private TIME ADVENTURE \ catfishpaw

Fernpaw didn't know if Catfishpaw had the same... odd feeling of solidarity around sustaining their injuries at the same time. He couldn't say he was particularly close to the younger apprentice, but he did consider them friends; so much so that he hoped she hadn't rolled her eyes when she'd heard that they were going to be on patrol together. The two of them had hung back a little, the warriors straying ahead- that was when Fernpaw turned his gaze toward her, settling his remaining eye upon her, and offered her a smile.

"So, uh- has it been alright, getting back into your training?" He could guess they probably shared the affliction of having to get used to things, or relearning lessons that they had already been taught. He hoped he wasn't prodding at her walls, invading her privacy... it wasn't his intention. He simply thought... maybe, it'd help to talk with someone who might, sort of, get it.

\ @Catfishpaw !!
penned by pin

'cause my girl's made of peaches—————————————————
Fernpaw had been part of the medicine den scenery for the past moon of her life. And after she had gotten out she had kinda missed that. He, unlike Ravensong, didn't seemed as bothered when she would ramble on and on, or if he had he was better at hiding it than the lanky medicine cat. Unbeknownst to her, Fernpaw felt the same camaraderie as she did, the two of them both were hurt at the same time and the reason for their injuries were similar, predators; who knew they could be so dangerous? So, when the two were put on patrol together she was happy, exicted even.

The two hung behind the warriors, Catfish had already been training earlier that morning and not only was her body sore from it but her brain tired so everything was moving a little slow in her world. She had lost plenty of muscle during her "vacation" and building it backed was proving to be exhausting, so heavy legs padded next to the fiery tom. He asked her a question and that snapped her out of her lull "Uh, yeah. It has been like really hard, and it's a lot of the same stuff I already know. But, I guess that's the second punishment for mousebrain chloices, huh." she joked, but it did really feel like she got out of "prison" just to have to work like a dog to get back to normal. "How about yours? Is it much different without the second eye?" she honestly didn't really know what the second eye did? Like, if she closed her one eye it changed her vision a little bit but it wasn't that drastic, she assumed loosing the eye all together would be different though.

and soft grass in the moonlight—————————penned by WriteAboutRadish

They shared camaraderie not only in their injury, but in their exhaustion too. Fernpaw slowed his pace as they began to talk- he'd been running himself ragged lately, fawning after his goal to prove himself. Often it almost felt like he was putting up a front- like he was actively trying to look more busy than he actually was, in an attempt to keep everyone's belief in him. He'd been offered so many chances that he didn't want some errant misstep to squander it. He laughed at her joke, though it was only really a short chuckle, a self-deprecating snort. "Mhm... it's annoying when you know stuff, but... your body just can't do it." StarClan knew he had some experience in that area. It had been Fernpaw's main problem for most of his life.

He stuck on her question for a bit, his healthy eye wandering elsewhere. It was difficult to describe how it was different- just that it was. He'd give it his best shot, though. "It's more different than I thought it'd be," he admitted. Blinded by pain and regret he'd been sure his life was over, sat in that medicine den- now he was a little more realistic, but he equally couldn't pretend everything was sunshine and rainbows. "I can't see as much, obviously. But also... it's like, harder to... aim? Like... sometimes I miss things that I was sure I would hit. Fishing has taken a looong time to get used to."
penned by pin