titles and other things [bobbie]



OOC- This takes place before the sickness in camp/border issues with Thunderclan/Yukio :)

Like clockwork, with the dawns light filtering through the treetops, Johnnyflame made his way through the gap in the brambles and entered the hollow they called camp. The bobtail paused to give his short, stocky frame a stretch, and then made his way over to the freshkill pile to drop the vole he'd been carrying atop the rest.

It was lovely day, all things considered. The air was still in the process of properly heating up, which meant that the warmth in the air hadn't yet reached a density that left them feeling muggy. It was the perfect time to do some physical activity before the clan would be forced to slow down from the summer heat, and since it looked like the dawn patrols had already gone out, Johnny decided to get some training in instead.

"Anyone want to head over to the rockpile with me to practice footwork?" the tom called out in his lightly accented voice, tone bright as molten sunshine eyes gazed around expectantly.

Surely someone wanted to train and hang out, right?

OOC- @bobbie

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✿—— it startled bobbie occasionally when the daylight warriors flooded in as dawn broke, on time nearly every day (most of them anyways), arriving just as pinkish light brushed the edges of the pines. she wasn't on a dawn patrol on this particular day, as much as she might have liked to be—though she's new to warriorhood, she's trying to get as much experience as she can. that, and she enjoys it already, in its own way; orangeblossom had been right, that it was exhausting but .... what had she said? fulfilling. she's resting in camp until she can find something to do, be it someone willing for a training session or hunting practice—she still hasn't yet made her first catch, and perhaps she's expecting too much, but she feels like she's close to making it.

johnnyflame's voice ringing out is music to her ears—not only is the lead warrior one of the (few) cheerier cats making up blazestar's council, he's one she doesn't know that well. perhaps that can change today. "i'd be happy to. nice vole, by the way," she replies to his call, padding over with a smile and a tip of the head towards the fresh-kill pile. it is a nice vole. the rockpile's a popular spot for hunting, rightfully so, and she can always use practice on just about anything. that, and johnnyflame's a lead warrior—she imagines he has some skills on top of his chipper demeanour to have earned the rank; perhaps she can learn something from him.

"i can use practice on anything right n-now," she mews once they've started off towards the rockpile, twitching her half-tail and minding her paws. right now, it's a pleasantly temperate greenleaf morning; everything is right in the world, and nothing has yet happened to dampen her mood. "i haven't made my first catch yet," she confides with a mild embarassment, flicking one ear, adding, "i'm hopeful, though. as long as i keep practicing, i guess i'll get i-it eventually."


  • ooc: ——
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu



To his surprise, the cat who was first to answer was none other than Bobbie, and Johnnys expression was quick to betray his eager surprise, all too happy to train with Skyclans newest warrior-in-training. She was one of those cats he'd knew of but had never actually spent much one-on-one time with, which was really a shame when he thought about it because Bobbie really was one of the sweeter cats the clan had to offer. He was glad to see that she'd taken an interest in warrior duties, if only because it meant he might actually have a chance to get to know her better- something that was difficult to do when their main jobs had been so different before.

"Thanks! Ran into the wee bugger on my way in and thought I'd stop to snatch him up for someones breakfast." he replied, pausing to scratch at a striped ear as he spoke.

Johnny never bothering to eat any of the prey he caught for himself. He didn't see the point when he had a full bowl of food waiting for him at home- better it go to a fulltime Skyclanner who didn't have the option to indulge in the same benefits.

"Gotta say, I'm excited to be training with you, Bobbie. You always seemed like the kind of cat I'd get along with, but we haven't had much of an excuse to just team up like this." the bobtail mused as the pair slipped out of camp and made for the rockpile. "Though to be fair you made one hell of a Queen, so I can't complain all that much knowing you were lookin' out for the clans young."

Orangeblossom and Bobbie had became familiar faces in the nursery, shecats that Johnny had come to admire for their ability to care for the clans young. He couldn't imagine how difficult it must be to stay in den all day surrounding by little bundles of fur- especially ones that fought as much as Plague and Cherry did. And that was coming from a cat who was truly fond of the younger generation, having made multiple visits to the kits to bring gifts or to just give the queens a break by distracting them for a few hours. Maybe it spoke to his own levels of immaturity, but Johnny always found himself having fun kicking around a mossball or being mobbed as the 'evil rogue' in a wrestling match.

To have the patience and instinct to do all that and more full time though? That took a special kind of cat.

"Ah, no worries. You'll definitely get it down." Johnny replied with a dismissive twitch of an ear and an easy grin settling on his muzzle as they walked.

"Took me weeks to make my first kill. My paws were so soft that I was coming back with scratches and slivers every other day- had to start covering them in pine sap until they calloused over on their own." he mused, remembering fondly how Thistleback had found him, feet in the air waiting to dry, oversaturated in tree sap with patches of fur stuck up in sticky, tangled knots.

"It's probably still my weakest skill, but I catch more often than I miss these days. We can definitely work on it at some point when we get there." he agreed, happy to do whatever, so long as it was productive and keeping him busy.

"So, how do like being a warrior so far?"


✿—— she smiles unabashedly at johnnyflame as they head out of camp—there's something about the bobtail that's just innately welcoming. clearly he'd been a good choice to round out blazestar's council, one made up of cats that were formidable but not always the most personable; two of the taller lead warriors certainly came to mind there. somebody has to balance out the ragdoll himself, she supposes, since he tends to be on the friendlier side; what i wouldn't give to be a bird in a tree for one of those meetings, she think with faint amusement, envisioning the discussions that must ensure between such a cast of characters. "thanks. i'm h-hoping to meet some more cats now that i'm out of camp," the tabby replies with a trace of humor, "we had quite a lot of kits in the nursery for a while there,"

"it was always nice to have you take the k-kits for a game, too," she adds as they pad along, falling silent to listen to the lead warrior's words. she's happy to take guidance, tips, anything really from any cat who will offer them—she's never exactly been the prideful type. the tabby nods in amusement and mews, "mine are starting to callous on their own—i think chasing the kits around for s-so long gave me a leg up."

she nods in reply to his words and pauses, considering. "i like it," she begins, adding, "it's like - i don't know, finally having a purpose. i love my kits, but i wouldn't want to b-be a queen forever. i'm learning how to do things on my own, how to fight and hunt, and it's very fulfilling," she confides, adding with mingled humor and embarassment, "not that i'm good at any of that yet."


  • ooc: ——
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu



"Yeah, the kits are fun all right- I remember the first time I brought a little garden snake in to teach them a lesson on the buggers, and Cherrykit all but lost her mind. All girl, that one," he chuckled , the words falling from his maw with fondness. "How long do you think it'll be before all that arguing between her and Plague turns into a crush?" he asked, brow lifting as he sent Bobbie a scandelous side-glance that was clearly meant to be playful.

At the mention of having found a purpose, Johnnyflame found himself easily able to relate, even if he wasn't coming from exactly the same place.

"Aye, I know what you mean. Twolegs and kits are far from the same, but until Thistleback found me sitting on the fence that day, all I'd ever known was protecting my housefolk and keepin' em happy. I still love em and want to do those thing, but it's like you said; being with Skyclan is fulfilling. Makes me feel like I'm making a difference instead of wasting my life away waitin' fer trouble to find me."

Johnny knew he'd had a good life. He was loved and taken care of, given the freedom to come and go as he wanted- everything a kittypet could ever want out of life. And he'd been happy, really he had been, but after following that piebald raven with the silver eyes into the pine forest, he'd discovered a whole new part of himself he hadn't even realized was begging to be let free. And now that Johnnyflame was out, there was no putting him back in. He'd never again just be 'Johnny, defender of gardens', not when the forest called to him so clearly now.

"Give it time, you'll get there. Besides, it not like you have to perfect every skill. Slate looks about as comfortable in a tree as a fish does, and for a healer Dawnglare has the bedside manner of a porcupine. But they're both still great Skyclanners."


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