sensitive topics 'tis but a flesh wound - [ FOX ]


shadowclan warrior
Mar 21, 2024
you can count on me

(tw: bones breaking)

The hunting patrol was going nicely, each of them had caught at least one piece of prey so far. The sun wasn't too hot, the breeze was faint, what else could an old guy ask for? He huffed a quiet chuckle at the thought. Hemlocknose had caught a toad and a frog. Maybe I'll teach the kits the difference between the two... he mused to himself. The senior warrior suddenly stopped, a prickle of unease rising the fur on his neck. Even past the prey in his maw, another smell wafted toward them upon the change in the wind.

"Fox!" He called, dropping the prey in an instant. The large canid made itself known with a snarl, eyes narrowed on the ticked tabby warrior before it. The prey scent must've lured it in! he thought. He lashed out a paw with a hiss, catching the beast's muzzle. A yip of pain and an arc of blood proved him successful. Hemlocknose looked frantically for his patrol mates. He could hold his own, but there was no chance he was fighting this fox alone. As if to prove that fact true, the fox took his distracted moment to lunge for his hind leg. The pain was blinding, the teeth crunching down on his leg. He screeched and twisted desperately, swiping blindly at anything to get this fox off his leg.

// @BLOODPAW @LIVIDSMOKE @mirepurr But no need to wait!
  • Sad

It is always pleasant to accompany someone like Hemlocknose; plenty of experience under his belt, and even more stories to tell, if one knows how to ask for it. Mirepurr would certainly make their best attempt at it when they're back at camp. Yapping too much would only result in everyone dropping their hard-earned prey back into the mud.

Mirepurr falls in gentle line with the rest of the patrol. Their flank feels almost airy without Plumpaw there, having gotten entirely too used to a 'paw trailing after them, but the time off is appreciated anyhow. Bloodpaw makes up for it — though she is far enough in her apprenticeship to almost count as a warrior by now, anyway. One or two hunting patrols like this will surely only serve to make Smogstar's eyes glimmer with a burst of approval when it's time for her ceremony. Mirepurr definitely feels that way themself.

The wind caresses their cheek, tangles their whiskers as they plaster against the fur under their eyes, and...


Blood freezes within Mirepurr's veins. Perhaps if they stand still and without another intake of breath, reality would shift into something easier to handle... but Hemlocknose speaks next, and confirms their terror.

Their catch drops between their paws and remains forgotten. That russet fur emerges from the cover of trees, and Mirepurr's pelt fluffs itself further out of fear, rather than an attempt at intimidation. With luck, it would act as both.. but the snap of ivory fangs is an eerie reminder that the fox does not plan on stepping down anytime soon.

Mirepurr follows Hemlocknose into battle — they are entirely unwilling, but they would be hard-pressed to abandon their Clanmates in the throes of battle. The senior warrior arrives first, and Mirepurr is too slow- the crunch of bone is ear-shattering. "Hemlocknose!"

Despite everything in their body despising all this, Mirepurr finds a snarl emitting from themself. It is entirely on instinct, a certain drive to protect, growing as they take the mantle of deputy.

"Try to overwhelm it!" they suggest with one last desperate glance thrown to the others; Lividsmoke can be vicious, but young... is he up to the challenge? And Bloodpaw is still precious in her youth. Mirepurr meets the fox head-on, claws fully intending to launch an onslaught onto that sleek face in hopes of the damage being enough to release Hemlocknose's leg.
  • Wow

Eleven moons ago, blood had been cast upon the snow-dappled ground and five lives had been saved at the cost of one. She had never met Sprucepaw, but her hero's legacy had been repeated over and over, never to be forgotten. It was a story that had shaped her life, all the cinnamon tabby desired to do was help others and be the best warrior she could be in the other's name - a thank you for everything.

Now, Bloodpaw found herself in the same situation. Just shy of being a warrior, she found herself staring down the beast that had nearly killed her once. With snapping teeth and dirt-crusted claws, its danger was well-known. At Hemlock's call, she hesitated, eyes growing wide as the creature latched onto the warrior's hind leg. 'I don't want to meet you yet.' Sprucepaw was holier than StarClan, a figure to look up to, but someone long dead. Would she say the same if she engaged the fox?

She... she didn't want to die. Mirepurr's cry rang in her ears and Lividsmoke's advice from time long past followed, though she knew it to be naught but a memory. 'Avoid its jaws.' Hemlocknose made a noise and the auburn fur of the apprentice bristled like an angry tiger's. She didn't want to die. But she couldn't live knowing she'd done nothing to help her clanmate. That wasn't what a hero would do. That wasn't what Sprucepaw would do.

"Get off of my clanmate, Ratbreath." Her snarl was guttural as if the idea of being a coward had ignited a tinder within her heart. Bloodpaw leaped forwards and aimed to land upon its back, unsheathed claws raking down the russet creature's spine if she could.


All they cared about was that the hunt had gone well this far with leafbare creeping closer every mouth that could be feed would help them later on when times would become difficult and brutal. Lividsmoke wonderd how many would had survived by the end of it all, remembering quite well how many had fallen when they had been a kit, even as an young apprentice. This leafbare surely wouldn't be any more merciful.

The sudden yowl coming from Hemlocknose was enough to catch their attention. Fox, again?. Lividsmoke dropt all preys they had captured this hunt as their eyes widen by the sight of the fox storming out towards them. It hadn't been that long ago they had encountred one of this beasts, unlikely it was the same one but still it was nothing but bad luck to encounter one again so soon. Lividsmoke locked their gaze on the enemy, grateful over to at least have backup this time. If the absolute worst would happen it would be most unlikely them to face it this time around.

The fox went for Hemlocknose, the oldest of them all which most likely was the reason as well for the attack. Predators always attacked the weakest. Mirepurr already had taken the lead to give out the commands. Overwhelm it. Thier deputy went for the fox face, and Bloodpaw picked the back as the target to go for. Now what about them?. Lividsmoke slide out their claws, not waiting long to join their clanmates as they aimed to bite into the fox back ankle knowing it would hurt alot. If Mirepurr's attack wasn't enough to let go of Hemlocknose's leg then surely thier attack would be more successful. All they needed to remember was to keep away from the jaws.

Never let the teeths reach them no matter what.

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you can count on me

(tw, mention of nausea and broken limb)

The world became a haze, pain clouding his vision. He can hear Mirepurr sending orders, and for a split second, he thought, They were the right choice, before he hit the ground and was knocked back to reality. His leg burned, pulsated, with every movement as he attempted to drag himself away from the fox. StarClan, help them!

Hemlocknose managed to pull himself at least partially under the cover of a bush nearby, and he was lucky there even was one. He spared a look at his leg, and the sight nearly made him retch on the spot. It was hardly recognizable, mangled and twisted. He couldn't help but wonder if Starlingheart even could fix something like that. Unlikely.