TITAN OF TIME | whitedawn

The day's patrol beneath the earth was done and with the sun beginning to flee, there was an undeniable frigidness to the air that made it seem like greenleaf was still a way's away. It was a feeling he would cherish whilst he could, fur as thick as brambles was hardly of any comfort as the temperatures began to rise. Within WindClan however, there was a shallow understanding that he was not the only one who suffered with the heat. As he pushed his way out of the tunnels, Sootspot was aware of a dainty presence behind him, Whitedawn. He moved a mere hare length way from the burrow before he spotted a pair of pink eyes adjusting to the light... they'd been the last of the patrol to leave the tunnels, weren't they? He stepped in front of the albino she-cat, his tail lashing in greetings. She was similar to Snakehiss in the chartreuse eyes of the chimera - both creatures that clung onto his more impressionable family members like burrs. It had bothered him immensely a time ago, but with the distance between himself and his siblings growing larger than the stretch of the moors, there was a numbness to the idea now that created room for different speculations. Sootspot cocked his head. "Sorry, was I in your way?"

He imagined there were few places the other needed to be other than Addervenom's side, and his little brother could wait. Sootspot moved awkwardly as if trying to get out of Whitedawn's way before, suddenly, he planted himself in it once more. The glint in his eyes that suggested it was intentional disappeared in a blink. His ears flattened gently, the tufted tips ruffled by a breeze that nipped through camp. "Actually, whilst I have your attention... if you would be so kind as to indulge a curiosity of mine..." Her glare had lasted only a second a few days ago, but he'd memorised it, searched for the perfect opportunity to confront her about it. An ambush after a patrol was hardly the best time when both parties were tired, but with the pair moving in different circles, it would have to do. Allowing his voice to become hushed, the Tunneler wouldn't wait for Whitedawn's permission to talk any further - he was a would-be king, and such grandiose creatures did not need consent to talk to their would-be subjects. "It is about your affiliation with Snakehiss."


Since Spotpaw was taken, Whitedawn took to her tunneling duties with a heavy heart. She tried to distract herself from her grief by focusing on her duties, helping Mouseflight, and caring for the kits. Today was a quiet patrol, simple tunnel maintenance. By the time the patrol ended, Whitedawn had been one of the last to ascend from the tunnels, rose-hues adjusting to light. She blinked and gave a greeting nod to Sootspot as the tom maneuvered in front of her, not paying the older tom much attention- at first. His words reached her ears, ivory limbs twitching as she turned to him, blinking. "No- It's fine." She muttered and went to move past only to find her path blocked, causing her to squint at the dual-hued tom. "Wha..?" She inquired quietly before blinking at his sudden question. "Huh?" Whitedawn started, staring at her friend's older brother with confusion. "Affiliation? With Snakehiss? What are you even talking about?" She questioned him in turn with a huff.

"Apologies, did I stutter?" Wide eyes blinked innocuously as he tilted his head towards her. Whitedawn repeated his words back to him, declaring her innocence, lying so blatantly to his face that he almost had to respect the albino she-cat. She was affiliated with Snakehiss by virtue of being his blood - an inescapable bond that, if the clan didn't ignore when dealing with Sootspot, he would not let Whitedawn ignore either when talking about her own kin. His tail swayed and coiled behind him like a snake, the toothiness to his smile a similar reminder to the cold-blooded reptile. "I would like to know more about it. You are, respectfully, an easy cat to ignore, but it is always the quiet ones that have some motive for their silence... motives conveniently forgotten by the rest of WindClan." Periwinklebreeze, timid as he was, served as another example of a cat who'd hidden the worst parts of themselves until they knew they would be rewarded for it. Had he more empathy, he'd have realised how he could relate, but that emotional pathway had long closed for fear of more betrayal.

Only friends could betray, after all, enemies were those you expected to hurt you. The verdict was out on what Whitedawn was, certainly not a friend, not quite an enemy. "Is your treacherous cousin your reason? I can keep a secret... if it is."

Whitedawn had very few interactions with Sootspot before this, practically none if she was honest beyond basic patrol duties. And she respected him, both as an older tunneler and as the elder brother of her friends. So she was, admittedly, confused about what the point of this nonsense of a conversation was. Narrowing her rose-colored eyes, she stared at the tom. "'My motives?'" She quoted his words in a near-incredulous tone. "I have no idea what exactly you're insinuating, but my motives are to live and pursue a happy life, with Windclan thriving." She huffed. "As for Snakehiss, his involvement in this conversation is redundant as it is, his choices are his own and play no part in mine." Whitedawn would never see eye to eye with Snakehiss, but she never needed his influence for any of her choices, estranged as they were.