time to do or die — prompt

Foxtail shivers as the cold winter breeze brushes against his fur. Today was a particularly harsh day in terms for the climate. Gray clouds blanket the sky and sun, and the breeze only made the day feel even colder. Curling up into his nest felt tempting, but with how harsh the breeze has been, even that is futile. He knew he would still feel the harsh breeze within the warriors den... there has to be another way to warm himself up.

There isn't much movement today in camp. Numerous clanmates have seemingly huddled up together, attempting to radiate body heat off of each other. He finds himself standing up onto his paws, and begins to make his way over to the small group of RiverClanners, with the intention to join in the huddle. But as he pads his way over, a thought comes to his mind. He could get warm by using the muscles in his body. He remembers his body getting hot when going through training, and even now when he pushes his body to the limit. Today is a day where no one wants to be leaving camp, it's a yucky day all around, so how could he convince his clanmates to go through with his idea?

"I think I know a quicker way to warm up," The young warrior speaks up as he approaches his clanmates, trying to stop himself from shivering. "How about a race to Beech Copse? Whoever wins gets fresh moss for their nest." Moss that he gathered before the weather turned sour. Moss that could potentially no longer be his if he loses. Almost as a cruel reminder, the ice cold breeze brushes against everyone's fur— even Foxtail's thick coat doesn't help right now. He takes a step forward, wanting to race forward and warm up his veins. Even if he goes back to camp without his freshly picked moss. "So, who's willing to race me? Anyone?"

  • 75033912_uBzTCX0XrUZcKqi.gif

    credit to tieirlys for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to nopeita for the pixel <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    15 moons

A quicker way to warm up? Pricklepaw considers these new ideas with his head canted to one side and his paws curled beneath the excess fluff of his belly. Pricklepaw didn't need new moss, but he did like the idea of a race—and when he won, everyone would find it so impressive that he would be made a warrior, right then and there. Foxtail had the advantage, he'd already grown into his paws, and he probably never tripped himself on his forelegs, but details like that would only serve to make everyone all the more amazed by Pricklepaw's unlikely win.

"Are you sure you want to race me?" Pricklepaw challenges, "I was born running. I actually ran out of the womb—so fast my dad had to scruff me before I ran right out of the nursery." He makes no move to stand and join Foxtail; isn't Foxtail cold, standing out in the open like that? Pricklepaw must be smarter, he's in a nice warm ball, and he's going to get even warmer when he runs faster than everyone else.​
There were some days when Wavepaw really enjoyed leafbare and all that came with it; but most days, he really just missed being warm. He missed being able to swim in the river and not feel like an ice cycle after. And while he didn't mind having to cuddle up next to his clanmates to get warm, he wouldn't deny that it made leaving the huddle to perform his duties a bit difficult.

When Foxtail approached the group with the challenge of a race, an excited grin lit up the apprentice's face. Much like Pricklepaw, Wave didn't need new moss for his nest; as long as it was dry, he was happy. But he loved games, and even though he was smaller than his two proposed competitors and unlikely to win, the race would at least distract him from his grumbling belly for a little while.

"Oh, I wanna join too! Please?" he cried enthusiastically as he broke away from the huddle to skip towards the pair. "I may not be as fast as you guys, but I bet I can still show you a thing or two," he smirked playfully, bouncing energetically around Foxtail. He was already feeling warmer just from the anticipation of running circles around his competition (however unlikely that was).
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