tiger mountain peasant song ✧




Through the forest
Down to your grave
Where the birds wait
And the tall grasses wave
They do not
Know you anymore

thunderpaw ✧ he / him ✧ 8 moons ✧ thunderclan apprentice
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THUNDERKIT THUNDERPAW: he / him; trans man, gay but aloof – large, medium-furred black / cinammon tortoiseshell chimera with high white and heterochromatic blue-green eyes. has nicks all over his pelt from sparring rough with his sibling lightningpaw.

─ 8 moons: WISTERIASTORM xx ALDER; brother to lightningpaw: apprentice of thunderclan. lightningpaw and thunderpaw were born only a few days after the great battle that saw their father killed. in her grief, wisteriastorm vowed to raise her children to be as strong as possible, so that they might never meet the same fate as their father did. her training is severe and often sees the siblings training with their claws out.

( + ) loyal, resilient, strong-willed, ambitious ( / ) competitive, moralist ( - ) dogmatic, overbearing, vengeful. between his brother and himself, thunderpaw is the quieter of the two-- but this does not mean he is less ambitious, arrogant, or stubborn. thunderpaw finds beauty in quiet leadership; he is strong in the same way a thick-barked tree is strong. his stamina and resilience are perhaps his best qualities. thunderpaw seems able to bounce back from any hardship (a necessary trait when his family is so intense about their success and strength).

however, thunderpaw is not exactly a team player. despite his kindness and general willingness to help out other cats, thunderpaw is extremely competitive as a result of his mother's harsh philosophies. like his brother, he aspires not just to be a fierce warrior of thunderclan, but someday its leader-- a lofty goal for a young tom. this can push him to be selfish in times where selfishness is really not acceptable. this doesn't mean that thunderpaw is entirely cold, though; quite the opposite. he is sincere in his kindness and warmth towards his fellow thunderclanners and hates to see them harmed. this love can push him to be quite dogmatic when giving others advice. this love can be revoked, though, too. though his temper is not as hair-trigger as his sibling's, once thunderpaw ire has been invoked, it is quite a feat to get back on his good side.
─ too often tries to be his brother's keeper; very protective of his family
─ enneagram; tarot card; mbti

may start fights / will end fights / will not flee / may show mercy; mentored by TBD. excels at combat. poor at knowing when to stop. eager to befriend cats that aren't from enemy clans, and is vaguely interested in cross-clan friendships provided thunderclan is on good terms with them. not really icly interested in romance (BUT I AM OOCLY <3 hmu)

─ created june 7 2021; brought to tt on march 26 2023
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