TIMES LIKE THESE &. failed hunt

With how swiftly the weather changed, Kindleheart has barely had time to adjust to newleaf hunting again.

While he likes his fur, while he likes patches of brown he has, and the white splotches across his face, Kindleheart has always found it difficult to hunt in the warmer seasons. Despite the increase in prey to catch, Kindleheart's fur sticks out in newleaf's moons, and even more so in greenleaf's. The best time for him is in that in between state, when leaf-bare grows warmer in preparation for the coming season - when snow begins to melt, but still stands present within muddy territory.

But, that weather is practically gone now, and Kindleheart stands in the midst of a warming forest, a squirrel within sight. The warrior crouches down, lowers his form as far as he can - an attempt to hide what he can of his white fur, to blend into his surroundings further. Slowly, he creeps forward - slower than what he'd do in leaf-bare's snow, a cover of camouflage used to his advantage. Slowly, slowly.

It's unsuspecting, the squirrel. Minding its own business, unaware that Kindleheart is about to catch it.

And, soon. Soon the squirrel is within striking distance. Kindleheart leaps up, paws reaching out to swipe at the creature. He aims to dig his claws into it, catch it between his paws. But --

But when he strikes, his paws only clasp together, the squirrel scurrying away. The warrior rises to his paws, disappointment rising as he watches his failed catch scurry up a nearby tree. Perhaps it suspected more than he thought. Perhaps it'd seen him coming ages ago.

Kindleheart lets out a frustrated sigh, olive gaze still locked on the squirrel as it now balances among tree branches.

"Next time," he tells it, brown and white tail lashing from side to side. He'll get used to the warm weather's lack of camouflage eventually.

// PROMPT: kindleheart's pelt is mostly white, with brown areas on top. with thunderclan's forest being mostly greens and browns, does this effect kindleheart's hunting abilities? has he learned to over come this obstacle?​

”Buncha fox-dung, ain’t it?” The heavy curse spills from his maw as if it meant nothing, a grin etched underneath his fluffy muzzle. Blizzard Fang had been quietly watching nearby and could relate to Kindleheart’s struggle. His pelt too was plastered hin white, and while his face, tail, and legs were silver and blue it wasn’t enough to mask him in the foliage. In the leaf-bare he was a dangerous hunter, but now? He felt like a fool trying to hide among green and brown. ”StarClan must allow for the creation of white cats so that we can be the hunters of our clans in Leaf-bare.”

The buzz of nearby voices- as it often did, caught Berryheart's attention- so fickle was his mind in times of lonesomeness that it was easy for his concentration to slip. The gruff voice of Fangs was one he could quite easily recognise- it cut through the stillness like an arrow from a bow, piercing and splitting- though there was no venom at its point. No- there was something humorous about his tone, his words edged with a slight air of encouragement. Curiously, Berryheart made slow but obvious approach.

The look on Bark-pelt's face was an odd one- a frown deep-set, his tail lashing. Berryheart was blessed with a rather dull pelt, one that thrived a little more during the warm colour-wash of leaf-fall, but with only a smattering of brighter spots the act of camouflage had never been a particularly complicated process for him. But... observing the gathered toms and their snow-splashed fur, he could surmise that sneaking up on prey became a little more complicated. Still... in their cases, the colder months held tactical advantage. Voice soft and low, the lopsided tom offered endorsement. "I like your theory."

Everything had some reason... Fangs had the right idea.