camp tippy tappy toes [med den gift]

Jan 10, 2024
*✧・゚ RETRO to blaze's death!!

The kit bounces her way into the medicine den with a bright smile on her face and a brilliant plan on her head. Her white-splotched chest is all puffed up—she’s been given a task by the deputy! And she intends to make everybody in the medicine den as happy as they can be! She just has to stay out of Dawnglare’s way, and not get shooed away by the grumpy old tom again. And he is grumpy, seemingly intolerant of Sangriakit just wanting to see what the cats in here are doing all the time. If they aren't hunting or patrolling, then what are they doing? All they seem to do is lay around all day. It sounds boring.

Lucky for them, though, the cinnamon-striped she-kit is here to make all of their days ten times better. "Hi!" She chirps out at the first cat she spots, her gift dropping unceremoniously from her snow-splashed muzzle. The poor grasshopper, now missing both its hind legs, falls to the ground in front of her paws, each of its remaining limbs flailing uselessly at its sides. The kit doesn't spare it a second glance, instead directing her attention to anyone who's paying attention to her. "Hey, I brought this for you! Orangeblossom told me I need to do my best to cheer you all up, so... here!" She gestures to the grasshopper that she caught all by herself with a bright, toothy grin. Pride gleams in leafy-green eyes, tiny white paws tapping excitedly against the ground.
"I didn't think it was possible for thorns to strike the same place twice." Applefrost mewed, her paw held up for a quick fix of 'thorn-itis' as she called it. "It definitely hurt twice as much, too. Maybe the thorns have it out for me." Despite her words the flame point didn't visually appear to be in any pain, not even wincing as her paw was turned and angled for a better view.

Her head turned as Sangriakit bounced into the maw of Dawnglare's den, ears twitching as the she-kit trilled excitedly in greeting. Wide blue eyes blinked slowly as a grasshopper was practically spat from her jaws as she spoke. "Oh wow." Was she supposed to reach and grab for it? Hmm, maybe (hopefully) someone else would take it instead. "I've already rather cheery, I would try dropping it in Fireflypaw's nest instead." Her usual smile curled in a bit of mischief at her suggestion.


A small head was lifted from white paws at the sound of little paws scurrying across the ground. What on Earth? She tilted her head to the side before spotting Sangriakit spitting out something at Applefrost from their nest in the medicine den. Honeysplash couldn’t help but snicker every so slightly at her sisters misfortune. At least it wasn’t her getting the grasshopper! She wouldn’t know what to do if a bug was touching her.​


living in a world so cold