hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​
  • Dead
Reactions: waluigipinball

His fur bristled, not at Twitchbolt's nervous patrol announcements, but at the fact that he had been assigned duty on the Twolegplace patrol. A wariness for the place did not mean he should be exempt from patrolling it, still, Silversmoke never liked the way his stomach flipped and heartrate soared at the thought of facing the horrors that resided within it. Badgers and foxes were more comfortable opponents than Twolegs - at least those that walked on four legs could be scared off by sharp fangs, even killed by them. He didn't think a cat would ever be able to kill a monster. "Fine by me," he dipped his head in acknowledgement, frown etched upon his features in anticipation. "Ready when you are, Twitchbolt." Odd eyes flickered to the crowd of cats, searching quickly for Bear, searching more thoroughly for Crowpaw.

*✧・゚ The kit hears Twitchbolt giving out assignments to go on patrols and stuff, and she’s reminded of the time that Orangeblossom-star gave her and Coffeekit and the other kits tasks to do. That was super fun—she got to take a nice gift to cheer up the cats in the medicine den, and Dawnglare didn’t even shoo her out! But this time, she doesn’t hear her own name called, and so the little torbie bounces her way over to stand before the tom’s paws. Big, wide green eyes meet Twitchbolt’s, pale paws kneading at the ground eagerly. "Twitchbolt! Where’s my task?" The accusation in her tone speaks of a girl who feels left out of a fun game, but a bright smile rests upon her muzzle. She’s pretty much an apprentice already, so why shouldn’t she get to do something, too? "I think you forgot to give me one, so I just wanted to remind you since you’re the best deputy. And the best deputy doesn’t forget anything!" Except he’d forgotten her, but that’s okay. It’s his first time giving everyone their tasks, so it’s understandable.
  • Haha
Reactions: mercibun

Howlfire had not considered how odd it would be not to Orangestar dishing out patrol assignments until she saw Twitchbolt summon the clan. Although she felt immense pride for her friend, she could sense he seemed nervous. Which, she supposed, given the circumstances was to be expected a little bit. Still, despite what nerves he appeared to have, his first time at assigning patrols went well enough. There certainly seemed like there was no complaints - well except for maybe Sangriakit who asked after her own assignment, believing she had been missed out.

Howlfire was especially pleased to hear she would be leading a patrol again. She would be taking Hazelbeam, Edenpaw, and Tatteredlight to the border with RiverClan. It was a shame Hawkpaw could not come with them but her daughter still had to stay in camp until she was officially six moons. Amber eyes looked around for her patrolmates. "Ready whenever you are," She mewed.
Drizzlepelt listens dutifully as patrols are given out. It’s easy to see Twitchbolt’s nervousness, but even then he’s proud of the new deputy. He’s fairly certain that if he was the one handing out patrols, he would get so much anxiety and pass out. Maybe it’s a good thing he isn’t that interested in being that much higher in rank… He’d much support them as much as he can.

He’s not exactly thrilled when he’s told that he’ll be going on a herb patrol with both Dawnglare and Mallowlark, but at least Fireflypaw will be there too. He can put his focus on his apprentice if need be anyhow. After he ropes @Orchidpaw! to get ready, he navigates his way towards the medicine cats. “Ready to help!” Drizzlepelt says cheerfully, not wanting to ruin the mood despite his uncomfortableness.​
Just his luck that Chrysaliswing wouldd be stuck with Figfeather, of all felines. Scowling face stared upwards at the stuttering deputy, and such a plainly sad sight never made scorn wane from the canvas it was painted on. Again came the determined thoughts that he could deifnitely do better at this job than Twitchbolt, envy perhaps mawkishly masquerading as envy, as though the true visage could not bear for the light to see how naked and wounded it truly was. Whiskers twitched, glancing around for Duskpool's call, and a huff left his maw as he ambled towards the other tom.


Golden eyes settled on Twitchbolt as the call for patrols went out. It wasn't hard to note the younger toms nervousness, and Johnnyflame couldn't even say that said nerves weren't justifiable. The clans new deputy was young and inexperienced, and it wasn't difficult to see the doubt that others held for them. Even Johnny had been surprised by the choice at first, but the more time he'd had to consider it, the more open to it he was. Twitch was young but he'd been through a lot- not just enduring it, but fighting back every step of the way. They were a cat whose loyalty and open-mindedness was very much reflective of what Skyclan represented, and while they lacked the experience of older cats like Slate and Silversmoke, the bobtail wasn't about to write them off.

Hell, when Blazestar had named him Johnnyflame and given him the rank of lead warrior, it was with hardly any experience under his belt. There were many who'd expected him to fail, but he liked to think he'd proven the majority of them wrong. The least he could do was extend the benefit of the doubt to the next cat deserving of it- which Twitchbolt very much was.

"You've got it- one training session, coming right up!" replied the tom with an affirming nod.

𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 How come they'd managed to make an enemy of the new deputy in an instant? Edenpaw stares after ruddy fur with such intense hurt splattered across their face, it would be believable to assume he'd all but slapped him. RiverClan?! Again?! He doesn't even let them protest, moving on in hurried, stuttered orders to the rest to get a move on, to go their own ways. The daylight apprentice would rather go along with any of those other groups, even SLATE would be a vast improvement over this!!!

"What'd I do to you," they ask, flustered and frustrated and awash with the overwhelming bubbling anger that had only been tempered last time by Blazestar's tactful interjections. The truth had died with him... all those who stood here now just saw some dumb apprentice with a gouged face and no concern for who'd caused it.

RiverClan?! Seriously?!

They think to scream, to storm off and go home but Hazelbeam is here. And Hazelbeam would hunt them all the way back to the Twolegplace to drag them to the border kicking and screaming if she had to. Their frown tightens into gritted teeth, glancing towards Howlfire with all the resentment in the world- completely misplaced fury as if the unfortunate lead of this patrol might somehow prevent its happening.

"UGGGHGHHHH!!! Let's just get this over with."

They do not bother to wait for the other three, opting to storm out of camp altogether, bobbed tail lashing the whole way.​

Twitchbolt seems to choke out his words, and it agitates the tom, shaggy tail stirring up the dirt behind him. Twolegplace. Of course Twolegplace. While it puts his teeth on edge, he's stamping out the anxiety induced by the place with the will of his mind. It's not very successful, but it's not unlike any area where he has once called home, one he can't say he's unfamiliar with. Death lingers there, in the alleyways which they will never get close enough to roam.

Bear maneuvers himself to lumber after Silversmoke, similarly sparing glances for the rest of the patrol. "I'm here." He grouses shortly, unable to shake the weight on his back.