pafp timeless tale — checking in


fate leads the willing and drags the unwilling
Feb 18, 2023
don't raise your voice . improve your argument .
It hadn’t been all that much of a surprise, seein’ Eggshell roamin’ camp like a newborn kit, arguably, still learnin’ the ropes that laid upon them as SkyClan warriors, daylight or not. He let out a drawn-out sigh, tired as he pressed a paw against his throbbing helm in muffled amusement, exasperated with a low chuckle vibrating deep within the cavern of his chest. “SkyClan what ya thought it’d be, kiddo?” He rumbled, timber smooth, deadpan while a molten hue stared at the other idly. He remembered the shivering feline at their border, terrified, but a curious thing, appearing time and time again. He had to give the kid some credit. “Ya got some guts, kid, joinin’ SkyClan.” He added, burning molten crinkling in mirth, scarred tissue remaining deadpan. Should be proud ya made it this far, kiddo.

With a rumbling hum, Duskpool surveyed the area, havin’ formed a small huntin’ patrol. He figured he’d help kill two birds with one stone, somethin’ low stakes, but productive enough that it wasn’t a waste of time. “Anyone teach ya how to hunt yet, kid?”
He mused, brow rising. “Figured this’ll be a good way of practicin’.” He added, turning to Chili for a moment.

“Huntin’ or not, if yer still confused about somethin’ don’t feel bad about botherin’ this old fool.” He further added, whiskers quivering in muddled amusement, tail gesturing in a ‘show me what ya think a huntin’ crouch looks like’.

/ please wait for @Eggshell ( @chili since she's supposed to shadow duskpool ^^ )
thought speech

Eggshell’s presence in Skyclan so far could be likened to a roomba: Somewhat aimlessly shuffling from place to place, occasionally making himself useful, but more often than not getting stuck in a corner. It wasn’t surprising, really. The sheltered kittypet’s lack of skill coupled with his ever-present fear of others had left him in a state of limbo.

Just because it wasn’t surprising didn’t mean it wasn’t frustrating, though. Eggshell had joined Skyclan looking for friends, some kind of companionship to offset the near-constant absence of his housefolk, and what had the butter-stained boy done with the opportunity? Nothing.

That was why Duskpool’s approach was met with conflicting feelings of fear and relief. “It’s not - uh - It’s a lot calmer than I expected. It’s nice.” Ever-present anxiety had long convinced the shut-in that the woods just beyond his twolegs’ nest were filled to the brim with ravenous monsters that would tear him to pieces in minutes. The fact he was still alive was evidence to the opposite, which made the butter-stained boy feel a bit better.

Sunny-side up features went red as Duskpool said he had guts, the boy utterly unable to handle a compliment. “Oh! Uh, thank - thank you. It’s not - it’s really nothing…” Eggshell was so embarrassed that he actually welcomed the warrior’s question, even if it meant admitting how helpless he was. “N-No. I want to - to try and learn, but I don’t like to bother anyone, so thank you for - for offering.”

Eggshell promptly dropped into a stance that more resembled a small child’s crayon drawing of a hunting crouch than the real thing, but at least the boy was trying.

Duskpool had become a welcome presence in Twitchbolt's eyes, as he'd got to know the hulking tom. Sure, he was- massive and could probably flatten him if he wanted to, but quiet conversations skimming the topic of griving, they'd... they'd comforted him. Duskpool had comforted him- and since Eggshell was apparently a similarly anxious sort, it was probably good that someone on the kinder side had come to check on him. Because really, though Duskpool looked intimidating and spoke roughly, there was a very distinct softness beneath.

Twitchbolt studied Eggshell's attempted hunting crouch with a scrutinising, unsure expression. There was an attempt, at least... but in leafbare with rougher, slippery terrain that sort of pose wasn't going to do you any favours. "Um, lower your- your haunches a bit, Eggshell. It'll make it easier to, to... sneak..." Twitchbolt offered him a shaky but sincere smile, before his eyes darted to the sky. "In this sort of weather, we... we don't want to be scaring anything off."

Eggshell had said he was glad it was calm... and maybe so, but for Twitchbolt, calm only meant that something loud and awful was approaching. Seeing the newcomer's jittery demeanour, though... maybe it was best not to mention it.
penned by pin ✧

-ˋˏ ༻☽༺ ˎˊ- Chili's untimely joining was met with death and destruction, but somehow she had prevailed. Despite her fear of the worse, she had seen the light amongst the darkness. These cats were nice, and the other Clans seemed somewhat nice too - there was promise of a warrior name after her training period, and she could finally join a gathering or see more on new patrols. There was no shortness of adventure here, which is what she was looking for the day she approached that patrol. But, she was learning there was more to Clan life than fun and games.

There was loyalty, and duty. She felt a sense of loyalty already: to her mentor, Duskpool; to Bobbie, the cat who welcomed her in; and to the newly named Orangestar, who she hoped to one day impress. She had yet to meet the other cats of the council, but she was sure she could charm them eventually.

Now, there was Eggshell, another newcomer whom she hoped to extend a friendly paw towards. She felt a sense of kinship towards newcomers who were leaving their old life behind, or hoping to have a paw in both worlds. They were in it together now, learning the ins and outs of Clan life. That said, she was cheerful as ever when Duskpool welcomed them onto a small hunting patrol. "I've never hunted," she responded to his inquiry of hunting. If she could provide for the Clan, she'd like to learn how.

At his beckon, Chili followed Eggshell in dropping into her best impression of a hunting crouch. It wasn't long before her limbs started to ache, and she shifted occasionally on her balance. At Twitchbolt's comment, she lowered her haunches as well. "This is hard," she couldn't help but comment. It was less of a complaint and more of an observation; she'd keep trying, no matter how difficult. "Am I.. am I doing it right?"

  • chili.png
  • CHILI she/her, trial-period warrior of skyclan, thirteen moons.
    a friendly chocolate and white she-cat.
    mate to no one. apprentice to n/a.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.