but he never really quit, he'd just say he did
Sep 4, 2023
It's got to be around here somewhere. Unless those dweebs lied to me. A lone blue tabby would be found approaching Skyclan's border. The tom was aware there was a group of cats from the stories he heard from when he'd visit the housefolk cats. He understood that with their shiny collars and their somewhat pampered lives, they wouldn't know the rules of the wild. In the wild it was much different. There was no being nice to everyone, unless you wanted to be an easy target for some other cat or worse you get eaten by foxes. He would say in no way was the life of a housefolk cat easy, but it just wasn't for him. The housefolk would pet him and give him food, which the petting... Get your gross paws off me. He shivered remembering the one time he put up with it for his mate. Unfortunately, it was a housefolk kit and those. Now those had the foulest scent and their paws were so filthy. Don't their mothers groom them? Grimacing at the memory, he stopped when a strong scent hit his nose.

He was no fool. This scent meant one thing. This is my turf, back off. If he crossed this line, then he was just asking for trouble. Even if he wanted to waltz up to these "savage" cats (he rolls his eyes recalling how peter referred to cats who had no housefolk), he didn't know much about them. He was a lone cat. This was a group of cats. Even if he led the life of a rogue, he was not stupid. There was no way for one cat to defeat a whole group of cats, nor did he want to. He's had enough of fighting for awhile. Unconsciously, he brings a paw to his face to his scars. Why'd you have to go and lie to me Ronnie? We made a deal. There was no use in asking why because there was no place for him there anymore. He could claw his way to her and demand answers, but that would not change the fact that she betrayed him. That's why he decided to give up everything and try his hands at joining the forest cats.

Although, truth be told he wasn't sure what he was supposed to do in order to join them. He supposed asking was part of it, but it can't be that easy. If you can just ask to join, then everyone would. If they need a show of loyalty I can do that. He notices something moving in the distance. This is it. He wants, no he needs to get their attention. That's why he would get up on his hind legs and start waving at what he hopes is a cat to come over. "HEY! HEEEEEYYYYY, CAN I SPEAK WITH YOU?"

It was like the call of a dying bird. The voice cut clean through the forest, and Twitchbolt- ever alert- startled strongly at the racket. His vision blackened with a flinch, and his hackles spiked like a porcupine's quills, suspicious eyes searching for movement. There was the strong scent of a stranger, one he picked up on swiftly- hurled into action, the quivering tom hurried onward, soon coming face to face with an... an awkward, uncomfortable-looking sight. He fixed his beckoned apprentice with a baffled look, before equally bemused eyes settled back upon the stranger.

At least he was on the border... "Shhhhh!" Twitchbolt hissed, muzzle crumpling in annoyance. Great- not only had he been freaked out by a sudden shout, but now there wasn't going to be any prey left in the forest. Just oh-so-peachy. Like flaring fire, though, his temper soon settled to kindling. His tone was slightly blunter, but still held quiet, croaking harshness. "And stop standing like that! Who are you? What do you want?" It fled from his mouth like river rapids breaching a dam, twigs snapping against the weight of his worrying words. Caution had always served him well, but when it unwound, the recoil often stung like flint-strike.
penned by pin ✧
His jaw clamps shut once he's been told to be quiet. Normally he'd make a fuss about it and retort that this cat could have easily passed him or they could have ignored him. Or it could turn into a really weird staring contest of oh don't you dare take another pawstep forward. He is ill prepared for coming face to face with one of these forest cats because while he might have not thought them monsters, he expected them to be more... I don't know? Beefy? That's not to say that he doesn't think the forest cat in front of him is incapable or anything like that. It was just that the stories made the forest cats out to be taller than the average cat and extremely muscular, so in a sense it was reassuring that he will not be met with abnormally muscular cats that could quite literally knock him into the afterlife with a simple swipe of their paws. Or at least he hoped this was not some prank the universe decided to play on him. He is so not ready for to given a sick, and the next cat he meets is as tall as two cats combined.

In all his ponderings he remained balancing on his hind legs, arms at his side. It appears his stance made the forest cat disgruntled. Despite the fact that he was asked for his name, he just couldn't help it. "What's wrong standing like this?" As if to emphasize his point, he stretched his body and took a second to balance himself. Perhaps he should have not done what he was about to do. Akin to what the forest cats called twolegs, he began walking on his hind legs back and fourth a short distance, ever mindful of the border. Once he was satisfied he would stop in front of the other tom and lower himself so he was comfortably balancing himself on his hind legs. He would then use his paw to motion to the forest cats own paws,"Never walked on two paws before?" I mean, running around on two paws is not easy and it's not as comfy as running on four, I'll give you that. Wait, you asked for my name, right?

Deciding it would be best, he returned to sitting, all paws touching the ground. "The name's Stormy. I would like to join your group." Before the tom in front of him is able to retort, Stormy continues, "I'm not sure what's the... Initiation? Process, who I need permission from, and the rules. But, I can prove myself. I can hunt and fight already, so I wouldn't be too much of a mouth to feed. If you're asking why. The reason's simple. I don't have anywhere to go and I don't know about you, but being alone sucks. If joining means using my claws to bring back food and chase off intruders for cats other than myself, then more than a fair trade." The tone of his voice is serious and from the looks of it... It can be seen that Stormy is not what the others would call a kittypet and that he's experienced a fair share of hardships. The real question is despite the fact that he knows the wild, is whether or not he is worth it.
Perhaps it would reduce how quickly Twitchbolt was growing gray furs if only Edenpaw had any kind of tact or if they weren't so quick to give Tawnystripe the slip all the time. Besides the obvious impatience that moved every single paw for time immemorial, Edenpaw could not be stopped from whatever adventures they saw fit to endure. Like a flea clinging to his pelt, the black and white apprentice appeared behind Twitchbolt and his apprentice with a surprising amount of self-controlled silence. What a freak! Standing up on two legs... that was well... for Two-legs! Not cats....

"Wow you're weird," they chime in finally, watching the new face reflect on his own awkward stance... But probably not the absolute weirdest in SkyClan...

Looking them up and down with a very nosy stare, they stopped only to look up at the warrior who had intercepted the wannabe joiner. "Ohhhh can I fight him? Just to prove he's got what it takes of course, I won't hurt him!" Puffing out their chest with pride, the self-assured cat gives a toothy grin, "He'd be runnin' scared if I actually tried my hardest to win." Over-confidence abound....​

"No one is allowed to comment about my hat being weird ever again." Hazelbeam states simply as she pads forward, amused and smiling but obviously somewhat unsettled by the odd tom and the strange manner he held himself. She wondered if it was hard to do that? Was it something she could do? She was half-tempted to try but he settled down to sit and started to explain he was here to join and she bubbled over in excitement. New joiners meant she was no longer the newest, it meant she was a veteran of sorts now-didn't it? Well, maybe not entirely but not being the freshest face in the clan would be a nice change of pace. Her blue gaze darts to Twitchbolt and then to Edenpaw who very eagerly volunteers to face them in a fight to prove they had what it took and she was pleased such a thing had not happened at her own joining. Not for lack of skill, she had gotten into plenty of tussles before, but because she was terrified of getting her hat dirty. Thankfully, it wasn't on her head right now so she wondered if maybe she should be the one volunteering to fight the newcomer. Did she steal Edenpaw's thunder or just watch the apprentice try to show off?
"Let her do it, Twitchbolt! I think it'll be interesting! And if he hurts her I'll take his eyes!"
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Another cat joins them he internally breathes a sigh of relief that yes, indeed forest cats are regular cats. The comment that he was weird was met with a pout, "Nuh uh." A very mature response for sure. He didn't think he was weird, but then again what he considered weird was questionable. The tom had seen so much in his life that he didn't exactly know what was strange. Him walking on two paws was not strange considering he'd seen some housefolk cats do it. Their housefolk had mixed reactions about it from what it seems, but the general idea was that the housefolk enjoyed it somewhat. When he first tried it... Truth be told it was quite difficult, but overtime he found it fun and would sometimes walk on two paws. The benefit of such was that his friend's housefolk would give him food for it, so he figured there was no harm in it.

The last thing he expects is listening to the young she-cat ask the forest tom whether or not she could fight him. Now, he didn't have a problem battling her. The issue was that he had to be careful about it. He's pretty sure they would kill him if he accidentally killed her or harmed her too badly, despite the fact that he was supposed to prove himself via fighting. The cat in front of him looks green, so winning a scuffle with her wouldn't be too hard. At least I think so. She looks a little too young, I kinda feel like I'm bullying a kitten. He opts not to say anything, figuring that he is not meant to. Even though she boldly claims that had she not been forced to hold back, she would send him running tail between his legs back to wherever he came from.

Amber eyes trail over to the next cat, whiskers twitch in mild surprise. Huh? You look more like a housefolk cat than a forest cat. He looks her up and down. You don't have the same air of a housefolk cat. A little, but... Don't hurt your pretty little head about it Stormy. She's none of your business. "I think your hat looks cool," he mews. She wasn't addressing him, but he sees no point in lying about her hat. Although her next words throw him for such a loop that his maw is left ajar. It takes him a second to regain his bearings. "Ehh??? How am I supposed to fight without hurting her? AND WHY MY EYES?!" He puffs out his chest in annoyance towards the blue and black chimera, "What are you even gonna do with my eyes? It doesn't seem like a good idea, just saying."
So you wish to join SkyClan?” Blazestar’s mew is cool, dividing the chatter like a claw through water. For once, he is in the trees, exercising that ever-lacking climbing skill with a certain lilac tabby, and upon speaking, he scrambles down the bristling cedar trunk with unveiled claws. The newcomer does not seem hostile—and there’s something distinctly kittypet about his scent, which puts the bladed fur on his shoulders at ease.

He beckons Bobbie forward with his golden tail, eyes not leaving the newcomer. “Where are you from, and how have you heard of us? Why do you wish to join SkyClan?” He blinks. “We are a Clan of warriors, one of five in this forest. We have live by a code of laws known as the warrior code, and every joiner is expected to follow them or risk being chased from our territory.” He shifts his paws, crinkling pine needles. “If by one moon you have not proven yourself worthy, you will be sent back to your housefolk.” He says it bluntly. His law is going to be upheld.

  • @bobbie
  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun
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Reactions: DOEBLAZE
His head snaps up towards the new powerful voice. The others who had conversed with him first are momentarily forgotten. It doesn't take him long to know that the cat who mewed such a question must be the one in charge of the forest cats, or at the very least someone who holds great power. Don't ever fight this cat. He nods in confirmation, sensing that he is not supposed to speak. He taken slightly aback when the lion like ragdoll scrambles down the cedar tree. There is no room to think, mber eyes glance at the tom's thick tail. Eventually they find themselves looking at a she-cat with a red collar. Is she supposed to do something to me? The answer comes when the flame point ragdoll continues questioning him. Some might call it overwhelming to be asked so many questions at once, but he would argue being surrounded by a bunch of forest cats was scarier than the questions themselves. One wrong move and he's done for.

Where am I from? You're not asking where I was born, right? Hmmm... Me thinks you're asking where did I come from to get here, so that's not where was little old me born. "I come from the upwalker place. I've heard of you through stories told by my everkit friends. Ah, kittypets. That's what you call cats with housefolk. My friends and the cats that roam the upwalker place talk about cats who rule the forest. Where they survive with their claws and wits." It should come as no surprise that kittypets knew a little about the clans. Was the information accurate? Not really, but some were divided about the forest cats. Some thought they were stupid. Why live in the wild? Why not have a nice and comfortable life with your own housefolk. Others admired and would purposely linger at the edges of the upwalker place to catch a glimpse of the forest cats.

"The truth is I don't have any housefolk. I hide in fear of the workfolk and cutters, all while trying to fend for myself against the rats. To put it simply, I want a home." Maybe the tom in front of him would understand, or at least he hopes that the tom does. No one should have to live in fear for their life every waking moment. What he is told doesn't take him by surprise. In the world of rogues nothing is given for free, something must be given up. There's a sense of comfort in knowing that the forest cats, no the clan of warriors before him follow the same rules. Maybe not entirely the same, but the principals are similar. He opens his maw to answer, but is disrupted by the sound of crinkling pine needles.

Perhaps he is strange, beaming at the bluntness given to him. "I never expected to join without giving up something in return. Your terms are reasonable. I like it... Uhm, I don't know your name. A moon is more than enough, I will prove myself worthy. If I do end up failing, then..." A chuckle escapes his maw as he turns to look at the black and white chimera sporting a hat, "Take my eyes, okay?"

✿—— it's with the barest trace of disappointment that she drops down from the trees. with each training session the tabby's skill has slowly but surely begun to improve, and it pleases her that this time she clambers down the trunk and onto the ground with only the slightest shakiness. the trees are perhaps the single area in which she's yet close to drawing level with her mentor of sorts—where blazestar's size is a boon to him when they spar, it seems to be more of a hindrance in the trees. it's another joiner to whom blazestar speaks, slicing through the chatter—there's a few cats already here, speaking with the newcomer. it still surprises her to recall that mere moons ago, she'd arrived on their borders in a similar (if bloodier) fashion.

now, moons later, she climbs down from the trees like a skyclanner born and bred and regards the blue tabby before her with a wary friendliness. time and tragedy have already begun to wear away her trusting demeanour—not gone, but limited to a select few of her clanmates. bobbie dips her head and heeds the leader's beckoning, padding closer to appraise the new cat as blazestar drives questions into him with a routine that's quickly growing familiar. the new law, like it or not, has been passed—and it's with a painful twist of her heart that she remembers the cat who caused it is dead. at the claws of a rogue.

the memory does little to dissolve the wary air that hangs about the lilac tabby - a friendly one, yes, but present nonetheless. she hasn't yet discovered who this new cat is outside of that he's new, and so her green gaze holds a distant warmth. his deference towards blazestar seems promising, at least—it feels slightly hypocritical, but she holds a judgement towards newcomers who don't adapt to the clans' hierarchy. upwalker, everkit, housefolk - he is clearly familiar with the parlance of the twolegplace, the strange words of the dialect she knows alongside clan-speak. at his description of fending for himself against the various dangers of the twolegplace, her heart softens slightly, remembering the sharp and distant edges of the loner lands. when he grins and agrees to blazestar's terms, albeit in a strange way, she glances towards the golden tom and murmurs hesitantly, "he seems promising. it's y-your decision, though, of course."


  • ooc: ——
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu

That was his retort? Nuh-uh? Edenpaw could not hold back an uproarious laugh, finding it hard to believe the child-like reply came from one that looked older than them by several moons over. Looking up at Hazelbeam (always so pretty and so nice!), it was with that wicked grin still plastered to their face that they turned back to Twitchbolt, practically begging him to let them have some fun. Even the witch-hatted molly thought it would be a good idea. Purring under the security of the pretty molly's protective threats, they turned to look at their adversary (potentially) without ever once letting the smugness leave their face.

"Aww don't worry I'm sure she'll be gentle when she does. And and and I said I wouldn't hurt you neither!!! Whatcha mean you can't fight me without claws? Forget how to sheath'em, you ninny-head?"

For all their goading and playful antagonizing (at least they were having fun), it wasn't long before the lion of the plains found the group of them and could better rescue both newbie and Twitchbolt alike from the bicolor's wild antics. They took some small offense to being called an 'everkit' just because they had housefolk to return to at night and gave an indignant huff before scooting closer to Hazelbeam, their witch in shining pointy-hat.

Well... maybe SkyClan could use the extra paws for hunting, as long as rules were followed. Blazestar had been really upset about the daylight warriors recently...

Man this fluff-for-brains really was latching onto this eyeball thing. "She was jokkkingggggg....... mostly.... your eyes are better off in your head anyways." Would be really hard to hunt while blind... though, they supposed it wasn't impossible. Hopefully Blazestar wouldn't be mad they had been giving him a proper teasing before his arrival....​