private Time for fight || Catfishpaw


I'll catch your tears, quench your fears with joy
Sep 18, 2022

It was time to train her apprentice!!!

The dawn has cracked, and the clan was beginning to stir. Redpath wasn't exactly a morning cat.... But she untangled herself from Riverwhisker and pushed herself out of the warriors den with great effort. She was so tired....

Who's idea was getting up so early. She just wanted to talk.

Stretching her body and staring at the sky for a moment, she thought of what to go over for their first lesson. With the tensions between them and Windclan at a fever pitch, war was inevitable.

Battle would be their first lesson.

She padded over to the apprentices den and poked her head in.

"Catfishpaw!" She called softly. "It's time to train!"

Her biggest worry was that her training wouldn't be enough. She could only teach so much in the amount of time she had before Windclan came marching over. She would have to go over what she deemed the most important battle moves.

Some would require an example- She would either need a warrior to show Catfishpaw how a move was done herself, or pair her with an apprentice..... Because if Redpath came at her herself she might squish her. And THAT would be no good!

Though, she supposed she could ask one of the smaller warriors for help on teaching how to deal with bigger cats.... She never really had that problem growing up, and now look at her. Big, orange, and covered in muscle.

She needed to stop overthinking things first things first... Catfishpaw needed to learn the basics!

where the angels sing ✧°.☀ ———————————— The green eyes of Catfsihpaw flickered open to see a shadow telling her it was time to train. As she shook her head, she remembered the night before that she had wanted to get up early to make sure her silky fur would be presentable. She let a little huff out as she joined her mentor, and internally scolded herself for favoring the beauty sleep "Good morning," her voice was extremely chipper and awake for only having opened her eyes a minute before "What's the lesson today? Am I actually like going to be able to fight an otter instead if being bit by it." She joked.

But, the joke was followed by a glance down at the still tender wound. She made herself a fool that time, wailing around with a leg in the monster's mouth. She had even forgotten to use her claws.
The scar that was going to replace the wound there would be a good reminder to pay attention to these lessons, not just so she can be skilled, but also so she may survive.
[penned by user - [tags☀]]
———————————— ☀.°✧ we're mixing up milk and honey