tiptoe through the tulips with me [training/open]



Johnny had made his way down to the sandy ravine with a slew of other cats in tow, his orders to host a training session still fresh in his head. Johnny wasn't much for traditions, and when it came to training specifically, he didn't see anything wrong with making things a little fun by breaking up the monotony with new tactics every now and then. For that reason alone the tabby warrior had decided that he was going to shake things up this time around.

"Alright, listen up you lot!" called the stocky bobtail with a grin as he turned to face his 'students'. "Today we're working on stealth and movement. Your job is simple; make it from this end of the ravine, to that end."

Johnny nodded toward the far end of the training grounds some ways away, where a lone pine grew was growing out of the empty riverbed. "The catch, however, is that if I see you moving you have to go all the way back to the beginning and start again." explained the lead. "With any luck, this exercise will teach you something about proper timing and strategy. Now, line up over there and let's get started!"

With that, Johnny made his way to the far end of the ravine and scaled the pine, settling on one of the branches with his back turned to the cats below. "Alright, let's see what you've got!"

OOC- Stealth training time! Welcome to Squid Games! Johnny Games!! This is going to be a fun and simple training exercise using the dice bot in discord, meaning it's totally randomized! When the game starts, your cats goal is to sneak from one side of the clearing, to the other without Johnnyflame seeing them. In order to do this, you must roll to see what kind of progress they make!

Moving Quickly when Johnnys back is turned will allow you to cover more ground (5 points), but the risks of being caught moving are greater (Roll a 1d20. If it's below 10 your caught.)
Moving Slowly when Johnnys back is turned doesn't get you as far as fast (3 points), but it's a much safer bet (Roll a 1d20, below 5 and your caught)

Any cats who are caught moving must start over at the beginning. Your goal is to accumulate 15 points, which will equate to making it across the clearing without being seen moving. Each post is worth one movement, make sure to state what kind of movement it is OOCly along with what you rolled for them. And yes, you may go fast in one post and slow in another, or go all fast or all slow- your choice!!! :)

Those who complete the task might get something special ;)

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OOC- Moving quickly for +5 points, rolled a 20 in my channel!

Stealth training? Quill gave a flick of his tail as he made his way over, mismatched gaze considering Johnnyflame with mild interest. He'd been doing a lot of sparring lately, so it probably wouldn't hurt to switch things up. Besides, maybe a bit of a challenge would be fun.

"Alright, I'm in." he called, taking his spot in the lineup at their imaginary starting line on the one side of the ravine, watching as Johnnyflame ran to the other end and scaled the pine tree there.

Crouching low as the lead turned their back to him and the other cats, Quill immediately set out at a swift pace across the sandy riverbed, steps as fast and quiet as he could make them. He was grateful for his long legs in that moment, which smoothly carried him forward in large strides. When Johnnyflame finally did turn to try and catch them moving, Quill would freeze in his tracks as quickly as his reflexes would allow, waiting to hear if the lead called for anyone to return to the starting line.

Points Accumulated-- 5/15

skyclan - male - 24 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

Cherrypaw twists her ears back. She'd never been good good at stealth, with her flaming orange patches standing out in Leaf-bare and brilliant white pelt calling her out in Greenleaf. Not to mention her lack of motivation to be stealthy anyway, a skill she saw fit for cowards and weaklings rather than the brilliant fighter she was becoming under Slate's tutelage. Still, it'd look even more poorly on her to simply walk away than fail, so with a roll of her shoulders and eyes, she settles down at the starting point.

At Johnnyflame's call, she immediately darts into the scraggly undergrowth, cursing the little twigs and bits that dug through her silken pelt. She bites back a hiss, but in the effort of doing so snaps a twig underpaw. Embarrassment bristles along her spine as she turns to meet the lead warrior's gaze. Petal-touched eyes narrow defiantly, as though daring him to spar her to see what would happen if somone really caught her, but she gives up her position soon enough without a fight. "Ugh, so what," the calico huffs towards any would-be detractors as she slinks back off towards the starting line. I don't need this anyway.

ooc: fast (1), got caught (8)! 0/15 points​
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(OOC-for clarification, if you fail you arent 'out' you just have to start over at the starting line/lose their points. Feel free to have them try again if you want to!)
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