private TICKING LIKE A CLOCK [→] quill & twitch

Figfeather washed her fur in the warriors den. A fresh, soft mossy bedding had been made for her upon her return. She's missed having a proper nest at night, and this crowded warriors den. She's also pleased to see that she's not been stuck in the back of the den and was now closer to it's center than ever, she's pleased.

She notes the large nest nearby, her whiskers twitch as she breathes in the scents of Twitchbolt and Quillstrike. Her brow furrows thoughtfully and it's not long until she gets out of her nest and pads outside into camp, her gaze searching for the two toms. She finds them sharing a piece of prey together and looks at them, amusement glinting in her amber eyes. "So you two gonna tell me what's up with the nest in the warriors den? The big one that smells of you two all over it?" She smirks, proud of herself for figuring this out on her own before anyone could tell her.​
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Of course, of course he was glad to have Figfeather back. The duration of the journey he had still found himself attempting to pick her lemony pelt out among the crowd; she was a figure he sought instinctively as a constant of SkyClan's ranks, and it had taken a while to get used to her absence. Just as suddenly, though- she was back, and as sheap as she ever had been. The speed in which she'd apparently figured out the developments since she'd left was quite impressive.

"Oh-h," Twitchbolt said, almost choking on his prey. He swallowed it so dramatically that it looked as if he'd attempted to shove a boulder down his throat. Wide green eyes instinctively flickered to Quillstrike, wobbling upon his mate's face for a few moments. And why, even? It wasn't as if they were trying to hide anything. In fact, Twitchbolt believed you'd have to rip his tongue out to get him to shut up about it. So why the stagefright, now?

As ever, meeting sun-sky eyes encouraged him, and he looked back over to Figfeather. "We're, um, mates now." And despite his efforts to suppress it (though they weren't powerful efforts), a grin quavered across his lips. Mismatched paws of white-and-brown tapped a pattern on the earth, happiness in a tuneless song.
penned by pin ✧