private TIME'S ARROW ➵ boldkit

Tybalt padded back into camp, a fat squirrel dangling from his jaws. He made a beeline for the nursery without thinking much of it, catching a glimpse of Boldkit settled nearby. The little tom intrigued him, and Tybalt was determined to make sure he settled in all right. He set the squirrel down before the boy, leaning down to give his wavy chest fur a lick. "Hey, Boldkit," he greeted. "How're you settling in?" He glanced toward the squirrel. "Are you hungry? I thought maybe we could share."

To be truthful, Tybalt wasn't all that hungry. He'd likely leave most of the prey for Boldkit--the younger cat always seemed to be hungry or worried about his next meal. Tybalt knew the feeling quite well, having grown up hungry. It was more important to keep Boldkit fed. ThunderClan's young were vulnerable and still growing. They needed every scrap they could get if they were going to grow into strong cats. The warriors could stand to be hungry a bit longer.