tiptoe through the tulips -- [first catch / prompt!]

Bubblepaw isn't exactly the type to be bothered by most things. While she has a degree (albeit little) of self-awareness, she often uses it to build up her social repertoire instead of being self-conscious. The glass is always half full for Bubblepaw, and if one door closes then another one must open no matter how obvious or obscure it might be. However, time grows on in her training day by day and the apprentice still hasn't made her first catch. Her swimming skills and fighting skills are on par with the others', and her ability for bureaucracy and mediation is helped along significantly by her bubbly personality. But Bubblepaw sticks out like a sore thumb: a 7-moon old apprentice with not a single fish under her belt.

And now bare-leaf is here. Bubblepaw has never experienced a bare-leaf season having been born in the warm throes of green-leaf, but she has heard plenty of tales about how the river had frozen over many moons ago. The air is crisp and icy, and each morning brings about a dense layer of frost to the already snow-laiden RiverClan territory. It feels as if Bubblepaw is waiting with baited breath for the river to finally cease moving, yet when she finds herself on the shore the torrent is relentless as ever. Strike and a miss, strike and a miss. Bubblepaw's practice is as relentless as the river.

It's as typical of a winter morning as ever. Snow drifts gently from above, speckling the ground in sparking white and melting into slush when it touches the rushing river waters. Bubblepaw takes her time making her way to the riverbank, taking in the winter wonderland around her with a sense of great excitement. Today feels different. To be fair Bubblepaw thinks every day feels different, but she is extra sure of herself today. She goes over everything Aspenhaze has taught her so far about hunting and stalking as she prepares to make another attempt, and she makes a silent prayer to StarClan as her paws touch the edge of the water.

She slowly wades in until her shoulders are the only part of her poking from the surface, and her eyes fixate into the depths around her. The fish are fewer now that the air is cold, but Bubblepaw remembers all the tips and lessons about patience. She stands as still as she can manage in the freezing water until a few larger fish school past her. They move around with laxity. Bubblepaw lets them become secure with the area between them, hoping they think she's just a weird stick in the water or a bizarre mud formation. For the one-millionth time she goes over all of Aspenhaze's training in her head.

'Here goes nothing!' she thinks as she swiftly dives into the water.

Her target is within focus and her speed is sure. The silver molly has the fish between her jaws before she can even give it a second thought. With a gasp as she quickly re-emerges, Bubblepaw flings the perch onto the shore. She swiftly follows it up onto dry land and dispatches it before its flopping body can find its way back to safety. It's not the largest catch, but it would be enough to feed a full grown cat or two. Pride swells in Bubblepaw's chest, and warmth blossoms where dismay once made a pit in her gut. "I did it!" she cries out to anyone nearby who might hear her "I finally caught my first fish!"
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Reactions: Aspenhaze

Perchberry tried to keep himself away from the water as best he could but sometimes there was no avoiding it. Riverclan was surrended by water after all but he was always careful to not get to close. While out searching for something on land to hunt happend to come across Bubblepaw and her fishing attempt. From a distance he would stop to watch curious enough to find out if young Bubblepaw would capture anything today. He watched her disappear underneath the surface of the water giving the warrior a heartbeat of anxiety. Hopefully she would reappear soon...he didn't think he would be able to help the apprentice if she would need his assistence. Luckily for both of them Bubblepaw do reappears to the surface shortly but not empty handed. A fish gets thrown up on the shore and the apprentice are quick to follow.

Perchberry would stare, and the faintest of a smile appear when he hear the apprentice yowl out to the world how they just had caught their first fish. Oh, so that was how it was. It must have been quite exciting for them then. With a moment of hesitantly thinking it over the warrior decide to approach over close enough to make his presence known. He cast a briefly looked down on the fish to see what she had caught and ah, of course it was a perch of all things. Maybe it meant a bad omen for himself...Perchberry shivered just thinking about it. " C-congrats. It most...fe-feel nice...huh." he awkwardly tried his best to sound positive and joyful to celebrate with them. However, that was just a blissful wish. In truth his voice was somber-low and dull. Not at all the upbeat praise he had want to give them.

*+:。.。 Silverbreath couldn't remember his first fish. It'd been moons ago, and ever since then he'd worked to hone his skills so he'd rarely miss a catch until plucking fishes out of water was akin to breathing. But that wasn't to say a young cat's first catch wasn't something to be celebrated! When Silverbreath's large ears caught the sound of youthful cheering, he'd happily make is approach, eager for a taste of good news. He comes upon timid Perchberry, whispering congratulations to the peppy Bubblepaw who dripped with the triumphant waters of a proper Riverclanner. Silverbreath, of course, had to join in.

"Amazing Bubblepaw! A whole perch fish! For a first timer that's a serious accomplishment!" the warrior would trill, "And in leaf-bare no less! You ought to be proud of yourself"

    DMAB— He/Him — Bisexual
    35 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Father to Carp-paw, Mentoring Goldenpaw
    Riverclan — Warrior

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #7d7d7d
    injuries: None currently
It was hard to hide the disappointment in her eyes as she looked at Bubblepaw's catch. How had she managed that? Foxtail hadn't even shown her how to hunt yet! Never mind the fact that she'd barely even been made an apprentice. "How did you do that?" That wasn't fair at all! She wanted to catch something! Hopefully, soon Foxtail would work with her on some hunting skills so she could feel as cool as Bubblepaw. Her tail would fall limp behind her as her mood became soured at the thought.

// mentor tag: @FOXTAIL

Bubblepaw's chest puffs out in pride at the compliments and praise she receives. She sends up a silent, thankful prayer to StarClan for the success of her catch. It isn't the largest she's seen brought back from the river, but it should keep one or two bellies full. "Thank you!" she smiles at Perchberry, the symbolism of her catch filling the warrior with existential dread going directly over her head "I'm very happy with it, yes." Despite his less-than-sunshine tone, Bubblepaw assumes he means well; Perchberry has always been a bit dreary and she isn't one to judge.

When Silverbreath approaches, Bubblepaw looks to him with an excited expression. With so many warriors approaching to give her praise, Bubblepaw feels more than proud. Suddenly, having taken so long to have her first catch doesn't feel so bad anymore. "You really think so?" Bubblepaw asks Silverbreath with wide eyes "I thought it was gonna slap me across the face with his big tail!" Then, more sheepishly she adds "I mean, it's certainly no salmon or carp." The silver molly remembers all the lessons her mother once taught her about maintaining a sense of confidence without being a braggart.

Eelpaw looks disappointed, but it becomes obvious why once the question is posed. She had only just barely been made an apprentice, and though she's sure it's been done before having a catch so early on in one's training would be a sure sign of a prodigy. "Aspenhaze taught me," Bubblepaw replies simply with a reassuring nod "Your mentor will teach you too!" Bubblepaw feels a bit of pity at the soured expression of Eelpaw, and tries to offer some helpful advice: "The most important thing I learned is to be patient."

While all the conversing is happening, Bubblepaw can't help but search the area behind the gathering cats in hopes she might see someone she really wants to see her success. Perhaps Aspenhaze or Starlightpaw. But she remembers herself, and tries not to stare into the distance for too long, trying to be more present in the moment than wistful for things that might come and go.
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