sensitive topics Till sea swallows all || Death


Fathoms Below
Mar 11, 2023
Riverwhisker hadn't been doing too well after having to move so suddenly, twice. His body ached and screamed at him, the fatigue making it near impossible for him to flee with the others. He asked to be left, but Redpath would not let him, the larger she-cat practically dragging him by the scruff to each territory as they fled. Sickness ravaged his body, and it wasn't until he was settled down in Starlingheart's den that he felt himself slipping. Days passed, leaving him to his delirious thoughts and soon....

Soon he simply accepted this was it. He couldn't go on like this, who knows when the journeying cats would return... If they do at all. Everything was hopeless.

His only regret is that he isnt surrounded by the willows of his home, listening to the river flow. He has made peace with himself, but his heart aches knowing that Redpath will arrive to a cold body. It hurts to think about, but their time together eases his heart. They were not together long, but he was sure it was true love blooming between them. A flower cut before its time.

His vision is darkening, and he recalls all the times they had visited their willow tree after their duties were done. He can almost fool himself into being there now, resting against brilliant orange fur. She did not deserve the heartbreak she was about to experience, but Riverwhisker could no longer hold on.

With a weak cough, he stared blankly ahead from where he lay on his side. There are cats around him that he knows and doesn't, but it doesn't matter anymore.

"Please....Tell Redpath I love her....And that I'm sorry...." He manages, barely above a whisper to whoever might be listening.

His vision continues to darken and his pains begin to fade into nothingness as he breathes one last sigh, his sides never to rise again, his form never to slip into the river he was born beside another time. Riverwhisker leaves the clans with a whisper, quiet and fleeting.​