Tigerfrost | WindClan

Jan 5, 2023
  • Tiger, Tigerpaw; Tigerfrost for his striped coat and cold personality.
    — WindClan Lead Warrior
    — Born in The Marsh Group
    — Tom, he/him; bisexual, monogamist
    — 32 moons / ages every 1st
    ↳ penned by @Sheogorath

    Tigerfrost is a powerful WindClan Warrior with a reputation for violence. He is imposing and cruel towards anyone who is deemed an enemy. Covered in scars and with eyes like hell-fire, his history is one of bloodshed. To WindClan, however, Tigerfrost is more akin to a ruthless guardian.
  • Chocolate tabby tom laced with scars, marked by torn ears and blazing amber eyes. Patches of white mark his figure with a strange pattern, and he's quite tall for a WindClan cat, though still noticeably smaller than the cats of other clans. Muscular and athletic in appearance, Tigerfrost makes for an imposing figure. Like most born WindClan cats, Tigerfrost is lean, long-legged, and built for speed. While not quite small enough to be a tunneler, he is nonetheless typical of what one might imagine a WindClan cat to be.

    ↳ a noticeable scar in the shape of an X marks his chest​
    ↳ generation one / chocolate tabby with high white and amber eyes, short furred​

  • ( + ) Efficient, Motivated, Intelligent
    ( / ) Ambitious, Cunning, Proud
    ( - ) Judgmental, Cold, Demanding

    A firm believer in StarClan and the Warrior way, Tigerfrost walks an uncertain line when it comes to personality. He is bitter and cold-hearted, judgmental to others he deems disloyal or weak, and ultimately capable of cruelty. On the other paw, he is efficient and hard working, determined to get things done when they need to be, and despite his brutish behavior, he is cunning and intelligent. Tigerfrost prefers loyalty above all else, and he's quick to punish others for their actions regardless of how 'right' they might have been. While he is ambitious, Tigerfrost is ultimately loyal to his clan, and is not the type to weaken his own clan in an attempt to overthrow the current cats in charge. He respects the rules that are set in place despite his cold demeanor. For the most part, he is honest to those he is loyal to, but not incapable of manipulation when used as a weapon against WindClan's enemies.
  • NPC x NPC | sibling to Venomthroat, Sparrowfang
    mentoring Moorpaw | former apprentice; Snailstride
    Mate to nobody | Parent to none
    — Crushing on...
    — Admires Sootstar, Weaselclaw
    — Close friends with Scorchstreak
    — Friends with Weaselclaw, Vulturemask
    — Likes Sunstride, Badgermoon, Firefang, Gravelsnap
    — Dislikes Coyotepaw, Dandelionwish, Dawnglare, Smogmaw
    — Loathes Hyacinthbreath, Thistleback, Cindershade, Cicadastar


    Tigerfrost and Jaggedoak did not get along well as kits. Jaggedoak would often defend other kits from Tigerfrost, and as Jaggedoak was larger, the other cat was almost always able to put a stop to Tiger's youthful mischief.

    Sootstar helped teach Tigerfrost how to fight off larger opponents, while they were both apprentice aged in the Marsh Group. Since Sootstar was older and more experienced at that time, there was a great deal she was able to show young Tiger.

    Tigerfrost admired Hyacinthbreath during her time as a WindClan Lead Warrior. He felt betrayed once she joined RiverClan, and is consistently irritated by how emotionally weak consistently appears to be (in his eyes).

    Tigerfrost served as Dandelionwish's guard, after the former WindClan medicine cat had been accused of treachery against Sootstar. Dandelionwish managed to take Tigerfrost by surprise before escaping the territory.

    Tigerfrost believes Thistleback is a kittypet as a result of the collar, and therefore, hated Thistleback from the first moment they saw one another. When WindClan raids SkyClan, Tigerfrost is able to defeat Thistleback in a gruesome battle.

    In a raid against RiverClan, Tigerfrost is able to defeat the RiverClan lead warrior Cindershade, though both cats are heavily injured by the vicious battle.

    Tigerfrost nearly dies trying to save Weaselclaw from Cicadastar in the same raid, but with the help of Sparkpaw and Scorchstreak, both manage to escape to freedom.
  • stamina ●●●●●●●○○○
    speed ●●●●●●●●○○
    strength ●●●●●○○○○○
    combat ●●●●●●●●○○
    hunting ●●●●●●○○○○
    medicine ○○○○○○○○○○
    swimming ●○○○○○○○○○
    relationship status; single
    forms strong emotional bonds with those he grows to trust, but will always put the clan over relationships.
    — physical health [ 60% ] | mental health [ 80% ]
    — will start fights | will flee | will rarely show mercy
    excels at combat, running, hunting rabbits
    poor at swimming, climbing
    sounds like Matt Lanter (Anakin)
    smells like wet earth with a hint of lavender
    — healing & peaceful powerplay allowed.
    — speech is brown
  • The Marsh Group.
    ✧ Tigerfrost was born into the Marsh Group, as many of WindClan's founding members were. He was never particularly fond of the Pine Group, given their reputation as kittypet lovers.
    ✧ Seen as a bit of a local bully, he often got into fights with Jaggedoak, who was much larger than Tiger at the time, easily fending young Tiger off.
    ✧ Tigerfrost became friends with the cat now known as Sootstar, for she is the one who helped him learn how to fight larger opponents than himself.
    ✧ As tensions rose between the two groups, Tigerfrost grew increasingly irritated with The Pine Group, lending his young voice in support of war.
    ✧ Tigerfrost was still young when The Great Battle happened. While he survived the warfare, it was not without cost. Tigerfrost still bears the scars of that gruesome battle. He also witnesses StarClan's creation with his own eyes, cementing his beliefs.
    ✧ Not long after the battle, Tigerfrost's father passes away from his injuries.
    ✧ Once warrior names become commonplace, Tiger eventually receives the name Tigerfrost, for his frosty demeanor.

    WindClan Warrior.
    ✧ When WindClan was formed, Tigerfrost was one of it's first Warriors. He has always been a loyal supporter of Sootstar and a strong believer of StarClan. Despite Sootstar's apparent tyranny, Tigerfrost would continue to support her throughout her reign.
    ✧ Tigerfrost trusted and looked up to the Lead Warrior known as Hyacinthbreath. When she steps down suddenly, that trust is broken. Her shift from distant and cold to emotional and sentimental was akin to a thorn in Tigerfrost's gut, for he could not believe the weakness that had eaten away at the once trusted member of Sootstar's council. That hatred grows even deeper when he discovers Hyacinthbreath had been taken in by Cicadastar, and now served RiverClan as one of their Warriors.
    ✧ When the rogues were brought into WindClan, he was initially wary and distrustful of them, but has since grown friendly to many of those former rogues. This strengthened his trust in Sootstar, and as such, he continued to support her despite the recent exiles.
    ✧ When cats begin dying of greencough, and SkyClan refuses to share herbs, a raid is launched in the midst of a violent blizzard, as WindClan desperately fights to take the catmint they desperately needed. During this fight, Tigerfrost defeats Thistleback in vicious combat. Though very few herbs were actually stolen, some lives were still saved with what could be taken by the raiders.
    ✧ In a brutal spar, Tigerfrost further demonstrates his cunning skill by defeating Houndthistle.
    ✧ After being branded a traitor, the medicine cat Dandelionwish makes a desperate attempt at escape. Tigerfrost leaps to intercept, only to discover that a large amount of WindClanners have chosen to aid the former healer. Civil war ignites the clearing, and Tigerfrost is badly injured in the brawl.


    WindClan Lead Warrior.
    ✧ Eventually, Tigerfrost is promoted as a Lead Warrior of WindClan. This only serves to strengthen his prideful and arrogant personality.
    ✧ Sootstar entrusts Tigerfrost to train Snailpaw, who's loyalty was called into question by the newly named Firefang.
    ✧ When Juniperfrost is murdered by a RiverClanner, Hyacinthbreath herself, he helps make the quick decision that sends WindClan back into war, all too eager to try and force the traitorous ex-lead warrior to bleed for all that she had done. Tigerfrost defeats the RiverClan Lead Warrior known as Cindershade, just barely surviving himself.
    ✧ When StarClan roars their disapproval toward Sootstar's tyranny by striking her place upon the Great Rock with a bolt of sizzling lightning, Tigerfrost cannot find it within himself to blame WindClan, or Sootstar, for the shocking display. He instead declares that it was RiverClan, not WindClan, which had caused the outcry from StarClan themselves. During the gathering, Tigerfrost discovers that a RiverClan warrior, Clearsight, had been killed in the warfare.
    ✧ Tigerfrost successfully trains Snailpaw and they are given their warrior name; Snailstride.
    ✧ Moorpaw, one of Sootstar's kits, is assigned as Tigerfrost's newest apprentice.
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    [fleft][bimg width=115px]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1088635290618429501/1089358517510615050/imageedit_26_6670662947.png[/bimg][/fleft][fright][img width=15px]https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2016/03/31/17/42/gradient-1293852_960_720.png[/img][/fright]TIGERFROST ♂[fright]0/9[/fright]
    [url=https://tabbytales.net/threads/tigerfrost-windclan.3650/][color=white]BIOGRAPHY AND TAGS[/color][/url]
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