pafp Tiny shadow || o. following Thundergleam


So many ways to see the sunrise
Apr 10, 2024
Pls wait for @THUNDERGLEAM

[ ༻ ☼ ༺ ] Thundergleam was strange, but it was her strange ways that had made Fadingkit more interested in the she-cat. So, whenever the small flame point kit had spotted the molly within the camp walls she had began to follow her around, attempting to copy her movements and even once attempted to copy the other's speaking pattern to no avail. Today had been no different. Fadingkit could be found following Thundergleam around the camp, a nervous look in her blue eyes as she kept a few paw lengths away from the other, on awkward paws she tried to copy the other's pawsteps before pausing when the other had turned around and a slight awkward smile peered on Fadingkit's maw.

"Your shadow seemed lonely so... I wanted my own to keep it company" she said lightly before waving her paw in attempts to get her own shadow to blend into Thundergleam. Silly excuse, but Fadingkit was always one to try and make up some story over anything she found, or give them names. The older cats she tend to be more wary about since the last cat she had attempted to follow around was her own father and he had snapped at the she-kit to stop following, which she did, but it was okay she accepted what her father had wanted, she just hoped Thundergleam wouldn't be so mad at her for following her around.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Fadingkit She/Her, Kit of Thunderclan, 3 moons.
    Stocky short flame point tabby she-kit with blue eyes and stubby tail, one floppy ear
    Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Thundergleam weaved around camp effortlessly- it had not seemed a laborious task for her to learn the layout, as if she was always meant to be here. Little birdsongs hummed under her breath, beneath the bustle of camp, led her mind on a sprawling journey... still, she was trying to parse what the meaning of the blotted sun had been. Thus, it took her quite a few moments to notice the little shadow she had gained... the pitter-patter of little paws behind her shuffled in the backdrop, and she turned mallow-petal eyes to the red-blotched face of little Fadingkit.

Surprise glimmered in her eyes for a few moments, but it soon melted into a gentle, accomodating smile. Your shadow seemed lonely. It was an amusing concept, and a small, twinkling laugh stuttered on Thundergleam's lips. "Ah, you are an empathetic one," she purred, voice soft and flooded with approval. "Pray tell, what other things does my shadow whisper?" Her tone was curious, enraptured... as thrilled and convinced as ever. No one would be able to tell that she was joking, and indeed knew that her shadow had not spoken at all.
penned by pin ☾
Sunkit is just playing nearby, as he normally does, pouncing upon a mossball and rolling around with it. Take THAT! He had to train for the day that he'd inevitably surpass Meadowkit... But Fadingkit's voice caused him to look up, finding the other kit copying everything Thundergleam did. UGH! That'd make him so mad, Thundergleam had the patience of a saint! He saunters over.

"Why would her shadow be lonely? They're not real." Sunkit pointedly asks the other kit, finding the idea stupid and childish (nevermind the fact that he was a child). Thundergleam indulges the younger kits statement and it appalls him. Hmph! What does she know! "Uhhh, shadows can't talk. Nope." he says matter-of-factly, raising a metaphorical brow at Thundergleam. She was a WARRIOR, how could she not know this!? Unless her shadow talked to her, in which case Sunkit would call her a LIAR either way.

Man, why couldn't his shadow talk to him? Stupid shadow... He turns a frowned expression on to his own.

  • 79762332_waKUGwrTYPLtfQm.png
    amab ,, he/him ,, 3 moons
    kitten of thunderclan ,, flamewhisker xx flycatcher ,, siblings
    fluffy red tabby with heterochromia & low white
    "speech, ee5d6c" ,, thoughts
    smells like oak & the faint scent of the nursery, floral & loving
    chibi by pin ,, penned by chuff

I THINK I'LL TAKE MY WHISKEY NEAT — The dark tom had been grooming his pelt from a sunny spot after having returned from a patrol though his golden gaze focuses on the sight of Fadingkit following around Thunderclan's newest addition. Thundergleam. She's an odd one with the way she speaks and how she settled in so quickly when she's surrounded by mostly strangers but he lifts his paw to swipe his tongue across it only to smooth down the fur on his chest. The only good thing about her had been how she brought back Howlingstar after the old she-cat had been swept up by an eagle and the memory alone has him glancing up at the sky. His whiskers twitch in disappointment at finding nothing soaring in the sky and Saffron locks his gaze on the fire pelted molly saying to the warrior that her shadow had seemed lonely. It's then that he decides that kittens are dumb, airheaded little idiots with too much free time on their paws and say the most stupid thing to fall upon his eardrums. He was almost tempted to retract his thought when Sunkit spoke up and made actual sense until the red tabbied tomkit glanced at his own shadow with a frown.

Saffronpounce wouldn't be surprised if this new generation of kits pulled a stunt like Bravepaw, Sunshinepaw, and the other apprentices that had gone to "fight" the owl. They're not surprised when Thundergleam encourages this asking Fadingkit what her shadow whispers and he silently prays that the pale molly never recieves an apprentice of her own, they'd likely end up turning into a weirdo like the albino she-cat. "That's right, Sunkit. Shadows can't talk," They say rather bluntly though there's a faint smile on their maw to give the false impression that they are amused by this and the tip of their tail twitches lightly. A blink of their eyes as Saffronpounce continues to wear their psuedo amusement and rests one paw over the other, both ears pricked forward in false interest, "Although, I'm quite curious." A low hum slipping from their throat.

/ ic opinions ofc


  • Oc2OCKU.png
    longhaired seal lynx sepia w/golden eyes
    saffron's not a very friendly cat, has low tolerance, and no space for mistakes. he has a distaste for kittypets, both within his clan and outside of it, and he isn't shy to show it.
    25 moons old; ages the 21st of every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; has no current crushes
    currently mentoring ...
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

◐ . Thundergleam is strange in ways that Shadowedkit doesn’t understand and Mama never seems to want to explain why. But, Fadingkit seems to take a liking to following the cloud-white warrior, and Shadowedkit is never too far from one of his many siblings if he can help it. So, he follows too, sometimes.

Not in the way his sister trails after the warrior today, mimicking pawsteps in ways only a small kit can, but with a bounce in his step and an attempted leap toward Fadingkit’s shadow after every two or three tail-lengths. Unbeknownst to him as Shadowedkit springs forward once more, Thundergleam turns to face his littermate, and the stop in her copied gait nearly sends the tom colliding into Fadingkit. A clumsy landing marks his presence, eyes wide as he looks up at Thundergleam.

Yeah! It’s got friends now! “ Shadowedkit agrees with the fellow flame-point’s words, her reason for trailing behind the she-cat. It’s the first he’s heard it, but it makes sense, he supposes. Fadingkit is strange too, but she finds friends in everything — which is good, the kit believes.

Cream-tipped paws shift then, making sure he’s not stepping on another acquaintance of hers. He’ll apologize to her shadow later for trying to catch it: he thinks that’s what at least one of the queens in the nursery would tell him to do, if it were a real kit before him. Oh, they’d be real upset, if he’d stepped on real Fadingkit like that!

And while he won’t be able to hear the shadow’s response like Thundergleam might, or how she assumes Fadingkit can, Shadowedkit believes in their ability to speak. Unlike Sunkit, or… or Saffronpounce! Shadows are cats too, are they not? Dark-furred and living with the ground as their sky?

I can speak, “ Shadowedkit says in defense of his sister, as if there might be any correlation between the shadows that follow him and his name, as if he might be the product of shadows themself.​
  • SHADOWEDKIT AMAB. He / Him. Kit of ThunderClan.
    ✧ . A flame point / cream tabby chimera tom.
    ✧ . Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon
    ✧ . Mentor to be determined.
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack

[ ༻ ☼ ༺ ] When Thundergleam seemed more interest in Fadingkit's response, even asking what her shadow had said, she smiled, happy the strange molly hadn't shooed her off or pretended she hadn't been there. Of course soon came Sunkit next to who didn't believe it one bit that their shadows could talk, but she giggled softly before looking back up to miss Thundergleam. "Your shadow says, you should talk to them more, and to bring Fadingkit back some feathers from your next patrol." she said lightly, of course the feather request was most definitely fully on Fadingkit, but why not have a little fun with it.

Her gaze flicked towards Saffronpounce and then Sunkit who didn't believe that shadows could talk and she hummed a bit as her stumpy tail twitched. "Thats because you believe they can't talk" she explained with a slight amused giggle slipping from her maw. Next, Shadowed, her kin came to her defense and she looked to him with a smile on her maw, happy to of have him come to her defense on shadows being able to talk. "Yea!" she lightly agreed. It was all in her head, but it was okay because kits can be imaginative, she was just having fun!

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Fadingkit She/Her, Kit of Thunderclan, 3 moons.
    Stocky short flame point tabby she-kit with blue eyes and stubby tail, one floppy ear
    Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Lightflower's ears swiveled to the conversation happening nearby. Chatter between the kits and Thundergleam. And, of course, at least one buzzkill. She slid up beside Saffronpounce, giving him a nudge. "Lighten up, what's the harm in making friends with your shadow, huh?" She purred, giving Sunkit a pointed (yet playful) glance, and smiling at Fadingkit and Shadowedkit. "Besides, you'll never be lonely,"

Sunkit's assertion was keenly amusing; Thundergleam's whiskers twitched with humour. A small ember of longing flickered within her, pitying that she was not forestborn, that her destiny had dictated she arrive from the outside, for whatever reason StarClan had settled on. It would have been a wonderful childhood, to learn and grow in a place like this. Shadows can't talk. "Perhaps you are not listening hard enough," Thundergleam faux-mused, tone as wispy as dandelion-clock. Kits would learn eventually the truths of the world, but for now their creative minds should be encouraged. Who knew which among them would grow to be prophets, interpreters of signs? It was a skill worth sharpening.

Saffronpounce earned a glance- a glimmering encouragement to play along. Life was not all about seriousness, after all! One had to have frivolity, or else they would sink into sadness, surely...

Lightflower's words earned a nod. "Yes, a friend to follow you always... perhaps Fadingkit can show you the way?" Thundergleam jested. Shadowedkit too earned a glance of encouragement... Shadowed speaking to Shadow, was that not delightful! Pinkened eyes soon fell to the kitten in question, the tutor.

Thundergleam had been blessed by the Stars with a sharp mind, indeed... she knew the little trick Fadingkit was trying to play, but where was the harm in obeying, truly? If she were to be scolded she would cease, of course, but for now... "Ah, well- I must believe the words of a shadow-whisperer. I will keep my senses sharp for birds next time I am hunting," she assured the kitten with a moonlight grin.
penned by pin ☾