time to rest your weary head | moving into the warriors den

Now an official warrior of SkyClan, Howlfire could no longer sleep in the apprentice's den. She knew she would be moving into the warrior's den with her new promotion but it hadn't prepared her for her strange it was going to feel. Standing in the warrior's den, looking for a space to put her new nest, Howlfire is strangely reminded of the same awkward sensation she felt when she returned from the Shelter to find her nest had been removed. The situation was different but those same feelings still bubbled beneath the surface. She was sure some of the warriors would accommodate her, but she did not want to overstep and put her nest where it would not be wanted. So instead of picking out a nice spot swiftly, Howlfire ended up standing there looking around awkwardly, hoping someone might give her a suggestion.
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Angry at all the things I can't change
His maw lowers to drop a soft wad of moss into the lining of his own nest, using a paw to nudge the spongy foliage into its rightful place. The task of freshening up his nest pauses when a sudden shadow is cast near the entrance. Glancing up he spots Howlfire hesitating with her nest in tow. Coyotecrest's features soften a tad as he straightens up, pulling his tail closer to his side. He remembered the mulling over where to stick his nest when transitioning and the awkwardness of settling in right after. "Hey." His greeting is low and soft as he offers her a ghost of a smile. Frosted green eyes then roam to an empty divot in the ground by his nest. "Um, if you're looking for a spot you can put your nest right here." The cream tom adds with a flick of his tail. Pushing himself to his paws he steps out of the way just in case she decides to place it there. "Congrats again by the way, you fought really well during the battle. How does it feel, being a warrior and all?" He asks, attempting to drum up small talk to maybe help ease her out of whatever nerves Howlfire was feeling.
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith
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She is still looking around wearily when a voice calls out to her. Howlfire blinks and then looks up, finding the familiar face of Coyotecrest staring back. When he offers a suggestion of a spot near him she returns his smile. "Sure. Not like I'm having much luck finding anywhere else to put my nest," Howlfire responds, a small chuckle piercing the air. Gripping her nest between her teeth she dragged it over to the divot he had indicated, setting it down and then making sure it looked even. Time would tell whether it would be comfortable to sleep in. "Oh, uh, thanks," Howlfire says, looking up again when Coyotecrest commends her fighting during WindClan's raid. "Really Slate deserves some credit for that, we worked hard together to hone my skills. You did good too, Coyotecrest. I saw you fighting with that older warrior...she seemed like a real mean one." At his following question about how she feels, Howlfire takes a bit longer to ponder her answer. "Happy," She says after a moment, giving a contented nod. "But it's all a little bittersweet. I always imagined when I was younger I'd get my warrior name with my siblings but clearly things didn't work out that way. Still, I'm happy though. I'm proud of how far I've come and that I can now hold my head high as a true SkyClan warrior. What did it feel like for you when you became a warrior?"
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Figfeather had been a warrior for two or so moons now and her nest still sat along the outer wall. It wasn’t pleasant during the night when a chill breeze swept in, she hopes that she gets the opportunity to move further into the middle before leaf-bare… She’d not want to be a new warrior in the chilly moons!

The red she-cat had been determined to take a nap. She had been assigned to partake in a dusk patrol and wanted to ensure her energy was up, last time she had been on one she’d nearly fallen asleep as she walked through the forest. Eyes flutter open when Howlfire enters the den and begins to converse with Coyotecrest.

She yawns and blinks sleepily at the small empty spot next to Coyotecrest’s nest. That would probably be Howlfire’s best bet, but she can’t help but smirk, ”Did Drizzlepelt put his nest down yet? If not he’s going to wish he had… not much room left.” Not much good room anyways…

Through shifting of nests, days of cleaning, deaths... Twitchbolt's own nest had moved from the very edge of the den to somewhere in the middle-to-front, huddled against a wall and fairly near the entrance. The mahogany-snow tom had done his very best over the past few moons to keep himself there, a place in which he would not be a bother to the other warriors when he got up in the night, where restless sleep would not kick out and strike others. The buzz of conversation caught his attention as he strayed toward the den, ear flicking in the direction of conversation between Howlfire and Coyotecrest. She had managed to snag a fairly good spot for a new warrior, mostly due to Coyotecrest's kindness... careful not to disturb any other nests, Twitchbolt made his way to his own, swiping a paw over his ear when he sat.

Figfeather's comment blandished a small, hoarse-sounding laugh from him- but he could not help but agree. He'd told the light-ginger warrior that very same thing when she'd been discussing her warrior name- a bittersweet memory, now. "I hope so. It's not something pe-people tend to p-p-prepare for," he commented good-naturedly- in the excitement of being a new warrior, many apprentices forgot that they had to pick a new spot in a new den. Twitchbolt had not been so- had beelined for his chosen spot promptly after his ceremony. Never unprepared, never, even for mundanities.
penned by pin ✧
"Maybe I oughta' move to the outside of camp 'n you could take my spot. It's a tight fit." A certain massive Maine Coon vocalizes from his position near the back of the warriors den. He's made sure to situate his spot on the sides and as out-of-the-way as he possibly could, though understandably some cats need to maneuver and tiptoe around his large form. Slate wouldn't be entirely opposed to sleeping outside of camp, truthfully; seemed more spacious, more breathable, more quiet. It wouldn't be such a bad thing.

The gruff warrior then has a moment of clarity, a social cue that indicates that perhaps he's overdue to extend a personal congratulations for his former trainee. "... Congrats. Now you're not stuck with me anymore." As a mentor, he means. Had she been younger, she would have had to put her training on hold for the time being... or at least train with someone else. Now he had no obligations to an apprentice and Howlfire could freely explore her new duties as a warrior; the timing had been just right, he supposes.

Coiled up in his own nest like a dragon in a lair, Silversmoke seldom stirred as the conversation around him began to rise in volume. It was only when he heard praise for the ebony maine coon, whose moss lay far away from the tabby, did his tufted ears twitch, and his neck slowly craned until he was staring at the five through a beady emerald eye. He'd come to accept the other's presence in the clan like a spider in the corner, one could recognise its value so long as it did not interfere, but the Lead Warrior felt so much was still left unresolved since the other's promotion. His complaints were lost in a deep river, his absence from Chrysalis' ceremony driving a wedge that had yet to be kicked away, he would be a poor liar to say that he did not feel envy about things working out better for his peer than it did for himself. It was made worse by the fact that he found himself agreeing with Slate's suggestion to move out of the camp - between the shelter cats and the influx of warriors, the den felt stuffier than ever, only made tolerable by Auburnflame's presence.

"You're stuck with anyone you have to share a den with," he huffed towards Slate, not unkindly. Even he knew what the tom meant, but he saw the same pelts and scented the same smells every day, by all accounts, he was stuck with his clanmates even if he didn't train them. Silversmoke didn't mind, there was a reason beyond StarClan's code that he dedicated his life to SkyClan. His tail slapped against the corner of his own nest, so barren from the trinkets that often decorated others that it'd be easy to believe it was vacant without his presence. Thinking back to what Howlfire said previously, the straight-laced Lead Warrior let out a quiet huff. "I'm... sorry life didn't go the way you planned." It was frustrating when that happened, it clouded one's vision more than age and a misplaced claw ever could. "It rarely does, but you've reached your full potential now and that's what's most important."
Angry at all the things I can't change
A small puff of amusement leaves his jaws as he thinks briefly back on his fight with Bluepool. She certainly was a formidable opponent and he was lucky enough to get out of that fight with just a scratched shoulder and some bruising. "Yeah she was a lot faster than I remember." As she begins to describe her thoughts and feelings about her warrior ceremony he nods, eyes portraying understanding. Life always had its twists and turns, managing to sneak a curveball in there whenever you were the least prepared. But at least Howlfire was happy despite what she'd been through. When questioned about his own ceremony he blinks once with surprise. He did not think anyone would take the time to ask. Minty hues fall back to his nest as he continues to adjust his moss carefully. Using the idle gesture to help formulate his words.

"Accomplished," He murmurs finally. "Which sounds generic, I know. But..there were times when I genuinely thought I wouldn't make it to my ceremony." He prods the final piece into place and begins to lower himself into his nest, looking up at her with a small smile. "I'm glad I did though." Figfeather's voice chimes in soon after waking from her nap and he cranes his neck to spot the marmalade tabby. His attention then drifts to Twitchbolt and he curls his tail tighter along his side. "True, it's becoming rather cramped here."
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith