time passing through — orangeblossom

— 32 moons, ages on the 24th
— skyclan deputy (as of 1/1/23)
↳ temporarily relieved of duties (april-july 2023) due to kits.
— scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes.
— mentor to eveningpaw.
— penned by @mercibun#4374

↳ attack in #e08550 or @ this account
↳ may start fights | will probably de-escalate | may kill
↳ non-violent and healing actions may be powerplayed
↳ please contact me on discord for plots and interactions!

✧✧✧✧✧ — strength
✧✧✧✧✧✧ — dexterity
✧✧✧✧✧ — endurance
✧✧✧✧✧✧ — climbing
✧✧✧ — fighting
✧✧✧✧ — hunting
✧✧ — intelligence
✧✧✧✧✧ — wisdom
✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ — charisma
✧✧ — resilience
✧✧✧✧ — volatility
✧✧✧✧✧✧ — spirituality

colours ref:

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  • ORANGEBLOSSOM — formerly orange blossom, named for her fur as part of her litter's theme. name was condensed when warrior names started to become normalised.
    ↳ often referred to as ora (neutral reception unless she hates you), other nicknames tba.
    ↳ has a neutral opinion on her name. there's a small part of her that's sad she never got to experience being orangekit, or orangepaw.

    32 MOONS OLD, ages on the 24th
    ↳ born november 24, 2020
    ↳ made november 20, 2022

    SKYCLAN DEPUTY, as of january 1st, 2023
    ↳ temporarily retired from april - july 2023 due to expecting and rearing kittens.
    ↳ former skyclan warrior and pine colony member.
    ↳ badges: skyclan deputy, skyclan valentines '23
    ↳ unofficial titles: doctorate of raccoonology, tba
  • orangeblossom.png
    TOYHOUSE — lh red solid w/ high white (masking chocolate; carrying cinnamon, dilute, point)
    ↳ just above average height, slouches ever so slightly. there's a bit of mc and ragdoll in her heritage, but not close enough for her to inherit any major features. surprisingly lean under all her fur, and can fit through tighter spaces than expected at a glance. broad, strong shoulders from tree climbing. long, thick fur that keeps her warm in winter and too warm in summer. mostly white; the ginger you can see is on the back of her head, behind her shoulders, and a leaf-shaped patch on her rump that trails down her tail. she has soft brown eyes often narrowed in annoyance, a pink nose and pawpads.

    ↳ torn left ear and claw-scar on right foreleg from the great battle (mintshade), scars on muzzle and right hind-knee from windsky skirmish (badgermoon).
    ↳ smells like pine sap and bark.
    ↳ inventory: tinsel ball from ashenclaw.
    ↳ sounds like melanie zanetti as chilli heeler.

    ↳ bird hunting
    ↳ resilience
    ↳ knowledge about raccoons

    ↳ land hunting
    ↳ diplomacy

    ↳ enjoys

    ↳ swimming
    ↳ heavy rain

    ↳ losing loved ones.
    An unfamiliar eye would find a stalwart sentinel in Orangeblossom; a cat with little interest in shenanigans or humour in the face of duty. Eat, sleep, patrol, repeat; she fights willingly if she sees the need, but sometimes struggles with diplomacy given that she speaks bluntly, often abandoning politeness in favour of getting to the heart of a matter as directly as possible. Doesn't clock herself as intimidating, just as a cat who respects duty. She takes her loyalty and her debts very seriously - if you do her a favour, or do SkyClan a favour, she will do her best to repay that someday. She can be jealous, especially when in the presence of something others have that she does not - but often directs that jealousy inwards rather than lashing out.

    As a general rule of interaction within SkyClan, Orangeblossom tends to dislike cats with a superiority complex and tends to get along well with more work-oriented personalities. She's a patrol guy. While she's still tough and stubborn and oblivious to her feelings on purpose, she tends to loosen up slightly around her Clanmates and even more so around her family.
  • ALICE X HEAVY STONE — gen 2, part of the fruitfam
    ↳ littermate to apricotflower and citruspetal (ia)
    ↳ older sister to honeysplash (lost), cloudberrythorn (ia), blueberrybounce (ia)

    MATE — ashenclaw, ½ ashenblossom
    ↳ mother to cherrykit, glimmerkit, eggkit, sunshinekit, hiccupkit
    ↳ adoptive mother to sorrelpaw

    MATERNAL LINE — alice, skyclan daylight warrior
    ↳ auncles ; tba
    ↳ cousins ; tba

    PATERNAL LINE — heavy stone, skyclan warrior
    ↳ auncles ; blazing dawn (killed during the great battle), leaf shiver
    ↳ cousins ; auburnflame, feather dance, wisteria

  • MENTORblazing dawn
    ↳ former apprentices include vulturepaw (dropped), tbc

    ↳ ashenclaw ; extremely positive. her mate, her love. she's incredibly worried about him and misses him a great deal. ashenclaw tempers orangeblossom's grouchiness somewhat, a fact that she's recently realised.
    ↳ eveningpaw ; positive. orangeblossom is proud of her so far.
    ↳ auburnflame ; positive. the two cousins have grown up together.

    ↳ slate ; leaning positive.
    ↳ thistleback ; leaning positive.
    ↳ blazestar ; ambivalent. orangeblossom respects blazestar a great deal, but also has very mixed opinions on how he handles politics with other clans. in favour of thunderclan, always in favour of thunderclan given his former mate and kits. he's beginning to frustrate her with how he seems to leave everything to her.

    ↳ dawnglare ; mostly negative. orangeblossom respects his meagre herbal knowledge and was impressed by the fact that he managed not to kill her in the wake of the windclan raid, but with those accolades aside she dislikes him intensely and thinks he's a horrible influence on any skyclanner stupid enough to listen to his drivel.
    ↳ snorlaxmoon ; negative.
    ↳ mintshade ; negative.
    ↳ badgermoon ; negative.

    ↳ this aint a scene by fall out boy

    PINBOARD — link
    ↳ associated colours are
    ↳ associated motifs are

    faceclaims / theme week stuff

    ↳ avatar: ava
    ↳ signature: abri
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  • birth to 6 moons
  • 6 - 12 moons
  • 12 - 20 moons
    - alice has her second litter of kits
    - orange blossom meets slate, a rogue. the two engage in a flirtationship, but never put a label on their dynamic.
  • jul 2022 -1/1/23
    - apricotflower leaves skyclan to join riverclan with honeybee. orangeblossom resents this decision, but is excited to not be known as "the twin" anymore.
    - orangeblossom and slate fall out of touch.

    DECEMBER: While on a hunt with Finchfang, the two encounter a fox. Snowpaw, in self-exile within the Clan after Morningpaw's death, catches a rabbit. Bearheart and Ashenclaw tell dad jokes to the other warriors while Orangeblossom tries to sleep. Zelda joins SkyClan. Eveningkit climbs the sunning stump in camp.
  • JANUARY: Orangeblossom is promoted to Deputy of SkyClan after Deersong steps down to take care of her kits. Slate joins SkyClan. Hailstone gives Orangeblossom a tinsel ball that he brought from his twoleg home. Eveningpaw and Vulturepaw are apprenticed to her. Badgermoon of WindClan faces off with Ora in a border skirmish; a ruse so that a second patrol could invade camp for herbs. Bananapaw checks in on her afterwards, and Orangeblossom frets over her sister's injuries. After falling into a puddle, Orangeblossom returns to camp covered in mud - Silversmoke holds Ferretwhisker down so she can smear mud on him after he laughs at her. Coyotepaw returns to SkyClan, and Ora takes part in a council discussion to determine his fate.


    MARCH: Howlpaw goes missing. The rogue Kuiper attempts to join SkyClan and is put on trial for his murders; admitting to one from each clan, including Centipedepaw's, and Thistleback kills him after he implies he had left Howlpaw to die. RiverClan asks for help against ThunderClan's attempt to claim Sunningrocks, and SkyClan declines; Sharpeye is exiled by Blazestar for disobeying that order and going to help anyway. Ashenclaw goes missing. Mallowlark joins SkyClan.

    APRIL: Quillstrike and Twitchbolt are taken by twolegs during a hunting trip. Duskpool passes out while on patrol with Auburnflame. Orangeblossom sits down with Blazestar to Slate's trapping, and tells him about her pregnancy. Determined to keep this from the rest of her Clanmates, Orangeblossom and Fireflypaw enlist a pawful of apprentices to help clean the nursery. Dandelionwish asks Orangeblossom more about daylight warriors; and, separately, Orangeblossom gives a small lecture on tree climbing basics. Daisyflight, Butterflytuft and Snowpaw are taken by twolegs shortly before the moon's ceremonies, in which Bananasplash and Cloudberrythorn are given their names and Orangeblossom's pregnancy is announced. There's a snake in camp. Orangeblossom is pranked by Shadowfire and gets feathers stuck to her pelt with sap.
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