TIME TO ROLL THE DICE | Hyacinthbreath



( ) Most cats live their lives shooting for the stars-literally in the sense of the clans-but Mantissong knew there were other ways to skin a cat. It hadn't escaped her watchful... observant eye that many cats seemed to look to the recently stepped-down lead warrior rather than the violent she-cat who lounged comfortably overlooking them, where one they feared, the other... respect. Fear had it's uses, fear, afterall, was better when you had to ensure your sole position wherever you stood, holding weight of judgement upon your pelt like fire on tinder, but respect had more sway. Cats trusted those they respected because they believed those idols held their best interest in mind, that they could relate to them. And that, in of itself, is a power that no amount of lives could ever bestow upon someone, and that desire for respect by association was what caused the ghostly she-cat to approach the other, nose lifted in poise as she came to stop next to the gray femme.

A smile graced her features, sharp fangs bared in an almost sickly sweet way. "Hyacinthbreath, would you mind coming with me on a hunt? I thought I had found a small family of mice in a bank not too far from outlook rock, but I think it's more of a two-cat job, y'know?" The offer was a ruse, the true intention to get the gray and white femme away from the nosy members of camp, the possibility of what she wished to talk about getting back to Sootstar an idle worry to the albino. Afterall, Mantissong preferred to operate in the background, weaving her web before she decided to rip the mask off Sootstar's eyes and laugh at the other's reaction as she realized her power was only second to Mantissong's.
♚ Her loyalty to her Queen was once so unbreakable that even those who dared openly defy her when she was not around were threatened with violence. Once, Hyacinthbreath was a cat who would kill for Sootstar if she only gave the command. Many moons of wondering led her to question such a faith, when everyone she loved had turned against her as a result of her blind loyalty. Pollenfur and Smokethroat were the first to instill doubt in her mind, make her second-guess her own loyalty and readjust her obligations. When Sootstar is gone, who do you have? Another Leader? Or WindClan itself, full of the people you cherish and care about? It was a thought she would have ignored if not for the sense that it made. Who was she, when the title of Lead Warrior was no longer there? A Nobody, just as she had been moons ago on that rainy night?

She's brought back to reality by the sound of someone calling her name, pulling her from her thoughts almost instantly. Violet-tinted hues turn towards the other molly, examining the albino with judging eyes- was it so important as to interrupt her self-loath filled daydreaming? Would you mind coming with me on a hunt? I thought I had found a small family of mice in a bank not too far from outlook rock, but I think it's more of a two-cat job, y'know? Hyacinthbreath shifts in place before standing when the mention of possible prey is brought up. Perhaps it was that, the possibility of bringing home some food to Pollenfur, Moonshadow, and her kits.

"Well then," Hyacinthbreath rumbles in accented tune, deep with mistrust. "Let us go find this family of mice." Her head lowers just a bit as she begins to walk out of camp, keen eyes sweeping over the snowy ground to make sure no traps were laid. If one looked hard enough, one could guess that her posture meant paranoia in a way. Constantly on guard, refusing to trust the stranger whom had been welcomed into her home without a second thought. Sootstar hadn't screened these Rogues, figured out who they were individually- and that sowed a deep seed of doubt in Hyacinth. She didn't like sleeping next to people she didn't know much about.

Underneath the towering form of Outlook Rock, Hyacinthbreath looked so tiny and fragile- looks were deceiving. Her small size made her quick, and her high intelligence made her a dangerous opponent. Experience only added onto that. It was something she was more humble about than most, preferring to just let them underestimate her. But she wasn't unstoppable. Even a cat as cold-hearted as her had their weaknesses. She turns to speak to Mantissong, impatiently waiting for her to show where the mice were.

This better not be a waste of her time.​
( ) As expected, Hyacinthbreath gave her a look of distrust, one Mantissong returned with a friendly smile and an innocent tilt of her head. Friendly conversation, a hunt between clanmates. Nothing more, nothing less, or atleast that was the front the pale albino wished to push. Without another word, the pale cat follows after, her steps light as she watches Hyacinthbreath ahead of her, the sweet, friendly look having to dissolved into one that looked of apathy and silence stretching between them as they continued. Internally, she went over what she'd like to discuss, mulling it over and over. Despite having been here for a handful of moons now, she'd never made much an attempt to be noticed, still feeling out how the clan operated and the dynamics within... plus, she had a distraction anyway. But now, with the arrival of the cats Sootstar brought in, the... untimely disappearance of her entertainment, and many things beginning to just crack, Mantissong saw her opportunity to become more than just a quiet observer. It was like the fattest juiciest mouse had appeared just within claw's length, tempting her, and if she missed it, she'd regret it her entire life.

As the large boulder loomed above, Mantissong flicked her gaze up to to top of it. Oh how she wished it was the meeting point back at camp and she could lounge atop it just once, looking down upon all those who finally understood their place in her world, then everything would be complete. Coming to a stop, her eyes slowly dragged from the tempting top of Outlook rock back down to violet hues, amusement filling her pretty features as she looked at the impatient look on her clanmate's face. "Always so cold and pushy, aren't you? Guess that's what Sootstar admired about you," She mused lightly, sidestepping effortlessly to walk past the other, large, heavy tail lifting from the ground to flick at Hyacinthbreath's nose without looking back, "They're over here. My paw's are a bit too large to reach into the crevice for them and they keep running circles around me on my own." She led the way around the side, using it as an opportunity to slyly look back to see if anyone had followed them. Lackeys or eavesdropping would ruin everything for her, especially given the risk she was playing with now.

"Do you particularly trust those rogues she brought in or do you think they're just a statement of her power?" Mantissong asked offhandedly, crouching by a crack in the large rock, ears perked as she looked within, scenting the cold air that emanated from within, "I mean, given what's happened, it's beginning to feel more like she's trying to scare everyone into loyalty rather than boost our forces. What do you think?"