camp TIME MOVED TOO FAST — admirers

Though he is older than RiverClan, it is not by much. A kit upon the clan’s founding, he’s grown up with the group, taken in as a piece of the river’s first generation of kits to make it to warriorhood.

It’s a story worn on his form, marked by battle scars across his shoulders, his stomach. He’s seen his home through two leaders now. He’s seen it through shifting seasons, through relocations, invasions and war. Through joy and grief, a father-figure in the night sky.

He’s been a warrior for some time now, and while he doesn’t have an apprentice of his own, it’s not uncommon for apprentices to come to him, to ask him questions about training, about memories they were too young to keep note of. He doesn’t mind it, in all honesty — Gillsight thinks this is what being an older brother must be like, though he can’t be too certain.

However, it is kind of startling at times. As if he’s a fish they’re trying to catch, some of them seem to always come out of nowhere.

Returning from a successful hunt, Gillsight enters camp with a large fish held carefully between his teeth. It’s a rather lucky catch for this time of the season, even he can admit so, with his typical avoidance of leaf-bare’s river. If it hadn’t been for the lack of ice where he’d checked, he probably wouldn’t have gone near the river, and definitely wouldn’t have seen his catch.

After placing it in the fresh-kill pile, the tom turns to head toward the warrior den, only to stop in his tracks at the sudden group of apprentices he’s faced with. Stars above, he nearly jumps at the sight of them staring at him.

Oh! “ he meows, his pelt growing hot with near-embarrassment of being startled. Where do they even come from?C-Can… Can I help you? “​
  • // PROMPT: Gillsight is one of RiverClan's first cats to be named warriors from a young age, surely there are many apprentices who admire him and look to him for guidance. In fact, he catches a few staring at him with interest! How embarrassing!

    Open to all, but feel free to have your characters be the apprentices staring at him!
  • 74597204_0HYUF6qWs7f9nEh.png
    ── Warrior of RiverClan

    ── ??? x ???
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A scarred, black and white tom with yellow eyes.
    ── Mentored by Clearsight
    ── "Speech"; Attack
Gillsight is close in age to Ravensong, though he cannot say he had a close relationship with the tom. What had stood out the most to Ravensong about the black and white warrior was the death of his mentor and the subsequent naming in honor of him. Like Gillsight, Ravensong had also taken the name of his mentor. He blinked suddenly, these thoughts rushing through his head in a split moment as he watched the apprentices crowd around the young warrior. They had more in common than he thought.

"Ach, surely, you have better things to do than spook poor Gillsight." Ravensong mews, attempting to be light-hearted. It has been difficult to do so with the loss of Dovethroat, but for a brief moment levity warms his heart and it feels nice to grasp some semblance of normalcy again.

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    RAVENSONG of RIVERCLAN LH BLACK POLYDACTYL MALE (CARRYING CINNAMON, DILUTE) a tall, slender creature with pitch-black feathery fur, large ears, and a sharply angled skull held up in an aloof manner. smells of dried herb, speaks with a low and rumbly accent and walks with an elegant slinking gait.

    born in twolegplace and orphaned at a young age, he joined riverclan at its inception and began training as a drypaw warrior known for a bitter temperment until beesong made him his medicine cat apprentice. after his mentor's untimely death, he had been named ravensong at the moonstone, young heart revitalized with anger and guilt. he is a somber and thorough medicine cat that guards every word spoken in the confines of his den.

    secretly loves "the stars but not so much what inhabits them" openly suffers from chronic migraines single, but "it's complicated"

It isn't hard to impress Bubblepaw. Any number of things seem to enrapture her and capture her attention at any given time. Every thing from as small as a beautiful fish scale to the prowess of the likes of Smokestar enthrall the young molly, and there is no shortage of impressive and cool things to enjoy in this world. And well, Gillsight is cool too. And despite her easily impressed nature, there aren't very many cats she would consider to be role models in the way she considers those like Mosspool and Gillsight to be.

She crowds around the bicolor tomcat with the same enthusiasm as the same apprentices, eyeing his catch with excitement. "Sorry Ravensong," Bubblepaw replies to the gentle chiding of the medicine cat sheepishly "We weren't trying to spook him!" Then, she turns back to the warrior and reiterates (as if he isn't standing right there): "Sorry, we weren't trying to spook you!" The silver molly then makes a special effort to try to give Gillsight space by leaning comically backward.

Her eyes go back to his large catch, and she gestures to it with a soft paw. "That's a reeeaaalllyyy good catch," she compliments with a smile. Then, with a slight tip of her head she adds: "How'd you do it? I hope I can catch something big like that someday!"
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