private TIME AND TIDE | (Downstream) Search Party

Mar 8, 2024

The river churns, swollen with rain water that continues to pour into it it's blackened by the moon the only light guiding them is the stars; she prays to them that Smokestar is not already among them. Her bushy tail is held aloft as she scans the river bed, she prods into the reeds and cattails searching for sodden black fur for a single sign that their dear leader had been washed this way. Every moment that passes has consequence, if they didn't find him tonight she doesn't know if they ever would... She's already outlived one of her leaders, she's in no hurry to outlive another and she's certain Lichentail isn't ready to ascend not on such short notice not while terror wracks her shell shocked mind. She hopes Moonpaw is with her soothing their reliable deputy back into form, they need her guidance more then anything now but Tigersplash wouldn't hold a thing against her if she needs time.

Her strides are long and quick, she tries not to panic but her heart thrums in her chest. "If you see anything on the opposite bank call it out" she calls over her shoulder, she moves closer to the lapping water and her large paws step into the shallows even here the current drags at her long fur. It was slower down river from the gorge but the spring showers and what felt like a downpour tonight makes the water more turbulent then normal. She trusted Snakeblink to keep Turtlepaw back, if any of the patrol spotted anything unusual or she herself caught sight of a drifting crumpled body she wouldn't have any fear of leaping into the river even at it's worst state. She had faith in her abilities and the river would protect her, just like it should be protecting Smokestar.

"This will all just be a bad night we can forget about - once he's home and safe" she mutters under her breath, it's a prayer that she hopes would be true.

  • @claythorn @Snakeblink @turtlepaw
  • XBxPudf.png
    Tigersplash She/He, Warrior of Riverclan, 19 moons
    A chocolate/cinnamon chimera she-cat with high white and amber eyes
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Kedamono@legmeatt on discord, feel free to dm for plots. ​

This was an awful weight that dragged upon her shoulders- just like it did the rest of the clan. She wasn't born and bred to Riverclan, but she was... loyal, to a point. This was the leader the had continued to accept them, even after one of the colonist cats murdered him. This was the leader that defended her over another Riverclan heritage warrior. This was.... She was doing this for Lichentail, as much as she was Smokestar.

She did not stray close to the water, as Tigersplash did. Mismatched golden eyes scanned the riverbed, between reeds that their patrol leader may have over-looked. She even cast her gaze further up the bank, in hopes maybe he had pulled himself free of the tide and was resting nearby. Ears pricked with each pawstep, busying herself with trying to identify any stray noise or that indicative of a cry for help. Much like Tigersplash, however, each step felt like a solidified sentence to the end of their leader's life.

Would their medicine cat have told them if he was already gone? She bit down on her tongue- Moonpaw both had blind faith in her, in not murdering them much like in the pawsteps of Claythorn's mother. She had to have blind faith in Moonpaw back. Believe in another, as they believed in her. She swallowed any rising trepidation and forged onwards, mirroring Tigersplash's search in the river, on shore. Either shore. She did not answer the patrol leader verbally, still pricking her ears for any noise besides the river still swollen with the winter-melt.
  • "speech"
  • CLAYTHORN she/her, warrior of riverclan, eleven moons.
    LH chocolate torbie with mismatched golden eyes, scars across her right cheek and over her left ear. cold exterior and threatening glares, built for stamina/battle and not swimming (tall/muscled)
    mentored by darkbranch (npc) / / mentoring no one
    no current love interest / / only child
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Snakeblink keeps his nose to the ground and his ears pricked -- his eyes are all but useless in the dark, but he is a good tracker, and he would recognize Smokestar’s scent even through a downpour of blood. The hour is quiet enough that he would not miss a pained moan nor labored breathing, or so he hopes, straining to catch the faintest noise. He keeps himself close to Turtlepaw, nearly flank-to-flank: her steps guide his through the night.

”We ought to look into the river, as well,” he says grimly. ”If he got caught in something underwater and drowned… It may not be an immediate death sentence, for a cat with nine lives, not if we find him in time.” He tilts his head up, searching for the others in indistinct shadows. ”Tigersplash, you are the strongest swimmer here. Do you think you can do it, or would it be too dangerous?” He would already be in the water himself, if it served anything. With only the stars to see by, it would only rob him of his few useful senses, and even the most skilled of swimmers could not blindly comb through every whisker-length of the river’s bottom.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • 2h3Dnip.png

    Snakeblink • he / him. 51 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo