camp time is eating | crying

Jul 9, 2024

Myrtlekit hadn't been in the nursery as she'd been listening to stories of the elders until the chaotic commotion rumbled across camp. Someone had given prey stuffed with Deathberries to Coltkit and Ivorykit. For what reason? They were only kits and tried to kill them? She had rushed back to the nursery fast like a rabbit and attempted to fix up the nursery to help calm down Coltkit and Ivorykit when they were back. Myrtle spent the entire time they've been in the medicine den getting checked out by Gentlestorm fixing up his nest with flowers and making it EXTRA soft! Determination was sketched in her soft features as soon as Coltkit's nest was a massive pile of moss that would make anyone jealous. Howlingstar started a meeting which she hadn't heard until she completely finished her job and came out of the nursery with a bright smile on her face to catch the last part of the leader's statement, 'I am sending away every former kittypet for their own safety, under Leafhusk's care.'

Dread fills her face as she runs back to the nursery, laying in @COLTKIT 's newly made nest and sobs. The sound of paws catches her attention at the sight of the maine coon and her bottom lip quivers before a banshee wail leaves her small frame, ”Colllllttt! Nooooo! I-I-I'll protect you!!! Don't leave me! You're m-m-m-my best friend!” Myrtlekit sobs as she chokes on her tears as she tries to be brave for her friend, hiccups leaving her. She would learn to hunt and fight, if it meant that Coltkit would be okay. Her chocolate brown eyes were puffy from how hard she was crying, her small body struggling to withstand the sadness seeping through her. ”I lov-ve you! I-I'll go with you a-a-and-” Myrtle weeps as she attempts to hug her large friend, oblivious to the snot rolling from her nose. How long would it be until she saw Coltkit again? He was her best friend and someone tried to hurt him! The thought of seeing his dead body makes the stream of tears flow faster as she continues to wail in sadness, agony, and anger. Why were people so mean?