time for the morning report! [open-daylight warriors]



"I take back every bad thing I ever said about the sun." groaned Johnny with a chuckle as he stretched along the fenceline before hopping down to join the other daylight warriors gathering outside of their yards. Dawn had arrived, and the warmth of the suns rays peaking over the horizon as it slowly rose was an absolute delight. The bobtail had been lounging on the fence as he waited for his fellow Skyclanners to wake up and join him, and from the looks of it almost everyone had arrived.

Time to head back home.

"Mornin' everyone!" he called, the greeting accompanied by his usual grin. "How's everyone today?" he asked, bobbed tail giving a little flick as made their way into the forest, traversing the path they always took toward Skyclans camp.

OOC- Just the daylight warriors making their way to camp at dawn. Feel free to be a Skyclan cat out in the territory encountering them, or a daylight warrior heading into camp! This is just a chill little thread for everyone to socialize :)


As far as daylight warriors went, Flora was usually one of the last to arrive at dawn before everyone else headed towards SkyClan's camp. She enjoyed spending as much time sleeping as she could, on the rare occasions where she woke up early she would spend her time bothering her sibling before leaving for the day. The maine coon had precious little time to spend teasing her and she was determined to squeeze in as much as possible.

She was never late by any means, she would make sure to catch everyone else just before they'd leave. At this point it should be considered a fine art how she managed to time it right every day. “Morning!” She greeted as she climbed down from her own fence, only just catching Johnnyflame's greeting. As she trotted towards him she let out a rather large yawn, shaking her head to try and fix the fur that was pressed against her bed last night. “You know, I really thought that being dubbed a ‘daylight’ warrior would make me like being up early more” she joked with a light chuckle, walking beside him into the forest.

It was delightful to see the forestlife at dawn, hearing the birds waking up the same time they were. The cry of the birds young for their morning food and the calls of the wildlife of the forest, yeah it was pretty okay. “I'm doing fine, I got to eat the fancy food today so I know that today's going to be pretty alright” she comments with a hum. “How about you? Shaking up to be a good day?” She questioned the bobtail as she willed herself to stop being distracted by the sounds of the forest.

Spicepaw takes the slightly longer route with @edenberry ?! to meet up with the other warriors, though she looks over her shoulder on occasion. She knows she won't, but she cannot help but hope Hazelbeam will accompany on their morning stroll. Even if she doesn't cross into SkyClan territory... Her ears twitch as she looks between Flora and Johnnyflame, and she dismisses her wayward thoughts on her eldest sibling. Flora speaks on her morning meal and the young apprentice smiles - with their twoleg ill, she doesn't expect much other than kibble in their bowls, but she's glad that the dark furred feline seems to be enjoying herself.

"That's nice," she hums, but she doesn't indulge completely in the conversation. She looks for @MOMOWHISKER , hoping to catch up with her mentor on what they'll be doing that day.​

The sapphire eyes of Momowhisker were bleary with the light that pierced through gaps in the trees, no matter how many mornings he crept through the Twolegplace and towards his second home, he didn't think he'd ever get used to having to time his leave perfectly. The stress of it was like a Twoleg's paw upon his spine, tempting for a time until he was reminded of how uncomfortable it could be. "Good morning," the lynx point tom mewed, smiling easily towards Flora and Johnnyflame. His ears perked up at the words 'fancy food'. He doubted it was as 'fancy' as his supposedly was (mice and birds were still better feasts than his kibble), but it was nice to hear that Flora had gotten a treat. He offered a grin towards her news before his gaze settled upon the Lead Warrior. "I'm doing well, Lulu woke my Twolegs up this morning, so they let me out earlier than usual." He didn't know how to explain what Lulu was. Its feathers were more colourful than a rainbow, its beak stronger than a badger's jaws, it's cry like a banshee that not even his wildest nightmares could've manifested. He disliked that creature, today though, it had done him a favour.

His gaze caught Spicepaw within the gaggle of Daylight Warriors and briefly widened as if surprised to see her. 'Right... I have an apprentice now.' It had been that way for almost a moon, but it still didn't feel real. Training someone was terrifying, no matter how confident he appeared when winging seminars or facing the other in combat. He remembered how he was supposed to look seconds after making eye contact with the younger feline, shock turning to joy as his whiskers coiled with the emotion. "Ah, Spicepaw, I was just looking for you." 'Please presume I was... please presume I was...' "I wanted to let you know we'll be working on hunting today. The sun's out so the birds'll be too. Perhaps Flora wants to test her fancy food luck and come with us? It'd be polite to ask her." But, ultimately, he would leave the decision to the one who was being taught to begin with.

"Hey, wait up!" Cometpaw chirps as he jogs along the base of the fenceline, spotting the group of familiar faces departing for SkyClan's camp. It turned out that he did not live too far from most of the other daylight members, which made the walk to and from camp each day a lot more fun. He liked talking with them about recent happenings. Most of all, it was nice having other cats to talk to! Before joining SkyClan, he had never really interacted much with other felines.

The lilac tabby slows, now matching the pace of the group as he joins them. "My twolegs gave me this real yummy-tasting stuff last night. They were cold little strings, and they sorta tasted like milk." Cometpaw chimes in after Flora mentions her owners giving her "fancy food".

Spicepaw is lucky that her mentor is already here. Cometpaw, on the other hand, can't wait to get to camp and see what was on his own mentor's agenda for the day. "I wonder what Stripetail and I are gonna do today. I hope we do some climbing. I think I've been getting pretty good at it!" The daylight apprentice beams, unable to help feeling prideful about his progress as a SkyClanner. Maybe one day he'd be as cool as Johnnyflame!

  • *

    he/him; daylight apprentice
    shorthaired lilac tabby with green eyes and low white; wears a gray collar and usually a sweater
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​


Johnny wasn't sure if he'd consider himself a 'morning cat'- sleeping in sounded as good to him as it did to anyone else. But in reality, he'd been on the same schedule most of his life. His twolegs were both up and gone early in the mornings, and the patched bobtail was used to rising with them and following them out the door when they left. At this point it would probably be harder to sleep in than to just wake up.

Calling a brief '"Mornin' Momo!" to the slender oriental as the made their way over to greet them before breaking off with them to speak with their apprentice. Johnny didn't know who Lulu was, but he assumed they were a dog or something like that.

"Aye- whoever said the 'early bird gets the worm' obviously never got the luxury of being able to sleep in." he chuckled in response to Flora. "Alas, Skyclan waits for no cat."

And wasn't that the truth? Something the lead warrior had grown incresingly aware of was the knowledge that even when he called it a day and went home, switching his focus from the clan to his twolegs, Skyclan was still out there going on without him.

"Ooh, the fancy stuff? I'm a sucker for anything with gravy on it- I don't know how some of our clanmates can hate it. The kibble -maybe- but the soft stuff always hits the spot."

Of course, to be perfectly fair, fresh prey was an experience all on it's own. He hadn't partaken in it often since he felt bad taking from the clan when he had a full food dish at home- only when Thistleback or another warrior absolutely insisted he should- but real meat was defnitely just as good as the canned soft food his twolegs gave him. If not better.

"Cometpaw- ye lucky bugger! Twoleg scraps are always the best! Sometimes my male twoleg will sneak me bits of his food when his mate isn't around to scold us. She always swats him for it when she sees, but I don't think he minds. And I can't say I do, either" he laughed, stubbed tail giving a twitch of amusement behind him.

"And I'd say so, Flora. Days like this always have me bursting with energy- I miss havin' an apprentice to train with. It seems like only last week I was helpin' them with their climbing." he sighed wistfully, purposfully throwing on the dramatics even though Glimmersun had only gotten their name a very short while ago. Hell, it probabaly had been last week that he was giving the other pointers on their climbing.

Edenberry wishes they could offer Spicepaw a little more in the ways of passive, physical reassurance that she isn't alone. Hazelbeam's absence is noticeably felt, even if there are warriors of SkyClan that would argue it an improvement... and it clearly has the poor girl rattled as her new routine is thrown out of balance. "Good morning Johnnyflame," they greet, brushing their pelt lightly against their house-mate in an effort to bolster her sunken spirits.

The other daylight warriors chatter on about their recent meals, how fortunate they are to have gotten more than the gritty discs called kibble... They don't really mind the crunch as much as their clan-mates do but... perhaps it's because they try to splash some of the water from an adjacent bowl into their food to soften it up... (this is.. much to the dismay of their Twoleg sometimes, when things get a little too messy). They're about as interested in the conversation as their sister seems to be... They're much more focused on the idea of getting back to camp to share tongues with Cherryblossom as the sun finishes its slow, lazy ascent.

"You'll have to climb as well as a squirrel if you wanna pass your assessment," they tease Cometpaw, who seems abound with confidence and fool-hardy delight. A call-back to being an apprentice (which was not so long ago), they remember frantically practicing around their house, jumping along the wooden barrier of their yard and scrambling up it as if it were a tree trunk too.- Oh.... Shoot. They'd left a toy at home they'd wanted to bring back as a gift-

Ah well.

"Maybe if you're lucky, you'll catch something today," the pinstripe cat meows to the two younger cats in their group.

  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 12 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back
    -- color #728c69​