camp time capsule for the future -- illness

Aspenkit had seen the illness that had been spreading through the camp, had been there when Tallulahwing had first brought it back only to die soon after. He had seen what it could do in the end, but hadn't really been around the others that had gotten sick and sought help early. He hadn't noticed as the days passed his stuffy nose, his energy had remained high as the days passed, nose eventually becoming so stuffed that he found it hard to breathe.

Waking up, Aspenkit had planned to run out of his nest into camp, maybe run in circles a couple of times and try to climb up the side of the fallen tree that was now the nursery - as one did - but he found himself wanting to do nothing but lay there sleeping. The thought of doing nothing though frustrated him, and so struggling before he could be stopped Aspenkit stood up and slowly made his way to the entrance of the nursery to head out towards camp, only making it a few steps outside before deciding it was time to lay down once more, and so he did. Quickly falling asleep, anyone who walked by would be able to hear the soft wheeze of the kit's breathing from his stuffed nose, and if gotten too close they could feel the fever-warmth coming from his body.

// he's got yellowcough!
also feel free to powerplay peaceful things (picking him up/moving him/etc) he's a heavy sleeper so wouldn't wake up right away!
@DAWNGLARE @Fireflypaw med tags, no need to wait for them~

... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ...



♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Perhaps if it had been a warrior she would’ve mistaken the clogged breaths for a snore- but she’s never heard a kit snore like that. When her amber eyes locked onto the small blue and white body of Aspenkit she could tell his nose was damp with mucus. Her heart lurches, it wasn’t difficult to come to a conclusion on what might be plaguing the child.

Inching forward she eventually comes paw-to-paw with Aspenkit, when hovering over him she can feel the heat radiating from his body. Instinct tells her to back away- but- thats right… Dawnglare has been informed of a cure now hasn’t he?

Unsure of the whereabouts of Mottledove, she decides to take the kit straight to the medicine cats den herself. Only now she’d need to pray the queen wouldn’t find her and throw her to the ground before she could get an explanation for taking off with her kit. Gently she scoops up the sleeping kit’s scruff between her teeth, startled by how heavy he was she finds she has to drag him rather than carry him. You were barely bigger than an oak leaf just yesterday! Her innervoice exclaims in exaggeration.
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✿—— cats seem to fall every day, the numbers of their patrols dwindling with every sunrise despite the efforts of their healers—with each pass of the moon the number of bodies in dawnglare's den seemed to increase, yet another cat collapsed in camp and dragged away to the den from which they might never emerge alive. throughout it all, though, her comfort had been its absence within their clan's young, or so it seemed; claw it up to the fact that kits would eat dirt if their queens would let them, the healthy flush of youth, or days spent running around—it didn't matter, and she didn't care, so long as they were safe. in her heart perhaps she knew it was an illusion, a foolish ignorance to believe that yellowcough would never reach their nursery, and yet she'd hoped and prayed.

for nothing, of course—today it is aspenkit who falls, figfeather thankfully already with his scruff lodged in her teeth by the time bobbie's made her way over. her own sage gaze flicks towards figfeather's concerned amber ones, and bobbie's tail twitches anxiously, unsure of what she can do now that the warrior's got a hold of the sickly kit. a nod to figfeather and she mews, "i'll try to see if i can find mottledove and - and t-tell her. it's okay, dawnglare has the cure ..." she trails off, appearing to reassure more herself than the other cat, padding swiftly away to look for the queen.


  • ooc: looking for @Mottledove.
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu


Hazel steps back into camp just in time to see Figfeather carrying one of Mottledove's kits off in the direction of the medicine cat den and her blood turns to ice. The daylight warrior stares in silence for a moment, rationalizing her panic before Bobbie offers an uneasy reassurance to find the queen herself and it is then she realizes why she has felt so chilled; yellowcough. Another one, and a kitten this time too. Hazel finds herself frowning, expression tightening into something less jovial than her usual peppy demeanor. This was alright though wasn't it? Yes, Aspenkit was sick but they had a cure now. A cure was discovered, ThunderClan had told them and Dawnglare surely had the plants and knew where to get more? Right?
The black and blue she-cat jolts from her frozen stupor and stalks forward along towards Bobbie's spotted figure padding away, she was no help to the healers given she knew only her own nonsensical remedies and Figfeather was enough to carry one kit; so she would offer her services elsewhere.
"Oh, um-I'll come with you, Bobbie! Two sets of eyes are better than one! She can't have gone very far unless someone went with her on a walk!" Queens didn't leave camp alone, after all, nor did they go far - so chances are Mottledove was somewhere nearby.
Seeing Figfeather, a kit in her maw, Dawnglare is dumbfounded for a short moment.

It comes to him, too slowly – realization uttered with a quiet “oh” that this child is sick. He would never deem himself an expert on kits, but the child’s flank does not rise and fall too smoothly, and the stutter of his breathing – perhaps, not normal. If it is possibly for his frown to deepen, it certainly would, seeing someone so young encumbered with Yellowcough. A shame, this illness. A shame, to the ones who were to blame.

Even in his mind, the thanks to ThunderClan is a grumble, but it is there. Would it be too cruel to coup the kit up in his den, surrounded by sick bodies rather than his mother? …Not that it was of great importance to him, but…

For now, he would urge that Figfeather brings him to the maw of his den. He disappears inside for just a moment, to snag a bushel of lungwort and a dollop of honey. " Fireflypaw, " he muses, paws becoming sticky with honey all the while. " Some herbs are very bitter, including Lungwort, because certainly our job was too easy before. Cats may need honey to swallow it. …If it is a kit, maybe turns to probably. "

The honey - slathered herb held by a leaf in his maw, he would attempt to nudge the kit awake. If such a thing would not do the job, he hopes the sappy tang of lungwort and honey - sweetness would. " Hmm, " eyes narrowing a sliver, his eyes would flicker to his apprentice. " Feverfew too, please. " How much did they have left, again? He would need to count...

  • OOC: unpaid intern tag @Fireflypaw !!
  • ( 𝙒𝙃𝙔'𝘿 𝙄𝙏 𝙏𝘼𝙆𝙀 𝙎𝙊 𝙇𝙊𝙉𝙂? ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    —— He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    —— Currently 55 moons old. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    Currently in an era of questioning; upset and uncomfortable by things he should not be.​
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads
Fireflypaw lifts his head from a pile of herbs he was sniffing through, eyes wide with fear at the sound of his name being called once again. A kit is brought in, from the smell of milk and illness- they must have caught the same illness many have already died from, and panic alights his ghostly blue eyes as he waits for Dawnglare's instructions. He can hear the squelch of honey beneath paws, can smell the sweetness of it- he blinks in confusion, only to clear it away as the high priest explains the purpose for the honey.

Easier to swallow herbs with honey, got it. He thinks to himself idly, standing to his paws and walking over to another pile of herbs to sort through them. His tail flicks behind him, ears swiveling forward. He picks up a batch of Feverfew, lifting it up to carry it over to Dawnglare. "Here we go, here we go~" He sings softly, settling the herb down with sharp claws. He takes a moment to glance towards Figfeather, dipping his head in thanks to her.

"Thank you for bringing Aspenkit here as soon as you noticed his symptoms." His tail taps against the ground, a soft smile on his lips.​
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Reactions: DAWNGLARE

mottledove & 20 moons & female & she/her & skyclan perma-queen

Mottledove had been asleep, conserving evnergy after yet another failed attempt to meet the clans expectations of her when they find her. It takes a moment for her to wake, for her to stand as her still waking mind processes what bobbie has said. And then she is shaking like a leaf - wobbling and trembling precariously on her three paws, blue eyes wide and watery. She is moving before she can think, before she can remember that she is powerless here - all she can think is that her child, her baby is sick. "Aspenkit? Where is he?" worried voice warbles, soft and hushed.

And then she sees figgfeather, and she follows, slamming her way into the medicine den with hardly a care for those around her. She draws to a sudden halt, as though realizing finally that her panic is not helping -that her fragile figure will simply be in the way. "Is it- i-is it yellowcough?" she all but whispers, worry in her gaze. They have found a cure, she recalls, but the fear does not leave her - they have already lost three to the sickness, and she knows even back in the twolegplace there are whispers of illness that doesn't get better even after treatment. The queen does not believe in starclan, not truly, but in that moment she findsherself praying anyways - 'Please, save my baby. Don't take him from me, please,'

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a fluffy she-cat with a mane of fur and a mottled cinnamon tortie pattern. she is missing half her back left leg leaving her at a disadvantage in most things. mottledove is very quiet and withdrawn, a gentle soul. she and the kits she cares for adorn her pelt with flowers and 'paints' made of plants.

    physically extremely easy && mentally very hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#74a2a5]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

  • Crying
Reactions: DAWNGLARE