She's on a self - assigned solo hunting patrol, which is maybe not the best of ideas in the current predator climate, but really, who cares? She's been alert ( enough ), shredded ears pricked for any unwelcome noises, nose twitching for foreign scents, her lone eye darting carefully about. For her efforts thus far, she's got a scruffy jay clamped in her jaws as she weaves between tree - branches, her paws calloused but her steps soft as velvet. The rustle of full - bloomed green - leaf foliage around her is a welcome sound as she drops from limb to limb, then clambers her way down the pine with bared claws clinging to deeply grooved bark.

Bobbie blinks, startled, when she's greeted by the strong oaky scent of ThunderClan's unmistakable border markings only a few tail - lengths away, where pines and sparse scrub give way to lush underbrush and towering trees that could hide any number of secrets. Huh, I wonder what it'd be like to climb one of those . . . the tabby thinks absently as she tilts her head, though she wouldn't dream of crossing this high - tension border. Chasing that jay must've taken me further than I thought.

The scent strengthens and she stiffens, muscles tensing and teeth digging down into the jay. She stands braced, expecting a patrol to throw her dagger eyes, fully ready to skitter away and not chance any further accusations of border - crossing from either side. Instead, there's a lone she - cat, short and stout but unmistakably dignified, with pale green eyes and a full tabby pelt. Her every step conveys strength and dignity, and though Bobbie isn't ruled by the cats on that side of the border, she must admit a certain respect, as a warrior and as a mother, when she recognizes the tabby.

" Howlingstar, " she greets in soft tones after she's set down her jay, inclining her head in respect, though appropriately slightly. She has no connection of her own to Howlingstar, though the black tabby's grandchildren are her step - children ( Howlfire and Fireflyglow have been inexplicably kind ), and her great - grandson her former apprentice. With all she saw in her brief time knowing Little Wolf, and how highly Blazestar spoke of not only the little black she - cat but the tales she learned from this very leader, she has to admit both a respect and a curiosity about the legendary lineage of the oak forest.

" I hope ThunderClan is doing well? " Bobbie asks politely, then appends, " That your family, and Gentlestorm, are thriving? "


" speech "

Perhaps it's wishful thinking to hope she may stumble upon her great grandkids again out here. She recalls the day she'd found Howlfire, Blazingpaw and Hawkpaw along this border freshly, and subconsciously her paws now take her to the pine forest in hopes of catching sight of a familiar pelt. Instead, she sees a pale tabby coat, at first unfamiliar but upon further observation it becomes clearer who it is.

"Hello, Bobbie," She mews back in greeting, her tone kind as she dips her head. She recognizes the other as a former lead warrior under Blazestar, as well as one of the SkyClanners who ventured to the mountains on the courageous journey. For that, she has the tabby's respect. Lifting her chin, she comes to stop just at the border, her tail flicking at her heels as she politely trills, "ThunderClan fares as well as we can - more kits are becoming apprentices, thankfully. More paws to hunt for those who can't." Her whiskers twitch in friendly amusement. Hopefully ThunderClan will not be so hungry as more kits gain new names. Bobbie then asks about her family, and even Gentlestorm - something that earns a tilt of her head. Did Bobbie know any of them that well? "They're fine," She answers simply, hiding her confusion well beneath a a practiced respectful tone. "You had kits. How are they doing? Apprentices yet?" She'd assume so, if the queen was all the way out here at the border by herself.